More and more things are coming out and... nothing happens. The 2030 agenda goes on undisturbed. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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It should be deagel 2025?

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What are Big Pharma’s top 2 Research and Development subjects?

Vaccines and Oncology

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They go together hand in glove.

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Also heart disease. Trifecta.

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Mar 12Liked by Aussie17

What I'm confused about are the claims that these injections don't actually contain mRNA at all, but other nano stuff. We know GMP was not adhered to so variations possible which could account for these findings. Also, the nature of the contracts allows for changes to contents without requiring any regulatory approval processes whatsoever. My view is they have used the EUA to experiment in different ways, hence the massive adverse reactions. What they are hoping to achieve? Does anyone still believe innoculation against a virus or could it be genetic manipulation, hooking us up to the cloud, giving people cancers so they can experiment some more with new vaccines - is it all of them?

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It’s important to recognize that there was no pandemic, no public health emergency, no evidence of anything spreading.

Therefore, nothing was the appropriate response.

Not lockdowns followed by a “rushed vaccine”.

These are not vaccines.

They’re gene based poisons, masquerading as vaccines.

It doesn’t even matter if they don’t make “spike proteins”, whatever the origin is of such a sequence.

They need only prompt your cells to manufacture a non self polypeptide sufficiently immunogenic & your immune system will do the rest, by launching fatal attacks upon every cell in your body that has followed the malign instructions.

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I didn't realise it was all BS and went along with the restrictions for a few months and then fell down a rabbit hole about how the PCR test was made, computer generated as no "real virus" to be found, plus reading studies on this technique killing animal subjects. Therefore, I didn't get any doses. However, nearly all friends and family did. Some have had bad infections since, needing antibiotics, seem fine for the moment. How can you tell anyone they've got a ticking time bomb in them which may explode at anytime unless you have the bomb disposal lads who can remove the detonator right by your side when you inform them? Is anyone working on this? Is it impossible to disable any of this?

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Mar 14Liked by Aussie17

I am not up to speed with efforts to find antidotes. My hope is that most who are still uninvited might have got away with it. But I cannot guarantee it.

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I meant “uninjured”, apologies (not uninvited)

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Dr. Yeadon, are you able to confirm if Dr. Peter McCullough's spike protein detox actually works? Thank you in advance.

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24Liked by Aussie17

Unfortunately I cannot.

I don’t think any clinical trials have been conducted.

If I’m wrong I will correct this comment.

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I appreciate your reply, thank you.

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

Adding to this revelation was finding out about the HIV/AIDS scam, which the propaganda didn't just affect gay men, but anyone who wasn't married, in a proper, committed, long term relationship, which affected those seeking new ones, myself falling into this category after marriage break down. I only read the playbook 3 years ago on all immunology from Jenner with smallpox to Polio, Spanish flu, and up today. All BS.

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Which work is this (by Jenner)?

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Sorry, I’m asking about the playbook… is there an author who puts it together?

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Dr Yeadon- Sage Hana on Substance is urgently trying to reach you if you haven’t spoken already. God Speed.

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I meant to say on Substack 🙏

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Thank you 🙏

We’re turning in early here!

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We are in touch 😊

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Thank you dr yeadon. Needs to be made clear

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He is talking about the pieces of bacterial plasmid DNA in the vials from the manufacturing process. These pieces ride into the cell nucleus on the spike protein. Where transfection integrates them into the DNA. The MRNA is the instruction to the cells to made the spike protein. It has been designed to be long lasting and unnaturally durable RNA. So they have forced DNA from a E. coli bacteria to become part of human DNA. This is completely unnatural and will lead to mutations in the cells. So if it seems that vaccinated folks are different, it’s because they ARE different now. They have created a new human subspecies that has little chance of long term survival.

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I've read this three times today. Every time I read it, it hits harder.

Dr. Bakdi and Dr. Yeadon two I admire and follow.

But Lawrence, thank God for you for putting it into understanding.

Although I wish I didn't.

It is overwhelmingly a nightmare....Satan must be dancing with glee now.

Soon, no one will be "perfect in their generations".

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Yup - Satan is having a party right now.

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Yes, I know about the process 2, growing in E. coli. I'm wondering about the other stuff too, and do realise how dreadful these findings are. Is this happening with Moderna processes also? Just about everyone I know took them, including AZ, here in UK. And, after failing to persuade them to not take them, would anyone listen to these revelations that their end is nigh - would you want to know? I'm not sure I would, however, this crime against humanity needs to be revealed.

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Not sure about Moderna. It is MRNA technology so it most likely has similar issues. The crimes will be revealed as this evolves. Justice will be served. It will be up to us (the unvaccinated) to make it happen. As the deaths accelerate and increase in number it will be obvious to everyone what has been done and who is responsible. I envision vigilante justice and peoples' courts hearing cases and punishing the criminals. Many of the criminals will be killed by the injections and will cheat the hang man. In my mind, ANYONE involved in this genocide must to be brought to justice. I did a post on this quite awhile back that expands on my thoughts of what needs to happen and who it needs to happen to. https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/will-there-be-room-in-argentina-for?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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U have forgotten to include Trump. He was the one approving operation wrap speed allowing pharma to escape from liabilities.

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I haven’t forgotten. I want to know what he knew and when he knew it. No one gets a pass on genocide.

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I am still waiting for more things to be exposed on theses gene therapy shots that the media could not cover up anymore. It is a big issue now since those police and armed forces have taken those shots. If you knew you are being weirdo stuffs. Would u continue protecting those that gave u those weirdo shots?

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Moderna is largely flying under the radar, for now. Since Moderna is truly an in-house creation of the DOD, there is not telling what is going on in those vials

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And UK government along with others investing in Moderna. Dr Makis wrote an article on how pharma are now all buying up genetics companies for cancer research. I recall Bourla telling us every family will be hit by it.

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Interesting, I believe it. do you have that source for the Bourla claim?

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It was on Bitchute I think. He also said, on another video, that immunocompromised folk should not get vaccinated and have monoclo?? antibodies instead. Who got jabbed first? I kept a spreadsheet of links, some have disappeared. I'll boot up laptop later and see if they are there and add them. I used to forward them to people to inform. Unfortunately, for them, they either plain old ignored them, told me I was very much mistaken, a crazy woman, and many, including family, unfriended me on social media. The most significent one was an acquaintance who came to drop off some glass jars for jam making. Was summer of 2021. She said she'd been ill. A lung clot in April, followed by a bout of "covid", followed by heart problem necessitating a pacemaker being inserted! This was 2x jabs. I had lots of info on this, from doctors, pilots, etc. I sent it to her and she gave thumbs up. Come autumn, the booster/flu drive was on and in our group someone posted they'd been and got theirs and many others stated they were going too, including this woman! She's still with us, however, I notice many looking considerably older, some have memory loss, worse arthritis,new ailments. There's been 2 sudden cancer deaths also.

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There was an interview with him where he claimed just that.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Hi, I am sure it was Bourla for cancer, but even the AZ guy said it too. Here's AZ link. Still on U Tube too. Copy and paste into search instead of using link if it doesn't work.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk0OJwZwE5g I will try to find others.

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Lawrence, I am also concerned still about the misfolded proteins....and prion disease...I remember Dr. Richard Fleming saying something in 2021 about it....it took I think the human equivalent of 6 monkey years when the monkey's had to be sacrificed.....and I cannot remember but I saw something about the DOD looking at prion disease for biowarfare....it is just awful...anyway you look at these jabs...a life spent ill or fighting disease/heart/other problems,....right up to you are now no longer human....to you will eventually lose your mind and what makes you human.

But I do think that we are in so deep in terms of Western apathy, that nothing will be done.

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It appears that they will definitely will be “different” kinds of humans if they actually survive. Yes I think the 6 monkey years is where they get the 3 - 5 years for the human survival time. It was recently reported in the UK that a 22 year old man had dementia. This is probably vaccine induced prions at work. So looks like the prion stimulated neurological diseases will take down many of the vaccinated who are not taken down by the other dozens of mechanisms of death and injury. It is now for me to see this injection other than a bio-weapon. We are at the 3 year mark for the beginnings of the injections in 2021. I think that we will see a dramatic upsurge in deaths this year. Now we have proof that the bacterial plasmid DNA is integrating with the DNA of the vaccinated. So many of them (we don’t how many) are now genetically different from us. Combine this the brain damage occurring because of spike protein passing through the blood brain barrier and we have situation that is ripe for creating a new human species that may not be capable of living with us. We may have isolate them in the future. Hopefully they will not be able to bred.

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All but not quite. It's both far more complicated than that, and yet the reasoning behind why, is simply plain old fashioned greed, just at a scale never before conceived 😉

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They could have injected saline and still made a mint...this goes beyond greed.

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the goal is massive ongoing genetic experimentation on the human population. Staged threats and genetic experiments badged as vaccines, with all the data captured by a digitised biosecurity state, so they can feed it to an AI and work out how to modify the human genome and live forever. We are supposed to be lab rats. That's the finest explanation I have found and it comes from here



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Thanks for the info, though gotta admit, I'm reluctant to look. smh Who could have imagined this level of evil insanity?

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Less about living forever- we already have that knowledge, more about keeping the masses in check. Can't have a relaxing time when the slaves are healthy and rebel rousing😉🤣😂

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Not really. They are helping to transition to a new financial system, while also inventing a new, continuous "product". The people are the product.

It's all part of the IoN (internet of nanotechnology) or biosynthetic technology. Ultimately it creates two new class systems of people that supply endless energy harvesting and profits, while reclaiming the old world (with new tech) and returning us to a serf based system.😐🤦‍♀️

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Greed and evil on a scale never witnessed before.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

I think they hope to achieve various things, the main one being ongoing experiments with a human population. They want to work out how to modify the human genome so they can live forever. The sequence is done but its not understood how it all works. They need to analyse an as-big-as-possible dataset, changing, over time, to work it all out. Digitised biosecurity states feeding population health data into their AI would allow them to stage ongoing pandemics, PCR/DNA sampling, and transfection experiments as vaccines so they can fuck around to find out. JJ Couey talks about this https://gigaohmbiological.com/


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You'd think if they wanted immortal life, they'd be studying all deaths but as we know, deaths occuring after a certain period are not being associated to jabs by the public, or medics, and not reported. I haven't listened to JJ for a while but I'll have a listen.

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Don't fall for the nano bot theories they are counter intel meant to put you in the corner wearing a tin foil hat.

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How about this : 🧨🧨🧨 ??

Fits in anywhere and easy to carry or deploy ...


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Mar 12Liked by Aussie17

The levels they go to smear Sucharit, Michael Palmer and Arne Burkhardt in this article in 2022. There are so many statements in this article that are now incorrect from the author, Iria Carballo-Carbajal who would be yet another 'expert' on the pharma payroll. https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/unsubstantiated-claims-by-michael-palmer-sucharit-bhakdi-dont-demonstrate-covid-19-vaccines-harm-organs/ This 'HealthFeedback' website is funded by;

Ashoka Fellowship

European Media and Information Fund (EMIF) grant

Meta 3rd party fact-checking program

IFCN Climate Misinformation Grant Program

TikTok 3rd party fact-checking program

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Quoting from the article:

“"They better watch out," Bhakdi warns, signalling a storm on the horizon for political leaders and health authorities globally.”

A lot of (scientifically-illiterate) political leaders and ‘health’ bureaucrats have assumed that the “Covid Crisis” is now behind us. This is why the two main political parties in Australia remain silent about the mounting injuries – with the honourable exception of the four brave Australian senators who have pressed hard to discover the facts, but who have generally been ignored – especially by the liars of the corporate media. However, I think Professor Bhakdi is right. I suspect that the real Covid crisis is yet to come – I mean the political crisis, in conjunction with escalating civil unrest.

If you examine the big-ticket events of history, political and civil crises almost always get under way following a symbolic trigger event – and such a trigger usually follows the growing realisation of the citizenry that they have been deceived or cheated – or in the case of the mRNA injectables - permanently damaged. In the case of the Covid situation, that trigger could be a sudden growing understanding by young women that they will never be able to have children, because the mRNA spike proteins they were induced to accept have rendered them sterile. The sudden rise in still births is just one indicator flagging this – but ignored by the government ‘health’ officials. Once such a crisis is triggered and escalation has started, then those responsible for so irresponsibly pushing these toxic genetic agents onto the general public will quickly become the political and legal targets of the aggrieved – and that includes the extended families of the aggrieved.

Our elected political leaders should learn the lessons of history. In the mid-1980s, no one in the West dreamed that the communist states of Eastern Europe would collapse in the space of just a few years. Yet it happened. It was a Black Swan event - totally unexpected. We all thought that those oppressive regimes were here forever – but they weren’t.

Once triggered, the course of events of a coming ‘Covid Vax Crisis’ will probably unfold quickly. No amount of “misinformation legislation” by politicians to suppress enraged public opinion will hold back the tide. The results of what is to come may not be pretty.

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There are times when I think that’s what they want and exactly how this game is being played by them. Let the revelations slowly entered the “feed” or msm as many elections are on tap for this year. Watch the division within the nations of the west shoulder….anthem they choose a spark, when to throw it and how to throw it….and watch the whole damn thing burn down. But they will ready with their pre-fab solutions and once again a desperate and traumatized populace will follow them like a pied piper into the digital prison they have been constructing while the MFM have had us largely in a cul de sac debating the vaccine as TPTB have continued to move the pieces into place for their globalist NWO agenda. And at this point, they have more than a few options on how and when to throw the spark to bring us to our knees.

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I totally agree, they need everything to burn down, food shortages by protesting farmers too, energy costs, etc., so they can then 6uild 6ack 6etter.

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Just 🤞🤞🤞 !!!

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They have genetically modified (poisoned) the human race.

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{... the human race...} Really ??

Imho, only the gullible ones among them.

Unvaxxed sperm is the new Bitcoin and will soon be in soaring demand ...

To be "donated" to proven unvaxxed females ONLY !!

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So what is the number of MRNA/Viral Vector vaccinated on the planet? We have 70% + vaccinated here in the United States. So yes the vast majority of the race has been poisoned and will probably not survive. Looks to me that we will return to a population level of the 1940s. And since it has just been proven that the bacterial plasmid DNA is indeed integrating into the DNA of vaccinated humans....what kind of humans will we have? (those who might survive) Yes, the human race has been permanently altered and much of it will be gone. And you are counting on a functioning society/economy for your sperm bitcoin thing to work. I see only chaos and 2nd Dark Age on the horizon for probably 10 years.

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According to deagel. There will be 99 million ppl left in the USA? Which is about 30% of the current population?

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That is about right. 70% have been injected.

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BINGO !! ... and fully applicable to the USA and other highly vaccinated nations like Portugal and Singapore.

But fortunately, this planet encompasses a wide array of other nations with extremely LOW % of vaxxed populace; they'll definitively follow a different trajectory where the society/economy will continue to stay relatively functional thanks to much less centralization and where my sperm-Bitcoin-thing is gonna work pretty well !!

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In China? And parts of some far east countries. Great… almost everywhere else on the planet is injected with MRNA/Viral Vector bio-weapons. I guess I need to start studying the Chinese language. I wonder how you say thanks for egg/sperm in Chinese?

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Chinese uses inactivated vaccines like sinopharm and sinovac. They did not allow western mRNA jabs into their country except Hong Kong. Because Hong Kong people are not too happy to be under china. So it makes sense to allow Hong Kong people to take these poison because they are so pro western.

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Yup - I thought the same thing

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Slight correction/addition: China also authorized mRNA use for Europeans living in China. In fact, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a one-day visit to China in Nov 2022 to make sure that German expats there would be given their special BioNTech medicine. (Yes, the same Olaf Scholz who stood silently next to Biden while he promised that he would "put an end to" the NordStream pipeline and ruin Germany's economy.) All the more interesting, considering that China's Fosun Pharma had an agreement with BioNTech very early in the "pandemic" and purchased the rights to produce its vaccine, although it never did so - at least not on any large scale for its mainland population.


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{..in China..} That's just one part of the unvaxxed globe. Most of Africa, India, South- and Central America as well as the MENA countries aren't highly vaxxed because Western MSM is not as influential over there.

{..how you say thanks for egg/sperm in Chinese?...} Sheikh Google knows:

谢谢你的卵子/精子 的英文

Xièxiè nǐ de luǎnzǐ/jīngzǐ de yīngwén in simplified as well as traditional Chinese. Be prepared to meet more almond-eyed people !!

Have a great time !!

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You are in the silly zone now. Bye

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Mar 12Liked by Aussie17

The TGA in Australia don't deny that DNA is used in the manufacturing of vaccines but claim that it is removed during the process of manufacturing. They also claim that no DNA exists in the injections but, in an email to me, they say that they only reviewed the data supplied. I quote:

The TGA has reviewed and evaluated the materials used for manufacture, the manufacturing process, and the analytical procedures used for testing the residual DNA template levels as part of the registration process for the vaccines and these were all found to be acceptable.

As part of the batch release process, TGA reviews the manufacturer’s test results for residual DNA on every batch of vaccine supplied in Australia. Only batches of mRNA COVID- 19 vaccine meeting the approved specification for residual DNA are released.

I responded accordingly and have received a reply. (Not the first time.)

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they simply accepts whatever Pfizer gives them.

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Stunning! I love Prof. Bhakdi! He literally cried in a video I saw a few years ago and that’s how I can tell he’s a fighter and a passionate one too.

Thank you😀

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Mar 12Liked by Aussie17

Well, before we rush to any definite conclusion, Geert did tweet this caution....

"fear that this work will be criticized for not reflecting the in vivo situation. It's so easy to take a tissue biopsy from the anesthetized animal at the site of injection. IMO, this should be the target substrate for K. McKernan's analysis on potential chromosomal integration."

Anyone here knows why the in vivo experiments might show different?

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dr Phillip Buckhault + other scientists looking at in-vivo. will take longer time because of in vivo regulatory hurdles

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Thanks so much for your reply. Do you understand the science enough to give an opinion as to why the in vivo experiments might show different?

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If it hadn't have been for the whole jab/pandemic thing, I'd still be a conspiracy theorist. Instead of an awake, contented "I knew I was right all along" person!

Although it is sad so many have been taken in, some forced with no choice, it has also made people like us come out of the woodwork and know we're not alone. So that's a positive from all of this.

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IEEE.502.15.6 WBAN (wide body area network)- we are all connected to the “Cloud”.

I’m glad to see people starting to really talk about this! If you haven’t already- go to Rumble and follow nonvaxer420….. his channel lays it all out for you. Warning ⛔️ keep calm with your emotions as you really what these MONSTERS have done to us all. God Speed to all and SPREAD THE TRUTH EVERYWHERE YOU CAN

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wearable 'health devices' are predictably stealing more personal information, yes.

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The public are becoming increasingly aware of their collective mistake, I wonder when part 2 (financial obliteration) will begin?

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The mass production of spike protein is not surprising -its designed to do that, maybe not in the enormous quantity. But if foreign DNA contaminant are proving to be incorporating into the genome in the cell nucleus (chromosome) that is alarming. But then if that incorporated foreign DNA manages to makes mRNA (trans??) Goes back out into the cytoplasm and tricks the cell into manufacturing a foreign GMO bacterial protein that is beyond evil....if i am understanding this correctly.

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The foreign DNA is not "tricking" anything. It's fully incorporating into the the human genome. Homo borgenesis has been created, without consent. Since there's no real precedents for this, legalities are subject to existing frameworks and right now, since 2012, supreme court ruling allows that a natural organism that has been "genetically modified", can be patented/or the patent holder can claim legal ownership.😐🤔😐🤐🤦‍♀️

So yeah, it's a bit alarming😉

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And they still stand outside the shops rattling collection tins for donations for cancer research!! Are they bloody joking?

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The transhumanism agenda of the globopsychohomopedos. This is step one.

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Will be interesting to see if the supposed thought leaders of the MFM give this issue any air time or whether they address whether there is a possibility that this was known and was part of the plan…

Consider….what if part of the plan was to edit the genome….to what end?

Have you heard of the Internet of Bio-Nano Things?

It seems like for the IoBNT to work they would need to find a way to literally put us on the electrical grid with consistency. I think they are technologically well beyond the neural implant.

That is, I think rather than incorporating machines into humans for biodigital convergence….they have been exploring (and perhaps manifesting) how they can use biology to function as a machine.

For example, getting our systems colonized with a bacteria that can be electronically monitored and interface with our biology and also the outside monitoring.

I found the revelation that continued boosters means the body produces IgG 4 antibodies. What if that was the whole idea…essentially infect us with a biological mechanism that can be used for surveillance and monitoring us electronically without the autoimmune issues that come with introducing synthetic or non-human hardware.

Just thoughts that bounce around in my head about the “revelations” that keep coming out and how things have not added up since the beginning.

I also think about the fact that I went a year and a half coachingvsoccer to high school girls during the height of the pandemic…never got COVID (and I was very lax on measures like masking, distancing, etc. as I knew things did not add up).

But then, I got COVID when caring for my sister who underwent major surgery. Of course, due to her surgery she had to be fully vaxxed and boosted just before surgery. Just odd….supposedly the delta wave was nasty and spreading, but yet very few I knew actually got sick. But after vaccination campaign started….the numbers of people I knew grew. I often wondered if a PCR test could distinguish a vaccine spine protein from a viral spike protein….would it tell/know the difference in picking up “debris” to indicate an infection?

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Have you seen any Sabrina Wallace videos about IoB? She reckons they have been doing it for decades already.

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🎯her videos need to be spread as much as possible

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Next up. Molecular techniques to fix the mess in the genome they created. Of course, government/taxpayers will be on the hook for that too.

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