I’m delighted to see that more and more people are openly questioning the “safe and effective” narrative pushed by governments and corporations. A few days ago, in a podcast featuring Mike Rowe and Gavin de Becker, they discussed why there is a dramatic rise in deaths among young, fit, healthy people.
For those unaware, Mike Rowe is the well-known host of Discovery Channel’s show Dirty Jobs, and Gavin de Becker is an American author and security specialist who has worked for governments, large corporations, and public figures.
One of the significant points they discuss is the dramatic rise in deaths among young, fit, healthy people. This isn’t just a minor increase—it's a staggering 40% excess mortality rate. Rowe and de Becker refer to Edward Dowd's book, Cause Unknown, which highlights these alarming statistics. As they point out, these are individuals who were healthy enough to work and not in hospitals. So why are they dying in such numbers?
Another interesting topic they touched on is the smallpox vaccine. Depending on where you look, you’ll find conflicting information. While some sources claim it’s safe and effective, others warn against it. As de Becker puts it, there’s no consensus, yet the phrase "safe and effective" gets thrown around carelessly. If we can't agree on something as historically pivotal as the smallpox vaccine, how can we blindly trust newer vaccines?
They also discussed the CDC's role in the vaccine business. They argue that the CDC isn't just about health and safety; it’s also deeply involved in scaring people and then offering the solution. It’s a cycle meant to control us. As Gavin observes, “the people in power in general are in the business of saying, 'we'll take care of it.' Right. We scare you first … the witch doctor saying, 'oh, you have the snake in your soul, and only these beads,' and he shakes it and he scares you, and you listen.” Gavin further states something that most of us agree with: “The CDC is in the vaccine business.”
Many people might not know this, but Mike Rowe used to endorse Tylenol. Over time, he began to realize some uncomfortable truths about pharmaceutical products. It’s a wake-up call for many of us—if someone like Rowe, who once trusted and promoted these products, can have doubts, perhaps we should scrutinize these things more closely.
Signing off for now
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