Dec 1, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Momentum increasing.

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Generous to say 'experimented on', I just go with genocide, jabocide. Completely intentional, no mistake.

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Greg Hunt, Australia’s Federal health minister in 2020, is on record, saying quite freely that the world is involved in the biggest vaccine experiment, and we will have lots of data……the Australian government thought it was cool then, and apparently still think it’s cool….they don’t care…..

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I still have a memory of Hunt smiling on tv as he was telling us we had all been enrolled in the world’s biggest drug trial. He is a WEF graduate.

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Well, that's an "interesting" claim! Where's the evidence that Australia is gathering and analyzing any of this "data"?

The CDC said the same thing, and we all know how that turned out . . . .

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That's right and then, let's not forget, he came down with cellulitis.


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Even Colombia believes in conspiracy theories

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The cacophony of ENRAGED voices rises around the world. And unlike days gone-by, they can no longer compartmentalize them - one country blocked from another's outcries.

We HEAR. We SEE. We KNOW. And we are way beyond outrage.

Only absolute MORONS and complete LIARS continue defending these death jabs!

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The pending lawsuits are piling up for Pfizer. Bankruptcy is a real possibility. Karma is a nasty bitch!

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TBH, I think bankruptcy is (in the big scheme of things) simply the cost of doing business.

Consider the fact that Pfizer actually admitted in their April 22 SEC filing that they might NOT be able to PREVENT fraud!?!

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/e52763c18611

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We should make the cost include the death penalty for war crimes against humanity.

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I see the water pulling back, a long way. It's coming.

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Wow! This is big. It is the first I've heard of a minister of health of a country saying anything this real about the VAX.

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Peter... I’m joining the Crusade. I saw in your recent post that you referred to the Kubler Ross stages of grief. I’d love for you to check out my inaugural post. I am a screenwriter in Hollywood trying to find a way to subversively shift the cultural compass.

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Lest we all forget big Pharma lawyers drafted and demanded a no liability disclaimer that every nation's government signed as well as paid for the vaccine, all of which are being kept under wraps. The first line of defence or plaintiff pursuit is to demand that evidence and see what was signed and the terms. WIthout that the time spent ranting and raving about what transpired is wasting life and time, which is exactly what politicians want if they are knowingly liable or corrupted with incentives to adopt the Big Pharma protocol.

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