Business review meetings in Pharma offer a captivating experience for outsiders, particularly when engaging in high-level business discussions. Here's a glimpse into what unfolds during these gatherings. They typically consist of two pivotal acts.
Let me share it with you through my hilarious and sarcastic lens (but with plenty of truths - I just struggle to write without injecting some humour, and that's entirely my fault. You'll just need to read between the lines!).
The First Act.
The first act usually involves evaluating our current performance against our forecast. To illustrate, let's consider the scenario of selling COVID vaccines. Suppose you committed to delivering $100 million in 2022 but only managed to reach $90 million; this is the juncture where a slew of excuses come into play. These excuses manifest in various forms, and here are a few examples:
The regulatory agency delayed our approval by X months due to controversies surrounding vaccinations and public perception, among other factors. We need to spend some money to oil the wheels of the Regulatory Process.
We were unable to secure the appropriate subsidized price due to government budget cuts.
The disease is spreading at a rate lower than our initial projections.
Doctors are frequently misdiagnosing the disease, often mistaking it for the flu instead of COVID. This predicament has prompted discussions about increasing our engagement with CNN to enhance the accuracy of diagnosis.
In some segments of the population, there remains a belief in more cost-effective treatments like generic Ivermectin from India. To address this, we are considering running more aggressive campaigns and enlisting additional "Key Opinion Leaders" to counteract this perception.
Of course, when you deliver $110 million, the first act transforms into a self-congratulatory meeting where everyone pats themselves on the back and exchanges awards with one another.

The Second Act.
The second act is where you make new promises for the upcoming year. For instance, if you sold $100 million worth of vaccines the previous year, your boss typically expects you to sell more in a growing market. If the market is projected to grow at 10% due to factors like population growth, disease expansion, and increased awareness, you'd naturally expect $110 million worth of sales in the following year. However, your boss will be anticipating you to exceed $110 million because the additional 10% growth in sales isn't solely your doing (it's market dynamics). They'll always want you to outperform the market. After all, why are they shelling out the big bucks to employ you? It's not just for your charming personality!
So, if the market grows by 10%, you'd be expected to pull in $120 million, which is 10% above organic market growth. This is how you prove your worth to the company.
This is where the aggressive marketing strategies and tactics come into play:
We'll have to implement an annual price increase due to rampant inflation.
We need to capture the Ivermectin market because 20% of the population still believes in it.
Let's design some some studies to prove that shots are required every 6 months instead of annually so we can double our sales. (you didn’t think they’ll spent money to prove that the vaccines offer long term protection, did you?)
We must secure approval for vaccination in the baby/toddler market before our competitors do.
We'll need to deploy more social media influencers because the trend is shifting towards social media. Apparently, the cool kids are all on social media these days especially if you hold a cute dog!
These are just a few examples of the discussions that take place behind the scenes. Naturally, there are many more topics to cover, such as promotions, salary increases, and administrative matters. If you are interested, you can find additional details here.
More U-Turns???
It looks like another cardiologist (Dr. Anish Koka) made a U-Turn. You can head over to the Rav Arora’s substack below to read it.
“I would not give it to low risk people again…that was a mistake on my part.”
- Dr. Anish Koka
Just a few weeks ago I mentioned that Dr. Kári Stefánsson U-Turn is shook a bunch of cardiologists (Read it here).
The dominoes keeps falling in one direction!
Recently, another respected American physician and prominent cancer researcher, Dr. Wafik El-Deiry, shared his perspective. He expressed some reservations about getting a fifth shot without further studies, noting that he didn't have the same feeling after his fourth vaccination. Back in the '90s, he was one of the most-cited researchers, thanks to groundbreaking discoveries like identifying the DNA binding site for the p53 tumor suppressor and WAF1. These findings have had a profound impact on the field of cancer science.
It’s also fascinating to see Dr Phillip J. Buckhaults going through this journey.
Phillip also revealed that he had a near-death experience and is currently researching the underlying cause. It's reassuring to witness scientists like Dr. Wafik and Dr. Phillip openly questioning aspects of vaccination.
Many people are curious about why these respected scientists have taken multiple shots, even up to four doses. I have my perspective on this matter, and I'll delve into it in a future article (so don't forget to subscribe!).
For now, let's refresh our U-Turn™ tracker! It's crucial to emphasize that the U-Turn Tracker⟨™⟩ is not meant to embarrass anyone on the list. Instead, I'm simply using it as an unbiased tool to objectively monitor the changing status of the mRNA narrative, which has been shifting over time. It’s a habit of mine to monitor Key Opinion Leaders and Influencers because hard data usually takes years to crystalize and this is the next best way to a sense of shift.
Additionally, please be aware that not all of these shifts are outright U-Turns; some could be considered J-Turns, and some are just simply became more vocal than before. Whether it's a subtle shift in perspective or a complete reversal, it's important to acknowledge that they represent a narrative change. Please do not use this list to embarass anyone, we need to come together to search for truth.
Dr. Anish Koka
Dr. Wafik El-Deiry
Dr Phillip J. Buckhaults
To Aravind from Vaccine Data Science: I will add a date later, Be sure to check out Aravind’s substack if you are a data nerd!
Signing off for now!
PS: Can you believe it? ALL my posts are free! I'm not charging you a single penny for this fabulous content. So, if you'd like to keep this freebie train chugging along and motivate me to keep the creative juices flowing, do me a solid and hit that share button! Your support is my fuel!
Thanks for all your efforts Aussie17.
One thing which is now becoming obvious is that most people only even START doubting the narrative after they have been personally affected (e.g. Dr Phillip J. Buckhaults).
To everyone who asks "How is it possible NO ONE noticed what is going on?"
It is like the old joke - "What is the difference between a recession and a depression? When your brother-in-law loses his job, it is a recession. If you lose your job, it is a depression"
And people who caught on unfortunately started attributing EVERY health problem to the vaccine - which doesn't make sense because people did have health problems even before COVID19.
I still think the rate of death is only around 1-in-100K doses. It is high enough to be ridiculous and unacceptable (especially when the medical establishment was proposing a multi-dose regimen). But it is not high enough to be obvious to regular people who just want to move on with their lives.
I was actually wondering if the Pharma industry was going to get away with it even a few days back, because the rate of serious injury is not as high as some vaccine skeptics claim.
But it looks like we are about to enter "COVID19 Hysteria Phase 2" in the West?
On the one hand, it would be really bizarre if Pharma gets caught mainly because they wanted to steal from the cookie jar one final time.
On the other hand, it also does make sense, if you consider the "forward momentum" created by the "fiduciary duties" you have described in this article :-)
I didn't read any fiction in your text. Did I? ; )