Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thanks for all your efforts Aussie17.

One thing which is now becoming obvious is that most people only even START doubting the narrative after they have been personally affected (e.g. Dr Phillip J. Buckhaults).

To everyone who asks "How is it possible NO ONE noticed what is going on?"

It is like the old joke - "What is the difference between a recession and a depression? When your brother-in-law loses his job, it is a recession. If you lose your job, it is a depression"

And people who caught on unfortunately started attributing EVERY health problem to the vaccine - which doesn't make sense because people did have health problems even before COVID19.

I still think the rate of death is only around 1-in-100K doses. It is high enough to be ridiculous and unacceptable (especially when the medical establishment was proposing a multi-dose regimen). But it is not high enough to be obvious to regular people who just want to move on with their lives.

I was actually wondering if the Pharma industry was going to get away with it even a few days back, because the rate of serious injury is not as high as some vaccine skeptics claim.

But it looks like we are about to enter "COVID19 Hysteria Phase 2" in the West?

On the one hand, it would be really bizarre if Pharma gets caught mainly because they wanted to steal from the cookie jar one final time.

On the other hand, it also does make sense, if you consider the "forward momentum" created by the "fiduciary duties" you have described in this article :-)

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I didn't read any fiction in your text. Did I? ; )

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no fiction!

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

TBH, I am sitting here and thinking, if you would not give it to people under fifty. Why in hell would you give it to anyone, the data shows clearly that anyone who takes it is looking more likely to be an excess mortality statistic. A true turn around is where they declare it is dangerous for everyone as we are all aware. I am watching vaxxed acquaintances being diagnosed with all manner of illnesses they should not have, shingles, heart problems, turbo cancers, cognitive issues. No turn around if its not a complete one.

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risk benefit profile is different... especially in the older age group.

For example if someone is 80... they are expected to live for another 5-10 years, but with covid, they might die within a year, and with vaccinations, maybe they will die 2-3 years later with mycarditis... so maybe its better to vaccinate.

Just a dumb example to illustrate this.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Yea I hear you, I look at it this way, high turnover of beds equals more profit. The icing on the cake is nobody can be accused of wrong doing when they vaccinate despite the risk to the patient because the vaccinations are "safe and effective" and don't kill people.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Aussie17

it's revelations for some and evolution for others.

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I wish them all to be bitten by the asp they upheld as Saviour. Turbo c for 'em all, the quislings.

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i understand where that sentiment come from after losing all my livelihood etc but i try not to

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