Are you not aware that prime minister's wife, who was CEO of the nation's investment fund in which everyone's forced to park their money (a degree of corruption that even mainland China wouldn't tolerate), invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Moderna and BioNTech? Massive conflict of interest, and explains why Singapore pushed the jabs harder than almost anywhere else in Asia. Corruption being legal doesn't make it any less corrupt.
And they signed deals to set up 5 vax factories. Such a caring govt! Plus RAISED GST during the worst period when everyone was suffering. Don't ya ❤️ such a govt? 😁
Thanks for that. Being neither in nor from Singapore (though close enough), I had no idea. I wish such information could go viral worldwide so that more people can really understand the push behind all this was varied across the world but involved money and position more than health.
Problem is most people in Singapore are scared to publish anything online because they don't want to be sued or fined, and most people outside Singapore don't care. And they've got no reason to care; since Lee Kuan Yew died his spineless son has been driving the country into the ground, so it doesn't seem look like Singapore has much of a future. Under almost every metric the country now is worse than ten years ago; the only thing it's got going for it is that Hong Kong was re-absorbed into mainland China.
What an absolute fking nightmare for the human race, while governments pretend nothing is happening. The worst part is that all organisations involved in this across our planet, are actually made up of human beings like the rest of us.
i print mini flyers from this site and hand to masked people saying " no more fear, we have been scammed !! one by one im doing my part to stop the madness..join me. i also slip into covid test kits and diaper boxes....this is war.
I also believe that not all the governments were for the de-population, just the ones strongly tied with the Davos little circus of lunatics Malthusians. But someone HAS to stop the WHO and big Pharmas power or they will start again. Thailand doing nothing, Singapore doing nothing....I feel hopeless.
Why should you feel hopeless? I can confirm 100% that the effetes took the clotshots. In a short while (relatively speaking, say 2 to 3 more years), these current batch of effetes will be out of the picture. Why do you expect govts to fully backtrack? Did you not notice the Pope and Dalai Lama also endorsed the shots? At the end-stage, all the major organs of power and influence in the west had been coopted ... that much is obvious, yes? So take another step forward - they've already taken themselves out of the picture.
In country after country, evidence that the shot was 'bad' was available just a couple months after release... did that stop the shots? Of course not.. again the co-opting and corruption at play. What did happen is that wtihin each system, there were still ethical and moral folks, who couldn't stop the steam train, but did their best to slow it down, or allow outs in subtle ways. It really was up to the individual which path to take (to jab or not to jab). That was the first test - take the easy (and wrong way) out... or figure out ways to resist without getting your head chopped off and paraded in the public square.
That was only the 1st test, one of many... for the folks who jabbed, many are resisting the obvious evidence of rising ill health and consequences for themselves - that means they are failing this next test... detoxing is possible, they may not get back to 100% but they needn't suffer so much, but they need to swallow stupid pride and get on with it. Many aren't doing so.. it's on them. The folks who ask for help, I'm extending everything, including a deep base on knowledge studying the spike and remedies for over 2 years. In the process, I've learnt so much about the body , nutrition.. and managed to reverse decades of cumulative damage/ageing effects already, and pretty sure I have decent remedies against most types of cancer now. We all had our own tests to pass....
Except there are clear indications that those in the know did not take the shot. Some with no real power, such as members of parliaments, took it and suffered consequences, but none of the big players.
You are gravely mistaken. Rational thinking folks can't believe that the effetes would be so stupid to take it.. but that's the point, they did. Let's just say I know all the top politicians, all the top perm secs and their lackeys, all took the clotshots at least 4 or 5 times. Most are starting to look quite worse for wear, despite all the makeup before going on TV. I still have connections to the US west coast... and yup, effetes there all took. Newsome who is being groomed to be Prez.. remember how he had to disappear for a couple of weeks after getting a nasty reaction? Again, I'm privy to really private comms and these folks are in a bit of a cognitive dissonance as they can tell that they're getting sicker all the time , and still taking more shots. They cannot, will not, make the logical correlation conclusion.
I worked in hospice and chronic care. My fatber worked at the highest levels in Congress. The higher ups DID NOT take the death shots. Only a few idiots / true beleivers took the shots. 99% did not. Nor were any of them forced to with mandates. All if congress has an exemption as do those in CDC and FDA Evidence? Look at ALL the heads of state , heads of agencies. None are sick or dying. Not sure what other actual evidence you have
there is no fn virus and no fn spike. no remedy needed for something that does not exist. no lab leak either its fakery. and the elites only pretend to get shots. i dont believe any in leadership on stage, in govt, get shots. if they do its saline.
We are making a start in England, by going for Engxit. By voiding (more powerful than repealing as it undoes all of their britshit laws since its inception) the Act of Union of 1706 as it stands in Bad Faith, we will take England back, and fully restore our powerful English Constitution currently ulawfully and illegally smothered by pretended laws. As independent England we will escape the tyrannical globalist britshit wefminster parliament with all of its tribes and corruption. From the standpoint of a new English-only Parliament with our Constitution restored, we will bring all of those involved to real justice using properly constitutionally trained judges, juries, and all inbetween.
From my understanding of Singapore, I echo Aussie17's viewpoint on Singapore. Whilst all nations are corrupt in some manner, I believe that Singapore is relatively less corrupt. However, less corruption doesn't take away from what I believe in that most countries (and especially westernised ones) have made an idol out of modern medicine. And vaccination is possibly one of the most sacred tenants of this false idol. So, for these acolytes they don't view themselves as corrupt, rather doing what is best for this false idol. And like many cults out there, you're either in or out - the cult members, from the leaders to the ordinary people will aggressively force compliance.
Why can't doctors see through this? There are some interesting substacks on this:
This is not to say that western medicine didn't make important contributions to the quality of life for people. I believe that western medicine is the best when it comes to acute (serious) situations and in its diagnostic tools. However, the corrupting influence of big pharma and arrogance has made western medicine ineffective in long term chronic situations.
I disagree. Singapore is corrupt, they just legitimize it and dress it up to make it look like it's legal. Singaporean politicians in power are tinpot dictators and authoritarians who follow the typical asian Confucianism teachings. They rule by fear and will never admit to any wrongdoings. If they made any mistakes in the covid-19 pandemic, they will not only not admit it, they will DOUBLE it down further until it's too late to turn back, that's why you have 90 percent vaccination rates. Employee rights there are abysmal and government allows employers to legally fire unvaccinated employees and there're no legal recourse for that unlike other countries which we perceive to be more corrupt. Singapore is largely authoritarian corporatocracy dressing itself in thick makeup of democracy. It is a mini CCP in south east asia.
Pls do not insult Confucianism by equating it to the Sg system.. the effetes may want to claim basis in that, but their immoral and excessive greed says otherwise.
In my freedom group, most were able to keep their jobs despite being unvexed. That included my wife who was a very senior civil servant. There are labour laws here that protect the workers, just that most folks are not aware of them, purposely so, but if they had really wanted to fire my wife, she was prepared to make them jump through so many hoops from the mandated legal process, that her bosses basically demurred. Most folks complied too easily, yes... in her org, maybe 2 out of 3000 were unvexed. so an even worse ratio than the overall population.
On the subject of SG govt stats.. please keep in mind that if you don't have the raw data / actual numbers, then it's likely all made up. The media was incessantly harping that everyone was getting their jabs... but we were hearing and seeing so many jab injuries, that in the end, we tracked very closely to the western countries in terms of overall jab injuries. It only came out in June'22 that over 66K seniors had not taken their 3rd jabs (that was 1.5 yrs into the jab campaign) - which ties in to the overall rate we've seen whereby 2% of each jab cohort experiences such bad effects that they stop jabbing... so 66K represented roughly 4% of the senior pop in Singapore. But all the official stats just keep harping that most folks are triple jabbed or more etc. The only ones I know for sure are that stupid, are the effetes who kept taking.
I really like your term "false idol", which exactly describes what to-date I've been calling as an orthodoxy. I also used to use the term "cult sayings" to describe phrases like "Vaccines have saved millions of lives" or "Getting boosted protected me from severe disease". But then I saw the pattern and realised that in fact they were not cult sayings as much as they were marketing slogans, which became like mind viruses or worms infecting the world. Indeed, conventional medicine (and its diagnostic tools) is good in certain situations but is also harmful and suppressive otherwise. No one would ever say, "The more drugs I take, the better off I'll be."
singapore is totally corrupt, it is an autocracy for all intents and purposes, that is how LKY designed it, he had total power and so now does his son.
diagnostic tests only used to tell healthy people they sick to sell them pharma by making them sick. never get a cancer screening again either..just like the convid tests. all false positves to sell sickness using fear of dying. find documentary Selling Sickness.
They won’t admit until the big nation admit themselves.They also don’t dare to be the 1st nation to do it.if they do it,you can see many corporations will move out of sg.Their modus Operandi is exactly the same as dem,the tactics they used media etc…u know I know right.
A correction, 'minimum protection' = first 2 shots + 1 booster. Which based on the effects the booster is what seals the pact with the demons for real without chance for 'saline solutions'.
Projects done in the last 5 years / ongoing that costs billions each:
This will be the longest line in Singapore on completion and may also be the first for trains to be 8 cars long (over 2200 passenger capacity) instead of the current max of 6 cars, total cost of project $41 billion:
Changi Airport's new Terminal 5 that will be bigger than all other Terminals combined in area
Considering China has a demographic crisis, and India and Southeast Asia that form a significant part of international travel to Singapore, a heavy majority took the injection.
The sewage treatment plant in the west industrial area that will process nearby industrial wastewater and domestic crap separately and recycle it into drinkable water. It will also have a facility to process thrown away food waste to turn into biogas to burn to generate electricity, and whatever that cannot be recovered, burnt into ash for landfill or recycled. In other words everything including the kitchen sink and plug:
Doesn't sound like a country that was planning to depopulate, otherwise they would be handing us out free bicycles, 1950s radio and instructions on building attap houses, holes in ground for toilets and harvesting coconuts and growing tapioca.
It is not conspiracy theory that Temasek Holdings invested US$250 million in the German company BioNtech half of Pfizer-BioNTtech, stated by former Malaysia Minister Khairy and quoted in the local MSM.
The degree of knowledge and culpability of the members of government involved in this failed NWO takeover, how much was deliberate and how much was blind following will be an entire science in itself.
You believe the SG govt's PR at your own peril. Things continue to break down here at a fast pace. I stay near 2 major hospitals, where ambulances would get off for easy access. They've been told to keep their sirens off, but with the rain and traffic jams, the sirens come on and they start at 5.30am every morning till late at night. Non-stop stream of ambulances. SG will be quite depopulated within a couple years. The local effetes are smug idiots who keep telling each other that their shit don't stink. You can choose not to drink their kool-aid though.
"The degree of knowledge and CULPABILITY of the members of government involved in this FAILED NWO takeover, how much was DELIBERATE and how much was blind following will be an entire science in itself." I.e. figuring out who knew what they were doing and who were blind followers.
I also mentioned Temasek Holdings and their profit motive to push this depopulation shot.
I am also aware of World Integrated Trade Solutions Product ID 920780 which were Covid 19 test kits that were made as far back as 2017 and 2018 before this 'virus' suddenly showed up as they claimed out of nowhere, so I am well aware there's at least a few within Singapore who know exactly what they were doing.
No need to get so tetchy.... you started off by quoting a lot of 'achievements' that the SG govt claims to have done.. aka creating an aura that they seem to be ahead of the curve, have great planning, can pull off a lots of things. I'm telling you that all those citations are the results of planned govt PR folks... full time job to keep up the image. But there's really not much substance behind it all.
I'll give you a bit of a history lesson, take it in the right spirit as I'm going to give a few solid examples which are 'safe' for public consumption. Other stuff would be too sensitive to cover at this pont in time until the system degrades more.
You have to understand that the folks at the top, while smooth-talkers, are all pretty much brainless and just keep following the latest fads. When the Brits pushed for the private-public partnerships... SG followed along. The old venerable National Stadium was torn down, and a few $billions was giving to one of the PPP's to build a new 'Sports Hub'. Ostensibly, the goal was to be able to host the National Day parade there.. but the protocol is that instead of just doing it once, it's done every weekend for a couple of months, so that schoolkids of a certain age and other selected folks/citizens get to see the 'rehearsal' .. before the final National Day parade is done yet again on the actual day. So say about 12 rehearsal days, but needing to use the facilities to set up before and afterwards, so 1 day before and 1 day after at least, so 36 days altogether. But in the contract with the PPP, the SG govt which funded the whole thing, is only allowed to use the stadium premises for only 31 days a year. So nope, they can't actually host the national day parade there, which they had been doing with the old stadium for like 40 years. They quickly spent a few $billions more to build a 'floating platform' in the bay.. so that became the new default site for the national day parades. Draw your own conclusions how competent the planners are.
Nuclear power. Little Lee actually authorized it to go forward more than 10 years ago. You'd think a little speck of an island, doesn't really have the space or safety distance if anything bad should happen to a nuclear reactor, right? But that's assuming you actually know a bit of science and have some common sense, or a sense of self preservation. The go ahead was given, nuclear-scientist scholars were sent out to study on full scholarships... quotes were being asked for various aspect of the buildup. It was one of the rare times where I really stuck out my neck and pushed hard against it, calling in all my chips, and very serious folks helped to chime in and pushed against it - to no avail. it was still go go go.. until Fukushima happened, and they realized it was fools gold to chase nuclear power in a Singapore setting/locale. Yes, the top folks are really that dumb.
That was my point to you, please do not believe their PR. They've thrown so much money around in so many ventures, it's like they threw 1000 darts at the dartboard, 998 missed, and 2 did hit, they play it up and woila, they're geniuses.
I have been curious about their program with the results is of great interest as I understand almost 85% were MRNa"ed" as they were the first country in Asia to start it. Digesting the data now does seem to have some interesting conclusions.
Ha... good luck digesting 'data'. As expected, as things turn south despite all the 'massaging', the SG govt just stops releasing the granular data. Only aggregate stuff like births and deaths are still reported. Anecdoctally, 20-30% of kids in school seems to be sick all the time now. They're incubating such nasty viruses that even my kids are affected to some extent.
I expected them to do that quick action to readress the situation as usual, about two months before releasing this data they mentioned in a statement there was no relation between the jab and myocarditis ? The Square head number crunchers were already hard at work prior to the release.
As usual the inflow of foreign workers into the island is almost 50% of the current population and does raise an eyebrow with record entries the last year or so.
That foreign worker inflow is not sustainable, or economically justified. Whats more they still require the migrants workers to be jabbed, and the number of workplace deaths so far this year is 6 as of late Feb. Should be a record year. So far we've also had migrant bus drivers stroking out and hitting bus-stops or going off a curve in the road etc.
The rather stark deterioration in people's mental faculties over time is becoming quite obvous in the overall driving situation. We just had a Merc driving onto a pavement at the main shopping strip (Orchard Road), a Grab driver heading into a condominium pool, taxi driver going onto a park connector next to a canal (meant for pedestrians and cyclists - obviously not a road)... Heck, I just had to renew my insurance for one of my vehicles and it's up 30% despite having a clean record with no claims.
Tell me how a 'modern' economy is supposed to function as people are literally losing their minds? I'm expect a lot of folks to have full psychotic breaks when MSM breaks the 'news' to them that they've pretty much poisoned themselves... It's just very negative karma, as every single religion says it's a big no-no to suicide. How much of the 'economy' will be left standing?
With the "interesting" data presented , it will be a pretty nice utopian paradise 15% the average birth declines in the developed world while death rates about 10% per year The foreigners are not part of the count assuming replacing locals them with foreigners like conveyor belt when they time is done of they survive the ouslaughter of the "V" offering them citizenship. Leaks plugged!
Just look at FTX, was there an inquiry into the logic of investing into it ? likewise this will be the same thing.
Keep in mind that Singapore at least deserves props that they continued to publish their data and collect it. A lot of countries, US and Canada included, stopped collecting and publishing data. In some instances they scrubbed data that used to be standard on government websites and has been removed.
Prediction: Here in the US absolutely nothing will change until May 11th. Then it will be over for good (covid) because something else will require a miracle mRNA -peynuta
This re-definition of "how to count" is a repeating pattern in coverup-genozide. If "authorities" count anything at all. Or can not avoid to crunch numbers they get hit with. IMHO.
As soon as we say STOP in their face, their Karma is fading more rapid than they can say "innocent".
Didn't we ever want to now what happens to a soul with negative karma!??
Personally, and I don't give a rats, but all, big pharma, tech ,cdc, who ,and all corrupt politicians should be rounded up, arrested, charged and sentenced to death, crimes against humanity ,murder, high treason, fraud, distribution of an untested drug and using human test dummies, I think all these clones of an A/hole should be given their OWN POISON ,all 5 shots of it. No more treasonous shite.
Are you not aware that prime minister's wife, who was CEO of the nation's investment fund in which everyone's forced to park their money (a degree of corruption that even mainland China wouldn't tolerate), invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Moderna and BioNTech? Massive conflict of interest, and explains why Singapore pushed the jabs harder than almost anywhere else in Asia. Corruption being legal doesn't make it any less corrupt.
I am aware of many things but I don’t want to get extradited to Singapore *cough* *cough*
And they signed deals to set up 5 vax factories. Such a caring govt! Plus RAISED GST during the worst period when everyone was suffering. Don't ya ❤️ such a govt? 😁
Thanks for that. Being neither in nor from Singapore (though close enough), I had no idea. I wish such information could go viral worldwide so that more people can really understand the push behind all this was varied across the world but involved money and position more than health.
Problem is most people in Singapore are scared to publish anything online because they don't want to be sued or fined, and most people outside Singapore don't care. And they've got no reason to care; since Lee Kuan Yew died his spineless son has been driving the country into the ground, so it doesn't seem look like Singapore has much of a future. Under almost every metric the country now is worse than ten years ago; the only thing it's got going for it is that Hong Kong was re-absorbed into mainland China.
90% of their population is double jabbed?
What an absolute fking nightmare for the human race, while governments pretend nothing is happening. The worst part is that all organisations involved in this across our planet, are actually made up of human beings like the rest of us.
This is humans doing it to humans.
Thanks for the update A17
are we sure they are human? they cant be animals, since animals dont poison eachother.,or mask or anti socially distance....
what are these creatures that look like humans? www.VirusTruth.NET
i print mini flyers from this site and hand to masked people saying " no more fear, we have been scammed !! one by one im doing my part to stop the madness..join me. i also slip into covid test kits and diaper boxes....this is war.
I wonder if anyone will ever pay for this crime against humanity? I really don't believe they'll ever admit it.
Darag, my grateful thanks to you for this link to an excellent and powerful interview that for me tied up all the loose ends
You're very welcome Hendrik. The more of us that understand the true depth of this, the better.
I also believe that not all the governments were for the de-population, just the ones strongly tied with the Davos little circus of lunatics Malthusians. But someone HAS to stop the WHO and big Pharmas power or they will start again. Thailand doing nothing, Singapore doing nothing....I feel hopeless.
Why should you feel hopeless? I can confirm 100% that the effetes took the clotshots. In a short while (relatively speaking, say 2 to 3 more years), these current batch of effetes will be out of the picture. Why do you expect govts to fully backtrack? Did you not notice the Pope and Dalai Lama also endorsed the shots? At the end-stage, all the major organs of power and influence in the west had been coopted ... that much is obvious, yes? So take another step forward - they've already taken themselves out of the picture.
In country after country, evidence that the shot was 'bad' was available just a couple months after release... did that stop the shots? Of course not.. again the co-opting and corruption at play. What did happen is that wtihin each system, there were still ethical and moral folks, who couldn't stop the steam train, but did their best to slow it down, or allow outs in subtle ways. It really was up to the individual which path to take (to jab or not to jab). That was the first test - take the easy (and wrong way) out... or figure out ways to resist without getting your head chopped off and paraded in the public square.
That was only the 1st test, one of many... for the folks who jabbed, many are resisting the obvious evidence of rising ill health and consequences for themselves - that means they are failing this next test... detoxing is possible, they may not get back to 100% but they needn't suffer so much, but they need to swallow stupid pride and get on with it. Many aren't doing so.. it's on them. The folks who ask for help, I'm extending everything, including a deep base on knowledge studying the spike and remedies for over 2 years. In the process, I've learnt so much about the body , nutrition.. and managed to reverse decades of cumulative damage/ageing effects already, and pretty sure I have decent remedies against most types of cancer now. We all had our own tests to pass....
Except there are clear indications that those in the know did not take the shot. Some with no real power, such as members of parliaments, took it and suffered consequences, but none of the big players.
You are gravely mistaken. Rational thinking folks can't believe that the effetes would be so stupid to take it.. but that's the point, they did. Let's just say I know all the top politicians, all the top perm secs and their lackeys, all took the clotshots at least 4 or 5 times. Most are starting to look quite worse for wear, despite all the makeup before going on TV. I still have connections to the US west coast... and yup, effetes there all took. Newsome who is being groomed to be Prez.. remember how he had to disappear for a couple of weeks after getting a nasty reaction? Again, I'm privy to really private comms and these folks are in a bit of a cognitive dissonance as they can tell that they're getting sicker all the time , and still taking more shots. They cannot, will not, make the logical correlation conclusion.
this is true... many of them took it. they truly believed in it
I worked in hospice and chronic care. My fatber worked at the highest levels in Congress. The higher ups DID NOT take the death shots. Only a few idiots / true beleivers took the shots. 99% did not. Nor were any of them forced to with mandates. All if congress has an exemption as do those in CDC and FDA Evidence? Look at ALL the heads of state , heads of agencies. None are sick or dying. Not sure what other actual evidence you have
there is no fn virus and no fn spike. no remedy needed for something that does not exist. no lab leak either its fakery. and the elites only pretend to get shots. i dont believe any in leadership on stage, in govt, get shots. if they do its saline.
We are making a start in England, by going for Engxit. By voiding (more powerful than repealing as it undoes all of their britshit laws since its inception) the Act of Union of 1706 as it stands in Bad Faith, we will take England back, and fully restore our powerful English Constitution currently ulawfully and illegally smothered by pretended laws. As independent England we will escape the tyrannical globalist britshit wefminster parliament with all of its tribes and corruption. From the standpoint of a new English-only Parliament with our Constitution restored, we will bring all of those involved to real justice using properly constitutionally trained judges, juries, and all inbetween.
my therapy is putting little tickets on cars and I hand them to masked people it says
Today Is Your Lucky Day !
you can breathe easy! virus are dead cell debris, not contagious!
read Contagion Myth by Dr tom Cowan for details or study this site www.VirusTruth.NET and you will never fear a virus or mask ever again !!😀
From my understanding of Singapore, I echo Aussie17's viewpoint on Singapore. Whilst all nations are corrupt in some manner, I believe that Singapore is relatively less corrupt. However, less corruption doesn't take away from what I believe in that most countries (and especially westernised ones) have made an idol out of modern medicine. And vaccination is possibly one of the most sacred tenants of this false idol. So, for these acolytes they don't view themselves as corrupt, rather doing what is best for this false idol. And like many cults out there, you're either in or out - the cult members, from the leaders to the ordinary people will aggressively force compliance.
Why can't doctors see through this? There are some interesting substacks on this:
This is not to say that western medicine didn't make important contributions to the quality of life for people. I believe that western medicine is the best when it comes to acute (serious) situations and in its diagnostic tools. However, the corrupting influence of big pharma and arrogance has made western medicine ineffective in long term chronic situations.
I disagree. Singapore is corrupt, they just legitimize it and dress it up to make it look like it's legal. Singaporean politicians in power are tinpot dictators and authoritarians who follow the typical asian Confucianism teachings. They rule by fear and will never admit to any wrongdoings. If they made any mistakes in the covid-19 pandemic, they will not only not admit it, they will DOUBLE it down further until it's too late to turn back, that's why you have 90 percent vaccination rates. Employee rights there are abysmal and government allows employers to legally fire unvaccinated employees and there're no legal recourse for that unlike other countries which we perceive to be more corrupt. Singapore is largely authoritarian corporatocracy dressing itself in thick makeup of democracy. It is a mini CCP in south east asia.
Pls do not insult Confucianism by equating it to the Sg system.. the effetes may want to claim basis in that, but their immoral and excessive greed says otherwise.
In my freedom group, most were able to keep their jobs despite being unvexed. That included my wife who was a very senior civil servant. There are labour laws here that protect the workers, just that most folks are not aware of them, purposely so, but if they had really wanted to fire my wife, she was prepared to make them jump through so many hoops from the mandated legal process, that her bosses basically demurred. Most folks complied too easily, yes... in her org, maybe 2 out of 3000 were unvexed. so an even worse ratio than the overall population.
On the subject of SG govt stats.. please keep in mind that if you don't have the raw data / actual numbers, then it's likely all made up. The media was incessantly harping that everyone was getting their jabs... but we were hearing and seeing so many jab injuries, that in the end, we tracked very closely to the western countries in terms of overall jab injuries. It only came out in June'22 that over 66K seniors had not taken their 3rd jabs (that was 1.5 yrs into the jab campaign) - which ties in to the overall rate we've seen whereby 2% of each jab cohort experiences such bad effects that they stop jabbing... so 66K represented roughly 4% of the senior pop in Singapore. But all the official stats just keep harping that most folks are triple jabbed or more etc. The only ones I know for sure are that stupid, are the effetes who kept taking.
I really like your term "false idol", which exactly describes what to-date I've been calling as an orthodoxy. I also used to use the term "cult sayings" to describe phrases like "Vaccines have saved millions of lives" or "Getting boosted protected me from severe disease". But then I saw the pattern and realised that in fact they were not cult sayings as much as they were marketing slogans, which became like mind viruses or worms infecting the world. Indeed, conventional medicine (and its diagnostic tools) is good in certain situations but is also harmful and suppressive otherwise. No one would ever say, "The more drugs I take, the better off I'll be."
singapore is totally corrupt, it is an autocracy for all intents and purposes, that is how LKY designed it, he had total power and so now does his son.
diagnostic tests only used to tell healthy people they sick to sell them pharma by making them sick. never get a cancer screening again either..just like the convid tests. all false positves to sell sickness using fear of dying. find documentary Selling Sickness.
They won’t admit until the big nation admit themselves.They also don’t dare to be the 1st nation to do it.if they do it,you can see many corporations will move out of sg.Their modus Operandi is exactly the same as dem,the tactics they used media etc…u know I know right.
A correction, 'minimum protection' = first 2 shots + 1 booster. Which based on the effects the booster is what seals the pact with the demons for real without chance for 'saline solutions'.
Projects done in the last 5 years / ongoing that costs billions each:
Blue Line:
Brown Line:–East_Coast_MRT_line
The train depot to support the Blue & Brown Line + East-West ( Green line) in one location:
A suburb line in the west:
This will be the longest line in Singapore on completion and may also be the first for trains to be 8 cars long (over 2200 passenger capacity) instead of the current max of 6 cars, total cost of project $41 billion:
Changi Airport's new Terminal 5 that will be bigger than all other Terminals combined in area
Considering China has a demographic crisis, and India and Southeast Asia that form a significant part of international travel to Singapore, a heavy majority took the injection.
The sewage treatment plant in the west industrial area that will process nearby industrial wastewater and domestic crap separately and recycle it into drinkable water. It will also have a facility to process thrown away food waste to turn into biogas to burn to generate electricity, and whatever that cannot be recovered, burnt into ash for landfill or recycled. In other words everything including the kitchen sink and plug:
Doesn't sound like a country that was planning to depopulate, otherwise they would be handing us out free bicycles, 1950s radio and instructions on building attap houses, holes in ground for toilets and harvesting coconuts and growing tapioca.
It is not conspiracy theory that Temasek Holdings invested US$250 million in the German company BioNtech half of Pfizer-BioNTtech, stated by former Malaysia Minister Khairy and quoted in the local MSM.
Article still up as of this post:
The degree of knowledge and culpability of the members of government involved in this failed NWO takeover, how much was deliberate and how much was blind following will be an entire science in itself.
You believe the SG govt's PR at your own peril. Things continue to break down here at a fast pace. I stay near 2 major hospitals, where ambulances would get off for easy access. They've been told to keep their sirens off, but with the rain and traffic jams, the sirens come on and they start at 5.30am every morning till late at night. Non-stop stream of ambulances. SG will be quite depopulated within a couple years. The local effetes are smug idiots who keep telling each other that their shit don't stink. You can choose not to drink their kool-aid though.
You obviously didn't read my comment to the end.
"The degree of knowledge and CULPABILITY of the members of government involved in this FAILED NWO takeover, how much was DELIBERATE and how much was blind following will be an entire science in itself." I.e. figuring out who knew what they were doing and who were blind followers.
I also mentioned Temasek Holdings and their profit motive to push this depopulation shot.
I am also aware of World Integrated Trade Solutions Product ID 920780 which were Covid 19 test kits that were made as far back as 2017 and 2018 before this 'virus' suddenly showed up as they claimed out of nowhere, so I am well aware there's at least a few within Singapore who know exactly what they were doing.
Read properly before embarrassing yourself.
No need to get so tetchy.... you started off by quoting a lot of 'achievements' that the SG govt claims to have done.. aka creating an aura that they seem to be ahead of the curve, have great planning, can pull off a lots of things. I'm telling you that all those citations are the results of planned govt PR folks... full time job to keep up the image. But there's really not much substance behind it all.
I'll give you a bit of a history lesson, take it in the right spirit as I'm going to give a few solid examples which are 'safe' for public consumption. Other stuff would be too sensitive to cover at this pont in time until the system degrades more.
You have to understand that the folks at the top, while smooth-talkers, are all pretty much brainless and just keep following the latest fads. When the Brits pushed for the private-public partnerships... SG followed along. The old venerable National Stadium was torn down, and a few $billions was giving to one of the PPP's to build a new 'Sports Hub'. Ostensibly, the goal was to be able to host the National Day parade there.. but the protocol is that instead of just doing it once, it's done every weekend for a couple of months, so that schoolkids of a certain age and other selected folks/citizens get to see the 'rehearsal' .. before the final National Day parade is done yet again on the actual day. So say about 12 rehearsal days, but needing to use the facilities to set up before and afterwards, so 1 day before and 1 day after at least, so 36 days altogether. But in the contract with the PPP, the SG govt which funded the whole thing, is only allowed to use the stadium premises for only 31 days a year. So nope, they can't actually host the national day parade there, which they had been doing with the old stadium for like 40 years. They quickly spent a few $billions more to build a 'floating platform' in the bay.. so that became the new default site for the national day parades. Draw your own conclusions how competent the planners are.
Nuclear power. Little Lee actually authorized it to go forward more than 10 years ago. You'd think a little speck of an island, doesn't really have the space or safety distance if anything bad should happen to a nuclear reactor, right? But that's assuming you actually know a bit of science and have some common sense, or a sense of self preservation. The go ahead was given, nuclear-scientist scholars were sent out to study on full scholarships... quotes were being asked for various aspect of the buildup. It was one of the rare times where I really stuck out my neck and pushed hard against it, calling in all my chips, and very serious folks helped to chime in and pushed against it - to no avail. it was still go go go.. until Fukushima happened, and they realized it was fools gold to chase nuclear power in a Singapore setting/locale. Yes, the top folks are really that dumb.
That was my point to you, please do not believe their PR. They've thrown so much money around in so many ventures, it's like they threw 1000 darts at the dartboard, 998 missed, and 2 did hit, they play it up and woila, they're geniuses.
I have been curious about their program with the results is of great interest as I understand almost 85% were MRNa"ed" as they were the first country in Asia to start it. Digesting the data now does seem to have some interesting conclusions.
Ha... good luck digesting 'data'. As expected, as things turn south despite all the 'massaging', the SG govt just stops releasing the granular data. Only aggregate stuff like births and deaths are still reported. Anecdoctally, 20-30% of kids in school seems to be sick all the time now. They're incubating such nasty viruses that even my kids are affected to some extent.
I expected them to do that quick action to readress the situation as usual, about two months before releasing this data they mentioned in a statement there was no relation between the jab and myocarditis ? The Square head number crunchers were already hard at work prior to the release.
As usual the inflow of foreign workers into the island is almost 50% of the current population and does raise an eyebrow with record entries the last year or so.
That foreign worker inflow is not sustainable, or economically justified. Whats more they still require the migrants workers to be jabbed, and the number of workplace deaths so far this year is 6 as of late Feb. Should be a record year. So far we've also had migrant bus drivers stroking out and hitting bus-stops or going off a curve in the road etc.
The rather stark deterioration in people's mental faculties over time is becoming quite obvous in the overall driving situation. We just had a Merc driving onto a pavement at the main shopping strip (Orchard Road), a Grab driver heading into a condominium pool, taxi driver going onto a park connector next to a canal (meant for pedestrians and cyclists - obviously not a road)... Heck, I just had to renew my insurance for one of my vehicles and it's up 30% despite having a clean record with no claims.
Tell me how a 'modern' economy is supposed to function as people are literally losing their minds? I'm expect a lot of folks to have full psychotic breaks when MSM breaks the 'news' to them that they've pretty much poisoned themselves... It's just very negative karma, as every single religion says it's a big no-no to suicide. How much of the 'economy' will be left standing?
With the "interesting" data presented , it will be a pretty nice utopian paradise 15% the average birth declines in the developed world while death rates about 10% per year The foreigners are not part of the count assuming replacing locals them with foreigners like conveyor belt when they time is done of they survive the ouslaughter of the "V" offering them citizenship. Leaks plugged!
Just look at FTX, was there an inquiry into the logic of investing into it ? likewise this will be the same thing.
Oh wow...!! How awful.
Btw a small typo in #4: I think you mean under 50.
Thank you for this! Very damning.
Thank you! Fixed..
I wrote it at the speed of science!
Keep in mind that Singapore at least deserves props that they continued to publish their data and collect it. A lot of countries, US and Canada included, stopped collecting and publishing data. In some instances they scrubbed data that used to be standard on government websites and has been removed.
Wow! Interesting also what we learn about the british political decisions from our Australian cousins.
How dare you? Any news not approved by MOH is fake news! Please follow directives and protect yourselves with the next jab !
Sep 2021 Vaccines are safe for pregnant women & their babies, but a Covid-19 infection is not: Ong Ye Kung
“I don’t buy into the narrative that the Singapore Government is deliberately depopulating their population.”
Do you buy into the narrative that the BIS-led globalists are conducting worldwide depopulation/genocide via the WHO and US DoD?
i think its a spiritual war - way deeper than a couple of folks sitting in room planning to depopulat..
Investigate the politicians' spouses investments, especially with the pharmacies.
Prediction: Here in the US absolutely nothing will change until May 11th. Then it will be over for good (covid) because something else will require a miracle mRNA -peynuta
This re-definition of "how to count" is a repeating pattern in coverup-genozide. If "authorities" count anything at all. Or can not avoid to crunch numbers they get hit with. IMHO.
As soon as we say STOP in their face, their Karma is fading more rapid than they can say "innocent".
Didn't we ever want to now what happens to a soul with negative karma!??
Personally, and I don't give a rats, but all, big pharma, tech ,cdc, who ,and all corrupt politicians should be rounded up, arrested, charged and sentenced to death, crimes against humanity ,murder, high treason, fraud, distribution of an untested drug and using human test dummies, I think all these clones of an A/hole should be given their OWN POISON ,all 5 shots of it. No more treasonous shite.