I would regard this issue as perhaps the most important one for all citizens of the world. I have previously predicted that, should the pandemic treaty(Or whatever it is called at the moment.) go ahead, there will be a declaration of a climate emergency and suitable restrictions will be instituted. Remember that the WHO, UN and WEF are acting together. We have been promised a decade of pandemics and H5N1 is poised to be the next one.

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what about us people? is it important for anyone who does not class themselves as a Citizen? what if i, like many millions all over this earth, have jumped from the CITIZEN-SHIP so that we can live as Free Man and Woman? do we count in this reckoning of yours?

I am not a CITIZEN; i belong to no-one; i am not the CHATTEL of any Government; i am not a part of the Body Politic (Corporation) and i do not have any obligation to follow the rules of that Corporation pretending to be Our Parliament;

have you ever read Our Constitution (1900/1901)? did you read the word CITIZEN anywhere?;

have you read a bible?; did you read the word CITIZEN in it anywhere?;

you best do yourself a favour and look up the word CITIZEN in a Blacks Law Dictionary to find out what 'the system' deems the CITIZEN to be;

until then, leave me out of the make believe world of Citizenry...i am man and i am part of Mankind; i am not some Fictional Entity.

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Unfortunately, individual beliefs will not be taken into consideration if the WHO and UN have their way and are endorsed by governments. Defiance is always an option but the many quarantine encampments that were built during Covid weren't built for nothing.

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May 8Edited

i note with interest that you failed to answer any of the questions i put to you Nat;

i can only assume that you are not interested in answering any of the questions as you don't have an answer which in-turn speaks volumes about you and your 'beliefs'; you appear to have no comprehension of what i am putting to you yet you still manage to conjure a way to argue against it;

enjoy your 'quarantine encampment'; make sure you do as the commandants tell you to do or there will be no soup for you.

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Hi Mark.

I share your values ... but when stupidity, corruption, and madness become hammered into law, the sociopaths in charge will not hesitate to enforce their will at the end of a gun.

Mercenaries and foot soldiers carrying out the dirty work could not care less about our values or what we say ... and would just as soon put a bullet in our heads as step on a cockroach.

Whether an intellectual, or simply an authentic person, it did not matter to the foot-soldiers of Stalin's USSR, Mao's China, or Pol Pot's Cambodia. Hell, the Khmer Rouge executed people for the crime of wearing eye-glasses. They "looked" too smart.

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i've planted thy flag on thy hill and i will die defending it.....'the system' pretty much stole my childhood and early teens so i know well what 'living' on ones knees is like and i will not ever be doing that again;

i fear no man, gun or no gun; all their fear campaigns fall on deaf ears here my friend; i'd sooner depart this realm than fall 'victim' to 'the system' ever again;

i'll let God decide if i am worthy of a peaceful life or not; this place we call Earth is purgatory in my book and i've had enough of constantly being tested;

if 'they' leave me alone then there is no problem but the chances of 'them' leaving i alone are pretty slim....seems i'm unable to keep my mouth shut whenever i know something to be wrong.

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I intend to depart this realm if the alternative is either to comply with criminal’s demands or to deprive me of my peaceful liberty. I hope there are an overwhelming number of us who share this non negotiable position. That is the only mechanism we have to prevent tyrants riding roughshod over us, the force of numbers. All institutions are corrupted or silenced.

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A Line has been drawn!

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I wish you luck. As it happens, I am a member of PanTerraVida.

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does that involve being a Citizen too or do you simply use the word for shits n giggles?

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So Mark, how does one go about removing oneself from this system and still survive? I’m asking genuinely as I would live to stop participating in all the BS, but not sure how to untangle from it and still survive. Any advice is appreciated.

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my not being a CITIZEN is not a belief..it is a standing in Law and i have proven this in their courts; i have never willingly, knowingly or wittingly entered into any Contractual arrangement under the title of CITIZEN that surrenders the God-Given Sovereignty of i to any fictional entity called Government whether it be Incorporated or otherwise; no institution has any Lawful means to take away the Sovereignty of Man; no fictional entity has any Lawful means or implied right to rule over the living man, woman or child without the expressed and authored consent of that man, woman or child; no Corporate Entity or Government is Sovereign; it has no life; there is no mind body or soul; it exists on paper and that is its only existence;

i do not 'vote' either so before you start trying to tell i that i consented to them ruling over i, best think again; i am not and nor have i ever REGIS-TERED to 'vote'; once again, i am no-mans property;

did you take the time to look into the Blacks Law definition of the word CITIZEN or are you still living in the fictional realm of your beliefs? i tried to help you help yourself but it seems you know better; no doubt your indoctrination, oops, sorry, education has served you well.....

i choose to live in facts, not beliefs, and i certainly am not a Fictional Entity so don't put i in with your dirty laundry labelled CITIZEN;

you might hold the belief that we have no choice when it comes to corporate government control of us people but i for one will not EVER bend a knee to any shit-stain who claims they have the Authority to dictate my life especially if or when they think i am to be put into any form a gaol;

but you go right ahead and obey your masters...just stop trying to enter all people into your insanity because not all of us are so easily mis-led.

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I expect those of us who, like you, have no intention of complying with any nonsense ordered by WHO will at some point simply be detained and forcefully if necessary taken to one of these secure facilities.

I don’t understand why you’re addressing another person in these terms. They don’t have the power to resist government, which has a monopoly on violence any more than you or I do.

Obviously this is all a crime. However, our opinions won’t prevent a bunch of threatening looking police showing up.

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Are you aware Morrison put 1.3 billion dollars not building five more concentration camps?

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is that a deliberate "not building" Julie?.

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Nailed it Mark.👍

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whenever the opportunity presents itself, i do what i can to try and help people by alerting them to the deception of the CITIZEN-SHIP called AUSTRALIA Roc;

i don't know for fact but i think there is a deliberate insertion of the word CITIZEN being used to describe People way-more-often than it used to be;

skull-duggery is afoot everywhere and i believe the vernacular is being infiltrated with this word CITIZEN by design;

i will not nor cannot let it slip by without having something to say about it.

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Totally with you on that Mark. It feels like being Rod Taylor in the time machine being dragged down with the bloody Morlocks.

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My friend and I were talking about this just last night. She's a former nurse and received a note from the government saying that there was only one case and that it doesn't even affect humans. I'm totally not worrying about this.

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None of us are worried about the lies. That’s not the issue. If they told us thousands of people were sick and dying, it also would be lies. Even if it wasn’t lies, the “measures” to be imposed would not make us safer. There’s nothing to be kept safe from.

It’s the use of the lies by the authorities to deprive us of our liberties that’s the thing to be worried about.

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May 8Edited

who is this 'authority' you speak of? did you give any other mere mortal the consent to be an 'authority' to rule over you?

where have people such as yourself come to have this belief that anyone claiming to have authority over you has the right to do whatever they want to do to you?;

where is it that these bastards claiming to have the Authority to dictate Our Life get that implied authority from?...words on a piece of paper with a fancy logo at the head? words spoken by another mere mortal inside some closed off echo chamber that they then call 'law'?.....simply because they have a uniform and a badge?...please Mike, please tell me where one man gets the right to rule over another man?;

these 'authority' clowns are supposed to be Our Servants...that is what you 'vote' for them to do as your 'elected representatives' is it not? or do you willingly 'vote' for someone you don't know to rule over you and your life?

democracy soon becomes communism when the people stop holding their servants to account.....you pay them to serve you; they make oaths to serve and protect; to govern with the best interests of the people and the Nation at all times;

do you think they are doing what they are 'elected' for?

when did the servants become the masters because i was not given any notice to this effect and i'm fairly certain that none of you people did.

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Meaning talking about bird flu and H5N1.

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The vaccines are already being manufactured. It doesn't mean that H5N1 is a real threat but that won't stop them from saying that it is. Remember what they said about Covid, regarding the infection rate and fatality rate. It doesn't have to be real.

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They produced bird flu vaccines as far back as 2008- I think they have at least 3 with several more in the pipeline.

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there are US Patents Office registrations for H5N1 which come After registrations for the 'vaccines'....first the 'vaccines' then the 'virus' seems to be the go-to plan for these genocidal maniacs.

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Spot on . And the bs about Zika virus causing anencephaly- turns out it was two different chemical calls being sprayed to kill the mozzies. Haven’t heard mention of that.

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You are right and I know that. I still won't take the H5N1 shot they come up with.

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I would modify that slightly to the world homo side org just so i don't get in trouble.

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I just call them wHARMo because that's what they do.

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Bill Gates needs to be tried as a traitor!

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if you truly think Gates is the problem then you are walking through life with blinkers over your peripheral vision. Gates is naught but the face doing the bidding of his masters.

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Oh I no there is a lot more big problems in America 🇺🇸!

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along with several presidents and all members of congress who voted for the Killbox laws.

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I’m in! Definitely we must stand with the rest of humanity for our freedom from a distant office full of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats to issue orders and mandates that affect each and everyone of us. The WHO has been wrong so many times and there is no “one size fits all medical care”. We cannot let them decide for the world’s population. The WHO is a corrupt organization unduly influenced by Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the CCP. No way should anyway delegate the decision over their health to this corrupt organization. Tedros, the Director-General of the WHO and is a Marxist who is NOT even a medical doctor and was appointed to that office because he caters to Xi Jin Ping, the CCP leader.

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Yes indeed

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Thanks for the heads up Aussie17.

I’ll be the dude holding up a video camera and wearing the same gray “Arrest Fauci” t-shirt I wore during the protest at the Australian embassy back in Dec. of “21.

Oh, and for those who can't come, I will be forwarding this to 65 out of 168 FB groups I belong to. Those 65 groups alone are made up of approximately 993,000 members, though I suspect there are many like myself who belong to multiple groups, FB-fashioned fake accounts, and moles. And some groups may simply be digital tag & track, kill boxes.

ps. Damn. My first and only post on FB was immediately removed for "Breaking Community Standards" with the threat of being put in the sin bin. Appealled and restored within minutes. I think somebody up there is scared.

Cheers to ya.


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If in Melbourne , anti- WHO conference 11th May with Ian Brighthope, Ramesh Thakur. https://alignedcouncilofaustralia.com.au/event/international-press-conference/

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I hope more countries get on board, over here they’re oblivious 😟

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I added a link to the protest here, to help increase visibility:


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Thank you Aussie17. I know a town that will embrace this. Love to you all.

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I tried to share it on Facebook and it was instantly removed as "Spam" I have objected but I am sure they will block it long enough for the date to pass and then I will get a "sorry we got it wrong" message

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Fedbook totally captured by the Censorship Industrial Complex. Mark Sucker berg such a useful tool for them. Fuck em‘

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What happened to the good old fashioned, piss right off.

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Morrison announced around the time he signed contracts that from August 2023 all vaccines produced here would be mRNA. Add to that a n March last year when Albo had a photo op with Bill Gates on Krribilli lawns it was announced Australia will because me the centre for worldwide pandemic response.

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Many thanks to Aussie 17 and another one to Mark Hill and others here who have taken the time to explain their ideas clearly . Lets all devote evry minute we can to this issue. It should be clear to anyone with an understanding of global economics that the WHO is in a tearing hurry to get this through before the western world gets into its time of economic meltdown and crash of currencies and lots of people WAKE UP and realize they were fools to trust their governments . At that time they may stop trusting the WHO also.

Frankly I really dont get it. Maybe people are totally unaware of what this treaty is or maybe they have never heard of it. I mean even if you still think childhood vaccines are a fine idea now, cant you think of the small possibility that someday you might not like to have some one vax forced on your child (or yourself)?

I wonder if anyone here has thought of the interesting point that Japan must have saved the brains of thousands of their children,, by delaying vaccines till age 2 ( I do not know if that is still the practice ) I am referring of course to the genuine epidemic of autism that would have bloomed in Japan also if they had taken up the western road of ten gazillion vaxxes by age one year. Putting flu vaccines with mercury into babies in a land where the mothers are eating mercury in fish would have been a second Minamata for Japanese kids - That WOULD have started back in 1980to 2,000 approximately but it looks to me like it did not. - maybe there was ONE government that had some sense. fGood luck to all you wonderful people who care about the common people our planet.

Bombay violet- India

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Each round of behind closed door meetings the WHO holds to foist “One Health“ tyranny upon Japan and other countries is akin to a series of hara kiri performances, each one more self inflicted and egregious than the last. With each shady session they plunge the blade of doubt deeper into their own credibility, performing a ritual of institutional suicide for all to witness.

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To protest is to grant your oppressors validity. Just ignore this and do not comply.

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another one who comprehends the state of play we find ourselves in. Bravo!

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If Legislatures world wide nullified the laws which have enabled the globalist plans in our nations we wouldn't have to care what who does.

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