Jan 7Liked by Aussie17

Personally I can see that this article had HOURS of time put into it...and, to me, that is a welcome change to most channels and their content on substack which seems to be generated quickly and with little attention to detail. So, well done. And please keep this cancer drug numbers coming. It is evidence of the greatest crime ever committed.

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Brilliant work! Very disturbing. Unfortunately totally expected! Shared!

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Jan 7Liked by Aussie17

Thank you love your work always interesting.

In my work group of 22 - 2 males both around 40 yrs old diagnosed with leukaemia in 2022 both jabbed

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It's all so tragic.

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Very good work on a very bad injection.

It is inevitable that the Censorship Industrial Complex which goes to great pains to hide the data/trends, fails to cover all angles. In this case, your analyse of Cancer Meds sales.

The misery these Covid injections has caused (cancer treatment is not fun) is traumatic.

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Jan 6Liked by Aussie17

Aussie, you said, "In 2020, at the onset of COVID-19, Singapore registered only 29 deaths for the entire year and approximately 60,000 infections, attributable to stringent lockdowns and contact tracing. The Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) was less than 0.05%, in contrast with the World Health Organization's false and exaggerated rate of 3.4%. I have proposed some hypotheses here regarding their notably low CFR."

Q? Did Singapore use the same protocols as the US? Like midazolam & morphine, vents, remdesivir, and withholding antibiotics?

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No increase in Midazolam, Morphine, Remdesivir.

And they did not withhold antibiotics.

Some asian countries like Singapore and Malaysia are "physician dispensing" countries which means patients do not need to visit a separate pharmacy to get their medications because Physcian's sell drugs directly (and they also make a profit from selling drugs - typically 20-30% profit). There's also no price control in Singapore -doctors can sell it at whatever price they want. This "profit-motive" inadvertently caused low mortality in Singapore because there were no restrictions to drug availability - particularly antibiotics.

Doctors also sell vitamins to boost their profit.

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Thank you. Do you think that data bolsters or debunks #killinghospitals? Same with "tracing and lockdowns?" Because you seem to correlate the latter with improved outcomes? Or am I not understanding?

"In 2020, at the onset of COVID-19, Singapore registered only 29 deaths for the entire year and approximately 60,000 infections, attributable to stringent lockdowns and contact tracing."

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the data bolsters killing hospitals.

#Killinghospitals occurred in Australia, UK … a few hotspots in the world where they had deaths huge death spikes (almost coordinated to hit the 3.4% death rate). For example in australia, it was exactly 3.4%. It’s like someone trying to hit a KPI.

In Singapore they didn’t try to hit this KPI. No restrictions on antibiotics, no midozilam etc.

The stringent lockdowns / contact tracing reduced infection - only approx 1% of the population had covid in 2020.

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What an awesome business model. Create disease, create drug for disease, drug creates cancer, old cancer drugs break sales records ... rather, rinse, repeat. As long as you don't mind killing a few million people or more, you can get quite rich doing this. I think I speak for all of us when I say that I cannot wait to see the next disease they create in the cycle. Too bad our world is too stupid to do anything about it ... although to be fair, your vote is your weapon, but they also are really good at cheating in elections. I suspect, this will not end well, they will not stop until they have poked the bear too hard.

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A old friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago. It was early stage. Went for chemotherapy and doc says on remission. Then fast forward one year later it came back and ct scan is showing black spots all over. And this time it doesn't response to therapy at all. My friend passed away after just a few months.

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I have written a reply four or five times here, I want to say something but wonder what would be the use, other than sorry for your loss.

So many lost in this disgustingly planed way. Its almost become normalised.

In the very beginning, Prof Dr Delores Cahill (Rumble) told us clearly what the story would be. So no surprises, except the immense degree of criminality that we are all being exposed to.

The Abusers have no love, and that may be our protection , we are all in this together, that means something.

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Extraordinary information and excellent research. 👍

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Hello. This is massive work and massive information. Thank you.

Like you said, Singapore is the PERFECT "control group".

You have to get those data out ! You have to increase their diffusion.

You should contact high profile "substackers" in the Covid resistance movement, like Igor Chudov (Robert Malone etc.).


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The covid 19 jab causes cancer of all kinds.it destroys gradually the human system.my dad got murdered at the hospital.many friends I know are terminal ill now.why?they believed in the jab and boosters.

It is a de population gender.history repeats itself

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This was exposed for all to see but very few noted as significant in 2019, 2020 on pfizers own investors projection pages when cancer rx were projected to boom in sales for the next decade.

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The leaders of the Great Euthanizing (and their global useful idiots) can’t and won’t stop now. So brilliant reasoning and evidence like yours is critical to our prosecuting them for their crime against humanity.

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The predation of humanity continues. Over ten million people, many children missing every year , the medical harvest and of death greatly increased in the last three years ,and the $VULTURE$ collection of financial gain from chemical treatments foisted upon the victims.


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Can u please share the source of information about the sales trends of cancer drugs?

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