Love this line ... “To be clear, I am not attributing all these deaths to the vaccine! However, we must be careful because, most of the time, the truth is somewhere in the middle instead of the extreme side.”

I have said this from the beginning with antidepressants. Not all suicides or mass shootings can be blamed on antidepressants. However, when someone not depressed or never had mental health issues goes onto to kill themselves or others shortly after taking the drug. We must investigate.

There needs to be curiosity from our regulators and medical community to start asking questions.

Just “what if they are related?”

Truth always lies somewhere in between the extremes.

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Exactly. Otherwise we ll end up with a similar situation in the future and all those who will die ,,unexpectedly,, will also be coincidences and there will be no connection to what might have caused it since nobody will investigate anything. Like Ryan Cole said, you can not find what you re not looking for...I agree with him 100%.

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Exactly. Like Ryan Cole said in an interview, you can not find what you re not looking for.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Aussie17


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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Great stuff as always!

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I like your blog but it does not make sense to me. You try to color what is in reality badly failed defense medical countermeasures, as being somehow a product manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry using their dodgy commercial systems which are irrelevant to all of this. Defense medical countermeasures have nothing to do with the Pharma Company that happens to distribute the product into the mass public. These things are run by Defense. There is no legal need for accurate data, clinical trials, informed consent and coercion is legal in relation to medical countermeasures. All the parties involved are subject to some very draconian laws, including judges, politicians, major employers, medical boards and the pharma executives themselves. The Pharma companies only did what they did under the threat of imprisonment under these specific bio-warfare laws. Phizzer and the Astro mob, ModARPA J%J etc, they are all under DoD control and direction in all of this under threat of imprisonment. So what is the point of blaming the shady big Pharma corps? They had no control in all of this. The mass public, they did not consent to being injected with genetic medical countermeasures that cause significant harm. That is the issue. Medical countermeasures were passed-off as a pharmaceutical health product and this falsehood has caused significant medical harm. Note however that all of this is 100% legal and consent is not required in relation to medical countermeasures. Nobody will be going to jail because it is all lawful under defense legal measures.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Author

defense medical countermeasures, do you mean in the US? DoD activities doesn't apply to all countries.. mRNA is not approved in china (1.4 billion). 300million indians are unvaxxed because they can get ivermectin/HCQ anytime. about 1billion in the african continent are unvaxxed.

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In the case of the Covid, think (as an example) an extinction rebellion type of hard core extremest biowarfare organization. The Covid is in effect a bio-engineered human extinction machine. This is beyond any country. A group of pissed off scientists, somewhere, decided to do their own extinction instead. An extinction of all of the western over-consuming humans that wreck the planet. Problem is that the politicians and defense people, they allowed their medical countermeasures to be infiltrated and compromised (the template machines likely hacked). Now, the medical countermeasures instead of eliciting immunity, they instead created tolerance and the antibodies created assist in continual reinfection. This will in effect speed up the genocide. What will the defense people and the politicians do now. Their medical countermeasures have failed. furthermore, the mass public were led to believe that these failed medical countermeasures were pharmaceutical products. Things will get very intense now.


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This is operated by the real rulers of the world, the 13 families.

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