As JJ Couey states- a HUGE question about why Mike Yeadon’s presentation as the very last speaker- his speech was SILENCED on the video presentation. IT WAS REMOVED. The good people like Bhadki need to speak up and ask Christina Anderson why???

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Dr Mike knows and has publicly acknowledged viruses do NOT exist. People detox (get sick ) for many reasons None have to do with the imaginary virus.

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These virologist over complicate everything! And now that Dr Mike has OD on his Red Pills, he knows the truth of Allopathic “medicine “. It’s ALL pure unadulterated horse shit.

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Yes Mike is a real scientist. He admits when he is wrong! A real man That I have the highest respect for! As long as germ theory continues, the WEF Will just substitute one bugus virus ( or bacteria ) for the next. I can’t wait for leprosy and seeing all these people walking around without a nose !

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Molokai ain’t so bad I’ve been there 🤪

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Really, you have some nerve making claims about the beliefs of @Mike Yeadon. I suggest you produce evidence of what you are claiming where he states as such. Reality is, you have zero authority to make any claim about Yeadon or his professional beliefs or position on science, assumed or otherwise. You then make another baseless accusation that virologists and other specialist such as Dr Malone, Prf Yeadon and others are "Over complicating". Given that claim implying you are some sort of subject matter expert on science of virology or other related discipline, where did you obtain your qualifications and in what discipline. .

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Yes, he is a friend of a friend and he said Covid does not exist on bitchute. Sorry but Same as I have been saying for 3 damn years

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Yes please.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Aussie17

It's obvious Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is/was a teacher. He delivers messages with such clarity and humility that even the simplest can understand and the most cynical can trust. This should be compulsory viewing for the hired-gun faces of "Safe and Effective" such as former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, her replacement Mandy Cohen, Fauci and all the other hired hitmen & women of the conspiracy inside & outside of government. Most of all it should be required viewing for the masses so they can appreciate the depth of the crimes being perpetrated on them. The hitmen & women of the Safe & Effective deception likely will never feel remorse or seek redemption. They've been paid to handsomely. Their hearts and consciences are permanently hardened.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thank you. If you find Dr Michael Yeadons Censored presentation, that he gave here as well, please share. Share it with Dr Paul Alexander and Lioness of Judas Substack. Sincerely thank you in advance.

Here's Sucharit's bit translated to english audio https://youtu.be/fdj4sMrHXtk?feature=shared or https://rumble.com/v3xrkry-2nd-corona-symposion-at-the-german-bundestag-11.-12.11.2023-lecture-by-prof.html and here's JJ Couey opining https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1987455795

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Thanks Aussie for posting this. This man is a hero and saint. The world is slowly waking up!

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Lord, protect all whistle-blower and truth tellers

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Thanks for this, Aussie. For all the good it will do, after listening/reading the speech, I posted your stack to several "private" Fakebook groups.

Cheers from Kawasaki.

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Thank you for thos research and thos article. When something is pushed so hard, especially w little explanation, it's a cover for something nefarious.

It says here that all vaccines now have this problem.

They did a mass campaign at work and told me to go to employee health and get a tb test. I asked questions and I went. They tried to force a whole lot of shots on me, saying they couldn't find my records. Maybe they ought to ask for my help in locating them. I adamantly refused and was ready to walk- I've had problems after vax, as have both of my sons. No thanks!

No more. I no longer trust the medical complex, self feeding behemoth that it's become.

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Amen !

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This man is of a pure soul. I just adore him. BUT his wisdom and words of warning will go ignored by the German government.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thank you for sharing this!

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Hello Aussie17, I wrote to you yesterday here on Substack asking about the transcript srt file, to make a Hungarian translation. No response yet. I guess you received a lot of requests...

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Jay whats your email?

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its: jay.garvics@proton.me

Many thx. By the way the german original srt would be the best as the english translation had some issues...

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ok sending now

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God bless Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi for all he is doing and had done to get the word out about the harms of these MRNA "vaccines."!

And I wish death to all those hiding these truths in order to obtain money and/or power from their deceit.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Really, you invoke the name of god and then wish death on others, hardly the actions of a god fearing Christian. Makes you no better than those who you wished death fall upon. Hypocrite.

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I wish death on them just ad I would for Hitler or other mass murderers. If it offends you, I really don't care.

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God bless Prof. DR. BHAKDI! ❤️🙏🏼

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write links to the references and to the studies that Dr. Bakhdi talks about

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