Thanks for reporting. This is definitely something that suggests that the "Berlin Wall" of cognitive dissonance is starting to crumble. (Maybe. I hope. But we'll see.)
My take on this: the fact that such a person, so hyper-focused on his health and so hyper-focused on doing his research, took the jabs just shows how powerful the psy op was. I often say, I think it will de difficult to convey to people who did not live through the vax roll out how out-of-this-world heavy the pressure to take those things was. I found it surreal. Still do. Always will.
Hi Steve Martin, Thank you for your message, and happy new year to you also. You've been on my mind-- I've wondering when you would post something again from Japan. I can only imagine that living there has its challenges, and more than usual in these strange times.
It has been a long year. I spent nearly 6 months helping a start-up school as a business partner working pro bono. Ha. I found out that a gentleman's agreement in Japan is as cheap and deceptive as paper contracts. Ended up the victim of a classic bait-and-switch. I can only laugh at my naivety ... conned by a guy half my age, my career as an educator would probably have come to a similar end in the states.
But I do have a lot more to write about ... took part in a big anti-WHO protest and been doing a lot of research and reading up on the weaponry most likely used to torch Lahaina. Have had a zoom-chat and exchanged a lot of information with Youtube citizen-journalists "Brush Junkie". May put up a short post in the next day or two regarding the L.A. fires and some of the anomalies mainstream media won't mention.
But my head has been spinnin' ... the profit-driven hot wars killing innocents, the globalist /corporate nation states prying children from their parents, the gender war, the war against the middle class, the war against small scale independent farmers and the food supply, the slow and steady push towards a centrally controlled cashless society, the promises and threats of A.I. ... I can't find much traction from which to write — except in personal exchanges with people I trust and admire. I've been out of touch with you for far too long.
First time I saw this guy in an interview I got a bad vibe about him. He has the same mindset as Schwab's main sidekick in that the body is a machine with no soul and just a brain. That it can be hacked to extend your miserable materialistic existence for as long as possible and maybe just long enough for them to find a cure for death! Imagine being so obsessed with not dying that you forget about living.
Yeah Pfizer's own trial data back in 2021 showed that "more died in the vax group than in placebo group." And with "updated data", it looks even worse. But Mr Chocolate didn't figure this out. Perhaps because it was in the supplement instead of the abstract? I hope he (like Kirsch) decides to U-turn on the vax industry. After all, his life might depend on it.
What kind of person devotes all his time and millions of dollars to his health and longevity, but still takes the poison jabs? It's freaking grade school logic man! You let yourself be injected with a poison that tricks your own cells into making trillions of toxic foreign proteins! How can that be anything but unhealthy and shorten your lifespan? At a minimum your immune system is going to destroy the cells that were tricked into producing spike, likely creating autoimmune issues now or down the road, and at worst you could die from those injections. What were you thinking?? (or not thinking)
I have considered that, but haven't looked into in depth. And I probably don't have a deep enough knowledge of cycles to be able to make that determination.
The more truth that comes out, the more apparent it's become that covid was a culmination of something that's been brewing for decades at least. I say "culmination" because that's what I hope it is! Like a final blowoff top before a market crash. It would be beyond horrific that covid could be just the start of much worse things, so I hope that it will turn out to have been the last gasp of the Blob, as Meryl Nass likes to call it.
Mark, do we know each other? Who is JH and what was his old site?
We both previously commented on John Hampson's Solarcycles site - but it has been close to ten years since much meaningful activity there. Time flies.
Back then I was commenting that the 2020's would be typified by ordinary people having to fight (literally) against their elected representatives and civil servants; that 2020 would be a panic year (Gann's timetable); and that the ultimate culmination (of human risk-taking, excitability, aggression and speculation) will be 2025 to 2028...
right! I couldn't figure out what JH was! I haven't looked at that site in years. At first I would go back there occasionally, but it saddened me because I remember JH was sick and I suspected he died. Way way too young.
Wow, you were right on target with your forecast. How did you come up with those dates? Gann? Or Gann in combination with Solar Cycles?
I am conscious of straying too far off topic here on Aussie 17's site, so will post more detail in the comments on JH's site - all the old posts and comments are still there, and anyone who previously commented can continue to do so.
I believe the timing is important, because if human behaviour continues in line with all these cycles then we are only now about to enter that "final blow off culmination" you mentioned, and it will be 2028 before it peaks.
In the meantime, I'm sure most readers of Aussie 17's site will already be familiar with Mattias Desmet, but those who aren't might be interested to hear a clinical psychologist's explanation of why so many otherwise sensible people so enthusiastically "got vaccinated"; then vehemently claimed to be the ones in danger from the very thing they'd been vaccinated against; then repeated this absurd process several times:
I imagine the jab injuries will eventually be overcome when sufficiently financed people commence pooling resources to do so. Taking the jab was not stupid, it was the outcome of indoctrination that commenced at birth, enhanced by the vaccination schedule. I have done my homework and I can say "throw not stones lest ye be judged"... and I am an atheist, but good advice is good advice and if Jesus lived he would definitely be welcome on my pub table.
I would throw down the gauntlet to all that ridicule Bryan's project, for the simple reason that I bet you have all committed the same cerebral crime of mixing logic and evidence with belief. That is an unworkable equation yet billions do it.
Not I. But I am always will to assist with such a meritorious project.
well, let's just say it's hard for me understand how someone who is so focused on health and extending his life span that he spends all of his time and literally millions of dollars on it can be completely fooled into taking an experimental injection! If he spent a fraction of the time and money he spends on increasing his longevity to do even a small amount of research on the injections, he would have at least waited until more data was available. I'm sorry but yes, I am angry at people like him who had the time and resources to do proper due diligence and they just didn't. If more people had said no, that might have encouraged others to do the same which could have prevented some deaths and injuries.
I know of 3 deaths and more than a dozen life changing injuries that resulted from the jabs out of my small sample size of about 200 people I know who took the jabs. Sister of close friend died in her sleep after 2nd Murderna jab. My own sister has heart damage that put her on bp meds. My brother has heart damage. My nephew has had peripheral neuropathy for 3 years and not getting better. My wife's great niece, a 4 year old girl, is losing her hair! At some point I may be able to forgive these people, but I'm not there yet.
I am guessing serious pain and anger is speaking to me. I can feel it. But wealth and resources are no barrier to a lifetime of conditioning. Most scientists and academics all fell for it. So too did CEOs, managers, school teachers, journalists, and entrepreneurs. I spent a very long lifetime teaching myself how to see the world as it is, not how our brains are bent to perceive it. There is no short defence against a billion lies, all of them interlinked. In 2007, seeing what was to come (yes, the jab), I wrote a warning book, About 70 people on the planet read this. In 2010 I built a website (Australia Fights back URL and I suppose a few thousand out of 7 billion got the message. Likewise my substack oziz4oziz. We do what we can. But I do not condemn the 99.99% who block out all unwanted messages and thus do not hear the warning shout. My focus is on the few million who survive, and who finally learn how to think. Then we will rebuild.
So he has tested hundreds of foods and won’t eat chocolate because he knows what’s in it but he let someone put something right into his body without knowing the ingredients! Inconsistent Nut case!
Faith in pharma is almost as strong as faith in authority in our culture. Or was. But especially in vaccines, which have been drilled into our brains as unblemished miracle pre-cures.
The list of people who fell for mRNA includes many whose job and brand were scepticism of religion and/or corporate/govt propaganda: Scott Adams, Sam Harris, Steven Pinker, Michael Shermer, Nassim Taleb, John Stossel, Noam Chomsky. Huge disappointments when the biggest test of their lives arrived.
Yes, so many Psychopathic Narcissists want to control others. Their ego is so heightened that they tend to self hypnotise into a trance like state by navel gazing their own body.
This bloke does not even look healthy. As for his supplements, all those things are man made, they are pharma in a different form. Many are stuffed together with fillers and caking agents. None of which are good for the body. The worst aspect of that is this bloke has willingly coerced his kid into his narrative. Swapping blood, seems to me that did not work so well. As for the jab he took. That evidences how big a goose he is and the fact he has more money than common sense.
I do not want to be harsh, but Bryan made some very fundamental mistakes.
But first, let me provide cameo context for my comments: I am an 82 year-old male who has survived at least 13 attempts to kill me, and dodged around a hundred natural ways of dying so, clearly, longevity has not been my primary focus. There are things worse things than death.
But dying ignominiously and stupidly is not a responsible way to live one's life. Thus, where necessary, I have glanced at the evidence and logic of each of life's chicanes. Sugar was the first, back in 1975. Later, I realised that public health advice was a bullet, so I abandoned lite fat, margarine and eventually, all processed foods. A decade ago I realised that only plants grown with natural mulch and fertilisers (ie cow and hen dung) will provide adequate nutrition. Taking supplements does not cut it. I also realised, back in 2011, that all vaccines are pharmaceutical murder and a major component of the eugenics programme. I have proof. I also do forty pushups, lift weights, ride a bicycle uphill, and have a cardio of 40 BPM. I also lost an eye to melanoma, so have paid the price for neglecting shades on long-distance driving. Such is life.
There is so much more, so I invite Bryan (and anybody else) to peruse SUBSTACK oziz4oziz and decide if I have sufficient knowledge base from which to recalibrate this longevity project. As it stands, it is all wrong.
I reiterate, I have no fear of death. I have leapt off cliffs into flat water that I could not see, to execute a flight arc of 23 M, not knowing if this is possible, considering a second cliff was 8 M down and 8 M out. This is called fear management and it pays out exponentially. Bryan has made a major error. He has mixed evidence and logic with belief (ie in science flowing from criminal scientists). As a researcher of sixty years standing, I have grasped objectivity. That is all that I claim. But it is the first step to longevity.
"I want to trust the systems that produce science". Still laughing, both at wanting to trust p-harma, and that they 'produce' science. By the way, doesn't he look healthy? NOT!!
Wow - what an egotist. "Life" might have some surprises for him - he can't control everything, must be an interesting journey though and I imagine there are some undealt with psychological issues. Also - supplements are not healthy per se - it's not food.
Thanks for reporting. This is definitely something that suggests that the "Berlin Wall" of cognitive dissonance is starting to crumble. (Maybe. I hope. But we'll see.)
My take on this: the fact that such a person, so hyper-focused on his health and so hyper-focused on doing his research, took the jabs just shows how powerful the psy op was. I often say, I think it will de difficult to convey to people who did not live through the vax roll out how out-of-this-world heavy the pressure to take those things was. I found it surreal. Still do. Always will.
Hi Transcriber.
Been laying low for a while, too much to digest from too many directions.
And dealing with a losing hand here at the local table of Japan Inc.
Despite it all, you've been as steady as granite.
A belated Happy New Year to ya!
Hi Steve Martin, Thank you for your message, and happy new year to you also. You've been on my mind-- I've wondering when you would post something again from Japan. I can only imagine that living there has its challenges, and more than usual in these strange times.
It has been a long year. I spent nearly 6 months helping a start-up school as a business partner working pro bono. Ha. I found out that a gentleman's agreement in Japan is as cheap and deceptive as paper contracts. Ended up the victim of a classic bait-and-switch. I can only laugh at my naivety ... conned by a guy half my age, my career as an educator would probably have come to a similar end in the states.
But I do have a lot more to write about ... took part in a big anti-WHO protest and been doing a lot of research and reading up on the weaponry most likely used to torch Lahaina. Have had a zoom-chat and exchanged a lot of information with Youtube citizen-journalists "Brush Junkie". May put up a short post in the next day or two regarding the L.A. fires and some of the anomalies mainstream media won't mention.
But my head has been spinnin' ... the profit-driven hot wars killing innocents, the globalist /corporate nation states prying children from their parents, the gender war, the war against the middle class, the war against small scale independent farmers and the food supply, the slow and steady push towards a centrally controlled cashless society, the promises and threats of A.I. ... I can't find much traction from which to write — except in personal exchanges with people I trust and admire. I've been out of touch with you for far too long.
Would love to read your article on the LA fires!
All in last paragraph would love to read, and share with the ZZZ masses. Sometimes writing helps us process :) Arigato!
Much thanks Light Warrior.
I am up and down between hope, fury, and despair.
But thanks to a bit of nudging, will plan on posting my first in a while later today.
First time I saw this guy in an interview I got a bad vibe about him. He has the same mindset as Schwab's main sidekick in that the body is a machine with no soul and just a brain. That it can be hacked to extend your miserable materialistic existence for as long as possible and maybe just long enough for them to find a cure for death! Imagine being so obsessed with not dying that you forget about living.
Gut feeling says this is another psyop within a psyop. Over a hundred pills a day ROFL.
Yeah Pfizer's own trial data back in 2021 showed that "more died in the vax group than in placebo group." And with "updated data", it looks even worse. But Mr Chocolate didn't figure this out. Perhaps because it was in the supplement instead of the abstract? I hope he (like Kirsch) decides to U-turn on the vax industry. After all, his life might depend on it.
What kind of person devotes all his time and millions of dollars to his health and longevity, but still takes the poison jabs? It's freaking grade school logic man! You let yourself be injected with a poison that tricks your own cells into making trillions of toxic foreign proteins! How can that be anything but unhealthy and shorten your lifespan? At a minimum your immune system is going to destroy the cells that were tricked into producing spike, likely creating autoimmune issues now or down the road, and at worst you could die from those injections. What were you thinking?? (or not thinking)
pima, - have you been looking at the events of these last few years in relation to natural cycles..?
Regards, Mark (from JH's old site)
I have considered that, but haven't looked into in depth. And I probably don't have a deep enough knowledge of cycles to be able to make that determination.
The more truth that comes out, the more apparent it's become that covid was a culmination of something that's been brewing for decades at least. I say "culmination" because that's what I hope it is! Like a final blowoff top before a market crash. It would be beyond horrific that covid could be just the start of much worse things, so I hope that it will turn out to have been the last gasp of the Blob, as Meryl Nass likes to call it.
Mark, do we know each other? Who is JH and what was his old site?
We both previously commented on John Hampson's Solarcycles site - but it has been close to ten years since much meaningful activity there. Time flies.
Back then I was commenting that the 2020's would be typified by ordinary people having to fight (literally) against their elected representatives and civil servants; that 2020 would be a panic year (Gann's timetable); and that the ultimate culmination (of human risk-taking, excitability, aggression and speculation) will be 2025 to 2028...
right! I couldn't figure out what JH was! I haven't looked at that site in years. At first I would go back there occasionally, but it saddened me because I remember JH was sick and I suspected he died. Way way too young.
Wow, you were right on target with your forecast. How did you come up with those dates? Gann? Or Gann in combination with Solar Cycles?
I am conscious of straying too far off topic here on Aussie 17's site, so will post more detail in the comments on JH's site - all the old posts and comments are still there, and anyone who previously commented can continue to do so.
I believe the timing is important, because if human behaviour continues in line with all these cycles then we are only now about to enter that "final blow off culmination" you mentioned, and it will be 2028 before it peaks.
In the meantime, I'm sure most readers of Aussie 17's site will already be familiar with Mattias Desmet, but those who aren't might be interested to hear a clinical psychologist's explanation of why so many otherwise sensible people so enthusiastically "got vaccinated"; then vehemently claimed to be the ones in danger from the very thing they'd been vaccinated against; then repeated this absurd process several times:
I imagine the jab injuries will eventually be overcome when sufficiently financed people commence pooling resources to do so. Taking the jab was not stupid, it was the outcome of indoctrination that commenced at birth, enhanced by the vaccination schedule. I have done my homework and I can say "throw not stones lest ye be judged"... and I am an atheist, but good advice is good advice and if Jesus lived he would definitely be welcome on my pub table.
I would throw down the gauntlet to all that ridicule Bryan's project, for the simple reason that I bet you have all committed the same cerebral crime of mixing logic and evidence with belief. That is an unworkable equation yet billions do it.
Not I. But I am always will to assist with such a meritorious project.
well, let's just say it's hard for me understand how someone who is so focused on health and extending his life span that he spends all of his time and literally millions of dollars on it can be completely fooled into taking an experimental injection! If he spent a fraction of the time and money he spends on increasing his longevity to do even a small amount of research on the injections, he would have at least waited until more data was available. I'm sorry but yes, I am angry at people like him who had the time and resources to do proper due diligence and they just didn't. If more people had said no, that might have encouraged others to do the same which could have prevented some deaths and injuries.
I know of 3 deaths and more than a dozen life changing injuries that resulted from the jabs out of my small sample size of about 200 people I know who took the jabs. Sister of close friend died in her sleep after 2nd Murderna jab. My own sister has heart damage that put her on bp meds. My brother has heart damage. My nephew has had peripheral neuropathy for 3 years and not getting better. My wife's great niece, a 4 year old girl, is losing her hair! At some point I may be able to forgive these people, but I'm not there yet.
I am guessing serious pain and anger is speaking to me. I can feel it. But wealth and resources are no barrier to a lifetime of conditioning. Most scientists and academics all fell for it. So too did CEOs, managers, school teachers, journalists, and entrepreneurs. I spent a very long lifetime teaching myself how to see the world as it is, not how our brains are bent to perceive it. There is no short defence against a billion lies, all of them interlinked. In 2007, seeing what was to come (yes, the jab), I wrote a warning book, About 70 people on the planet read this. In 2010 I built a website (Australia Fights back URL and I suppose a few thousand out of 7 billion got the message. Likewise my substack oziz4oziz. We do what we can. But I do not condemn the 99.99% who block out all unwanted messages and thus do not hear the warning shout. My focus is on the few million who survive, and who finally learn how to think. Then we will rebuild.
I'm sure you know that there are protocols for helping the body heal from the poison injections. FLCCC has one. I believe Dr. McCullough has one also.
Here's FLCCC's:
If he took the jab he def won’t be living forever!
So he has tested hundreds of foods and won’t eat chocolate because he knows what’s in it but he let someone put something right into his body without knowing the ingredients! Inconsistent Nut case!
Injected it! If you take a poison orally, your body may be able to protect you, but injecting poisons is a way to skip most of your normal defenses.
Wow! This one will take some time to process. Great reporting though.
Faith in pharma is almost as strong as faith in authority in our culture. Or was. But especially in vaccines, which have been drilled into our brains as unblemished miracle pre-cures.
The list of people who fell for mRNA includes many whose job and brand were scepticism of religion and/or corporate/govt propaganda: Scott Adams, Sam Harris, Steven Pinker, Michael Shermer, Nassim Taleb, John Stossel, Noam Chomsky. Huge disappointments when the biggest test of their lives arrived.
That’s what happens when you try to out maneuver and mock God! A wealthy narcissist who is scared to die! Pseudoscience freak!
Great stack though👍WOW!
Yes, so many Psychopathic Narcissists want to control others. Their ego is so heightened that they tend to self hypnotise into a trance like state by navel gazing their own body.
Isn't that what the Cabal do, adrenochrome? To keep themselves alive
Yes, next Bryan shall be asking his son to sacrifice a couple of his organs for stem cell transfer.
This bloke does not even look healthy. As for his supplements, all those things are man made, they are pharma in a different form. Many are stuffed together with fillers and caking agents. None of which are good for the body. The worst aspect of that is this bloke has willingly coerced his kid into his narrative. Swapping blood, seems to me that did not work so well. As for the jab he took. That evidences how big a goose he is and the fact he has more money than common sense.
And still taking 50 supplements composed of industrial waste from China.
I do not want to be harsh, but Bryan made some very fundamental mistakes.
But first, let me provide cameo context for my comments: I am an 82 year-old male who has survived at least 13 attempts to kill me, and dodged around a hundred natural ways of dying so, clearly, longevity has not been my primary focus. There are things worse things than death.
But dying ignominiously and stupidly is not a responsible way to live one's life. Thus, where necessary, I have glanced at the evidence and logic of each of life's chicanes. Sugar was the first, back in 1975. Later, I realised that public health advice was a bullet, so I abandoned lite fat, margarine and eventually, all processed foods. A decade ago I realised that only plants grown with natural mulch and fertilisers (ie cow and hen dung) will provide adequate nutrition. Taking supplements does not cut it. I also realised, back in 2011, that all vaccines are pharmaceutical murder and a major component of the eugenics programme. I have proof. I also do forty pushups, lift weights, ride a bicycle uphill, and have a cardio of 40 BPM. I also lost an eye to melanoma, so have paid the price for neglecting shades on long-distance driving. Such is life.
There is so much more, so I invite Bryan (and anybody else) to peruse SUBSTACK oziz4oziz and decide if I have sufficient knowledge base from which to recalibrate this longevity project. As it stands, it is all wrong.
I reiterate, I have no fear of death. I have leapt off cliffs into flat water that I could not see, to execute a flight arc of 23 M, not knowing if this is possible, considering a second cliff was 8 M down and 8 M out. This is called fear management and it pays out exponentially. Bryan has made a major error. He has mixed evidence and logic with belief (ie in science flowing from criminal scientists). As a researcher of sixty years standing, I have grasped objectivity. That is all that I claim. But it is the first step to longevity.
"I want to trust the systems that produce science". Still laughing, both at wanting to trust p-harma, and that they 'produce' science. By the way, doesn't he look healthy? NOT!!
Wow - what an egotist. "Life" might have some surprises for him - he can't control everything, must be an interesting journey though and I imagine there are some undealt with psychological issues. Also - supplements are not healthy per se - it's not food.
Aint going to outlive me if hes taken the death jab and im 72!
Don't be so sure. That was not the only bullet they fired. I have identified more but I am sure there are more.
Such as. Im probably dosed up to the eyeballs with fluoride by now.
I an given to understand our cells and body fat contain some 83,000 chemicals and other toxins and nobody knows how they interact.