Mar 29Liked by Aussie17

Thank you so much for condensing & clarifying the salient points of this important presentation for us non-science types Aussie17 šŸ™‚

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Mar 29Liked by Aussie17

Yes I agree. This is excellent work. Dr Yeadon was right when he said you went above and beyond effort. I love Dr Yeadon. I will continue to follow you and read the rest.

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Mar 30Liked by Aussie17

Dear Aussie 17,

Just a quick note to say how much I appreciate your work. Also Iā€™d like to record how much I am indebted to Dr Mike Yeadon. From the start of the Covid crisis, my animal instincts told me that something was deeply wrong. But, despite reading of (and hearing of) many things about the proposed global vaccination program - things which held my instincts in a state of high alert - it was not until I came across an interview with Dr. Yeadon by James Delingpole, in late October 2020, that I became intellectually convinced that I should not get vaccinated. That I remain unvaccinated to this day, I owe, in large measure, to Dr Mike Yeadon.

Meanwhile, your own work is of the greatest value. Please continue.

Yours sincerely

Gary Scarrabelotti

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Paul Elias Alexander, now of The Wellness Company, published an influential paper in 2020 when he was working for the World Health Organization that led the President's Fauci following medicos to give Donald Trump Remdesivir as part of his cocktail of drugs.

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Thanks Aussie17 for your summary points...saved me doing it!


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Thanks for the editing! I can only go 2X and then it tends to put me to sleep. ;->

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Mar 29Liked by Aussie17

Thank you, and thank you for condensing it. I have no time for the next 3 days, so I've marked it for viewing later.

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Mar 29Liked by Aussie17

Great articles but please don't use the dreadful American word "GOTTEN"

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Taking The Vaccine

Was Such A Bad Idea

That It Will Follow Them

Into The Next Life.

It Also Helps Explain

How They Showed Up Here

So Fucking Stupid.


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Excellent, thank you.

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I agree with all the comments! Thank you for summarizing parts of the interview in easy to understand terms. It makes it great for sharing with laypeople!

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Here is the court case that they used to test out their theory that no novel virus exists. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1942De-dzMFQrO22wvHHuS4HomtP2fKcQ/edit?pli=1

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This is some of the social media and mainstream media posts around the world before this gene-based injection was brought into New Zealand. They had to put it into a file because they were deleting all of it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vMQZl14UobG3gI-hZwLsFtdOGXtUrwjx/view?fbclid=IwAR3v6YOFkWDlXGh_x_5GtRzdq57fldOuue5hTlk6rcj-aQfkvAc97nU1YUE&pli=1

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Apr 1Ā·edited Apr 1

New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party I do wonder what the police would have said if someone brought the information from Dr Carrie Madej about transfection, which she believed would equal GMO and the DNA being modified which she also thought could get into the human genome. Did you mention about that in the report? Have the police ever done and investigation into the vile contents to see that it was not harmful to humans? You can scroll down the page and the video is on the Dr Carrie Madej site HUMANS 2.0. There is a former top QC in Australia trying to bring a case on the fact no one was given informed consent about GMO. There is a Swiss case over the highly contaminated contents in the Viles that just started, and in Thailand. https://www.carriemadej.com/videos New Zealand Police There was no informed consent, and this gene-based injection has not been properly tested into what health problems it can give you eg cancer, autoimmune, pregnant woman and the effects on their babies' conditions. It was very clear this gene-based injection never should have come into the country. They stopped the swine flu vaccine at 25 reported deaths this was miles above that when they brought it into New Zealand. https://rumble.com/vm6o27-dr.-carrie-madej-exposes-the... the Pfizer employees know this is not safe, https://vigilantnews.com/.../project-veritas-recordings.../ they broke every part of the Nuremburg code. https://www.brighteon.com/227c1993-e762-4258-948f-9a28ccbab95d

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Wonderful work as usual. Thank you šŸ™ā¤ļø

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