"Completely Safe" until it's not. We have seen this over and over with other drug disasters. The phrase "safe and effective" has become just an empty marketing slogan.

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Obviously these injections have injured very many & also killed or contributed to the deaths of others. There isn’t agreement on numbers at present.

Importantly, those with detailed knowledge of pharmaceutical R&D have stated that none of this is a mistake. It’s wholly intentional.

I’m well aware that those to whom this is a new idea tend to dismiss it. Six years ago, I probably would have dismissed it as crazy talk, too.

However, please indulge me by watching & sharing this 22 minute video made a couple of months ago. Thank you.


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Thalidomide Drug was Deemed:

"Completely Safe" until it's not. The phrase "safe and effective"

Monetory Gain is the Ultimate Purpose; Humans are Replacable. Oh Wait, I forgot that the Billy Goat Gruff Malthusian Cult is Out to Depopulate Earth!

Therefore, there must be arguments/division between Mengele Type Scientific Groups (who just love to experiment on anything as long as they can seek Taxpayer Funding from Grubberments, look up humanised mice using aborted foetal scalpsand human organ harvesting) and Malthusian Cult Groups.

Humans are treated as a commodity pre-birth/post death.

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And there are some questions that arise about the actual Pfizer Lots used by the school students under government supervision.


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Yes. I am of the view that this is a Psyop.

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It's really extremely simple. They will not stop until they are stopped. This was obvious in 2020 and it remains obvious after 5 years. The politicians and bureaucrats, and the co-opted businesses took a decision that moved them into a narrowing vice bereft of ethics. It was intentional and it was an out of character commitment for these parasites well noted for their invariable 'each-way' plays, that bizarrely left no wriggle room. Of course, many of them never took a shot so the insulation from their evil decisions remains intact, while their karmic disequilibrium demanding inescapable redress, blossoms.

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Where I am, the powers that be are STILL promoting mRNA CoVID-19 jabs (albeit for the elderly and weak).

That said, nobody really talks about it anymore; once hardcore CoVID-19 vaccine boosters in my circles have gone completely silent.

Me too! I don't really talk about it, in real life, either; got tired of trying to get through to the jabbed. These days, I am just paying attention to the truth gradually come to light, including from the study cited here (thank you Aussie17). With the incoming Trump Administration (with RFK Jr.), I think the truth will be delivered at an increasing rate.

Soon, hopefully, there will accountability.

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It’s all out in the open, yet they’re getting away with it. They feel protected because they are protected. There’s a lot of noise, meant to confuse but who benefits is the question. It’s not just Pharma. They’re the front men. Yes they benefit but who else might benefit? Perhaps the forever wars bio weapon labs people might be running out of money ?They need a major financial reset to keep funding their plans. Covid was either an accidental opportunity or more likely just part of the plan, to cull the heard, expand power, effect a financial reset

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What does it mean when all Western Governments completely ignore “ The Law of Non Contradiction “ ?

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Everything is going according to plan. The governments SHOULD be discredited so that they can later be officially replaced by the power of the banksters, to the applause of the ignorant citizens (stakeholding capitalism). Maintaining the theatre of democracy is expensive and exhausting. The people behind the Federal Reserve Bank of America want to regulate this much more simply and "efficiently". Only the idea of ​​democracy and the idea of ​​the usefulness of governments (whose theoretical task is to find a balance between different interest groups) stand in the way of the bloodthirsty putschists and their idea of ​​a system change (change to the Great Reset, as a new, AI-controlled form of feudalism). Therefore, the ideas of "government" and "democracy" must first prove themselves to be useless, and even harmful. The citizens' dissatisfaction with the work of their governments was therefore planned, calculated in advance, and thus seems to be brought about intentionally. Of course, this is a trap. In my opinion, this was the main purpose of the medical fraud and toxicity that was intentionally built into the design of the pseudo-vaccines. The damage to people's health is nothing more than collateral damage for the perpetrators. These creatures, who also like to start wars, were never concerned with the well-being of humanity, but only with power. They will also be able to profit from the damage to health, because they own the medical system, including the health insurance system. In this way, they have been committing the global robbery of the economies of many countries for many decades. Back then, we should not have understood the terms "(unregulated) capitalism" and "freedom of markets" as an actual "freedom".

mRNA is a disposable platform. The purpose of the toxicity in the design, as I suspect, is to kill, hurt and annoy people until the system is redesigned as intended by the Great Reset perpetrators. When the remnants of democracy are destroyed, the mRNA platform will have served its purpose, and only then can it be thrown away.

By the way, everything Dr Yeadon said about toxicity by design and intentional harm should be taken very seriously. ( https://rumble.com/v5t2qbh-silver-bullet-by-dr-mike-yeadon-and-tim-west-2024.11.25.html ).

Kaylene, all the best and Happy New Year 2025 !


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Thank you. And also to you and yours.

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"The potential health risk posed by residual small DNA fragments is currently unknown."

Of course it's known, it's been known for a long time. That's why it's in there!

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Good point ☝🏻

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Soon 'the authority' in the US will be none other than RFK Jr!

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Hope so 🙆🏼‍♀️

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dna fragments=Darts Fang Men

experimental dna=Parliament End Ex

Anagrams from


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Dr Ruby explains the globalist agenda https://x.com/RealDrJaneRuby/status/1876833307620409668

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As Geoff pointed out, the flawed "high-school" (no accountability) "FDA" study saying what we want to hear is quite suspicious.

Now my version - clearly planted to discredit the real studies filed before... Seen this tactic many times before. Same as Covid truth + flat Earth declaration. Same as United Nations for protecting women + Iran taking the presidential role...

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Here comes the "we didn't know" game. Remember the "We don't know how the virus works..." in 2020? We didn't know about the jab DNA contamination, the companies tricked us with a new manufacture process... We didn't know so many people were injured, hardly anyone registered adverse effects with us... We've fixed the problem now, so let's move on blah, blah, blah

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When you immunize people against DNA, the result is serious autoimmune diseases. There is a well-established link between vaccines and autoimmune diseases. People should not be fooled by labels like Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosis. It’s man made and it’s epidemic.

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Many write-up link DNA fragment contaminants with mRNA vaccines. But is standard safety protocols are not followed, shouldn't other vaccines be affected as well?

How come these contaminants (almost) always appear in mRNA vaccines?

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