Jan 15, 2023Liked by Aussie17

I love your articles!

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Aussie17

I have another question, what in your opinion is going to happen when the SHTF - considering something like 65% of the world's population have taken this jab? Are there going to be riots outside government and pharma buildings? Will there be trials? Will the vaxx-injured be able to testify in a court of law? Will Pfizer and Moderna topple? And will support for other cutting-edge mRNA treatments continue? What do you believe will happen?

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Its hard to speculate but yes I believe most things will cease to exist in their current form (big pharma, mass media, healthcare, regulatory, even governments).

side effects and deaths to accelerate. lots of class action suits against private and public organizations.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thank you for this post. I must say that I have stopped reading the (alternative) news now and unfollowed quite a few twitter accounts because the constant barrage of deaths (esp. young people) has become traumatic for me. I wake up each morning wondering who will be next.

If you are in the know about these 'vaccines' and many people have been suspicious right from the start, it is very, very hard to see these events unfolding, knowing that it could have been stopped but wasn't. Sometimes I wish I was completely oblivious to it all and happily getting on with my life.

What makes me mad are the people defending the jabs on social media who have absolutely no evidence they are safe. One doctor wrote: "well, all my colleagues have been jabbed and I look around and they are all fine" so therefore they thought the whole world was fine. It's so unprofessional and idiotic but they hide behind their M.D. badges knowing that people will think that if a doctor said it, they MUST be safe.

I am so grateful for this substack as it exposes the truth about the indoctrination of healthcare professionals, the very ones we put our complete faith in. I think everyone needs to read this stuff, then people will not be so easily duped into injecting something they have absolutely NO idea about into their own bodies. Of course, it is much more complex than this, with pharma, the media and government doing their bit to spread the fear, and vilify the non-compliant, but you have also done a great job of highlighting their connected role in all of this shit and I just pray that this madness is all going to end soon and the vaccines get withdrawn.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thanks for the SA insights and the excellent summary. (Note the typo of Kerryn Phelps in your list.)

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Terrific summary. Agreed, Crime State narrative control has broken.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thank you.

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I love to share (gift) these so very important, alarming information to friends and family, co-workers etc since January 2021. But NONE of them want to hear a single word that I have to say. After they have all taken the 2 shots, they all replied, "Covid is behind me now". As much as I would like to share some "anti-narrative" info, I do not know How? I basically lost all my friends & relatives during the latter part of 2020, the entire year of 2021 & 2022. Now that most of these people have stopped boasting about their jabs, we start to reconnect - but please do not address the elephant in the room. In other words, I think a lot of people have this concern that they may be on the wrong boat, but then as long as, "I see nothing, speak nothing and hear nothing", nothing will happen to me. I think that is their attitude. So along with the hard evidence, I think people are more open to (although secretly) receive info on "remedies".

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As an early Resister, a fledgling Refusenik, an Unclotted Non Vaxxer, I'm not ready for people to stop dieing. Especially not that group of "used to be friends" that attempted group shaming & shunned me, leaving me alone against a worldwide PsychWar on Normal. Nope, too many Righteous Vaxxers still alive. Sweat it, bitches, I hope you're next. This IS a New World, it's Us versus The Elites. Things are gonna get downright Medieval 🤡 & I'm a mofo clown killer now😑

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mate, I can understand that feeling. I lost almost everything in the last 2+ years. Friends, family and ex-colleagues think I’ve gone nuts! but the truth is coming out

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