Dec 29, 2023·edited Dec 29, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thank you for truth and persistence Aussie17.

Just wanted you to know that for all it's worth, I post your links in several "private" F.B. groups.

Happy Holidays to you.


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This is fantastic!! These are brave doctor's who are doing exactly what the government should be doing. Aussie17 I extend my thanks and gratitude to you for your truth seeking and exposing of the corruptions associated with the entire COVID narrative.

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Awesome! I hope this has an impact on public perception, but most importantly on governmental policy.

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The shots also haven't been approved as yet by the real health authorities. They still have an emergency approval. There was never at least 10 years of testing done on them and they pushed them on the world for the fun of watching as many people die or get sick as they could.

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That also applies to the non-mRNA type such as Sinovac, which gave me a transient stroke and ongoing heart issues.

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Yes definitely get rid of all shots and add four years of HOLISTIC nutrition must be added to all medical and dental schools. Screw the Globalists as they poisoned this world for over 125 years so far! For you Bigs and anyone else with heart issues, read this amazing book: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/practicing-medicine-without-a-license-the-story-of-the-linus-pauling-therapy-for-heart-disease_owen-fonorow/37792210/#edition=6331343&idiq=6300693 I also have another huge list of books to put on reading lists for doctors which are easy for lay people to read. Let me know if you are interested.

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I would love to see your list of books if you don't mind.

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I will put it together and send it in the next comment.

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Here you go!

Fit for Life by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond. Not for the diet exactly, but for the nutrition information in between. The book by Owen Fonorow I mentioned in an earlier comment:

Practicing Medicine Without A License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease (Pauling Therapy Handbook)

by Owen Fonorow and Sally Jewell

Eat Fat, Lose Fat by Mary Enig and Sally Fallon; Know Your Fat Mary Enig and Mary Louise Kelly

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon Morell; The Contagion Myth by Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Tom Cowan.

All books by Andrew Saul, Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer, Tom Levy (If you can't find the individual books, go on to doctoryourself.com to at least find an article about each one. There are also a few other old time vitamin C guys that would be great to read about (all mentioned on doctoryourself.com).

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price Also joining WestonAPrice.org is another great way to learn about healthy eating and only $40/year.

Root Canal Cover-up by Dr. George Meinig (not only bad for your teeth and mouth but also can prevent breast cancer by NOT doing them)!

Orthomolecular News (a web site): omns@orthomolecular.org

Two great (and different) books on raw milk and its healthfulness by Dr. Ron Schmid and Dr. William Campbell Douglass II. Books by Shane Ellison and he will talk about things on his web site: thepeopleschemist.com. The Carnivore Code and Carnivore Code Cookbook both by Dr. Paul Saladino.

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All shots never had long term double blind studies. All shots have a toxin in it or it would just past thru your healthy body in a few days. All vaccines are inheritly not safe. A lot of times they put neuro toxin mercury in child hood shots. Parents complained. So they switched to neuro toxin aluminum. Both will cause neuroligical damages in the body.

Please read Dr. Paul Thomas book regarding his kids in his pediatrician practice and how sick the kids were that he vaxed versus the unvaxed kids.

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I have been reading about Paul Thomas since I first saw TheTruthAboutCancer in 2009. AMAZING! Larry Cook, larry@stopmandaoryvaccination.com He has a FREE COURSE: How To Raise Healthy Vaccine Free Children for anybody who needs it. I also just sent you that book list I promised in a separate comment.

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Thank you.

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Malaysia boleh!! 💪🏽

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Good job of reporting such an important story out of Malaysia.. I have always said that the best hope for revealing the truth and calling for action will come from scientists and experts from countries other than the West willing to speak out.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Aussie17

He “sells vaccines.” I find the wording very interesting! Unfortunately, I suspect there is only one way to get those jabs pulled and that's through the military. In the US the only way to withdraw them is if the HHS secretary does it & pulls the declared emergency. I bet it is written into other countries' contracts. The same contracts most have not seen. It explains why no country's regulating authority anywhere in the world has done such. Many countries have made it harder to get but not one has pulled them. I think it is apparent to most it should be done. Why else would the FDA ignore all the things it has?? The scary thing is why did no one care how badly this was going to reflect on everyone's health agencies? The only thing we can hope and pray is that most are done with them and will never ever take ANY mRNA, mod RNA, RNA, or DNA shot! Ever! We all need to go after the vehicle that allowed this nightmare to transpire in the first place. In the states, it's the PREP Act & a couple of defense acts. Those laws need to be repealed so this never happens again. If we have no say in what goes into our bodies what are we?? It's MY body. If I can't say you may not put that in my body then I am a slave.

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in some countries like malaysia and singapore, you dont need to visit a pharmacy with a prescription. doctors write the prescriptions and sell you the drugs directly. thats why he “sells vaccines”

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Aussie17

"The only thing we can hope and pray is that most are done with them and will never ever take ANY mRNA, mod RNA, RNA, or DNA shot! Ever!".

This is fast becoming reality. The problem is that Big Pharma knows it, Governments know it, the WHO know it, Gates' GAVI and CEPI know it. They ALL know that their Project19 did massive damage to the Public's trust in vaccines, which is why they need to take control of the International Health Regulations so they can ENFORCE vaccination, and not interrupt their golden gravy train of toxins.

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I think there is still a large amount of the population still believing in these clots Sh*ts. I know someone who is a retired nurse, who went back to work giving V*ccines because they couldn't find enough nurses to give them. This was a few months back, but she said they had line ups of 500 people waiting for their V. (I was horrified!) The fear they promoted really brainwashed a lot of people still today-they continue to believe the jab will save them.

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Thank you Malaysia for your courage.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Aussie17

That’s the problems with politicians, they only interested in “solving” the immediate problems to gain popularity and they don’t really care about future impact.

This is because they are not to be held responsible for whatever stupid or reckless actions they have done, aftermath they will only find excuses or stupid explanations to cover their mistakes, none were held responsible. None of any politicians in this country ever apologize for their mistakes, as if they never make mistake, they are gods in this country.

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If Malaysia manages to stop all these non-investigative EUA Countermeasures / Bioweapons AKA 'vaccinations', it may be that they will be severely punished by the usual suspects, the extreme perverts like Blackrock and the other extreme disgust of today's humanity, Bill Gates. After all, they are not concerned with shocking medical realities, but simply with obeying them. And those who disobey will be punished. I am curious to see how this will continue. It is nevertheless very brave of these real people. In which the backbone is not [yet?] desolved.

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But just what authority does the PPIM possess?... Whatever, another brick in the wall....

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The fact there's at least one doctor in their ranks helps make this count.

Every turned healthcare professional is someone who won't be returning back to the C19 cult fold.

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And if we look at researchers like Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova or Dr. Meryll Nass then their findings are lets say Next Level 2.0 revelations about the so called vaccines. After reading their findings one can not look at the jabs otherwise then being NON INVESTIGATIVE EUA COUNTERMEASURES / BIOWEAPONS !! And then one also understands why the killer jabs never NEEDED to be in several testing trials.

Because of these shocking findings, we should not just stick to the medical aspect. All the medical explanations and discoveries regarding injections are of course essential, but as we now know, that is only the beginning. If you understand the bigger picture, these medical measures are not about our health at all. That has never been the case. It is a pure depopulation tool, a bioweapon, and different rules and requirements apply to that. This also immediately substantiates why we should see health ministers, for example, as bribed people committing very serious crimes against humanity!

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There are 195 countries in the world today - 193 are member states of the U.N.

The two that aren't are the Holy See (who are above and immune) and Palestine (who are slated for destruction).

In essence, every single country, all 193 of them, agreed to this worldwide population cull.

It won't be shut down.

Every country is essentially under the all-encompassing grip of a global criminal cartel.

The only way we get out of this is mass non-compliance.

We are billions-strong, they are few.

Without our compliance their humanity-hating schemes would never work.

We either defy or die.

“Either the world becomes a garden or it becomes a battlefield”.

Josef Heringer (b. June 25, 1941)

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thank you this information . please ,if you have ? i need video link .

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its downloadable right?

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