When I wrote yesterday’s Week 1 update, I was contemplating whether to publish it immediately or wait till the day was over (It was Saturday morning in Australia). After all, there has been so much news on Week 1 alone I thought I had covered it all. However, I thought we would have a quiet Saturday, so I just published it.
And then, I saw that Gregory Yee, an LA Times reporter, died of "respiratory issues" at 33. Rest in peace! Way too young to die. He said, "it felt like a shipping container fell on him" after the vaccination, "but it was well worth it". This followed the two ABC reporters that just died two weeks ago!

And then, I saw another one, Gianluca Vialli died aged 58 due to pancreatic cancer.
Don't forget; Professor Angus Dalgleish has warned about cancer's rapid relapse.

He made quite a U-Turn after writing a piece to encourage young people to vaccinate just a year ago.

And then I saw another piece of news, legendary surfer Marcio Freire died in Portugal while surfing.
The news kept coming, and it was supposed to be a quiet Saturday!
Singaporean MMA fighter Victoria Lee, who was scheduled to fight on Jan 14th 2023, dies at 18 (Cause of death unknown).
It keeps coming! NBA Star Tristan Thompson’s mother "suddenly died”.
Wow! That is quite a lot of news on a supposedly quiet Saturday!
A case study - zooming into Singapore’s data.
Now, to be clear, I am not attributing all these deaths to the vaccine! However, we must be careful because, most of the time, the truth is somewhere in the middle instead of the extreme side.
As there were two deaths in Singapore, I started digging a little into the data published by the Singapore government.
I worked at Big Pharma in Singapore for a few years. The government is highly efficient, as efficient as the private sector, because it pays well to work in the public sector in Singapore.
Heck, the Prime Minister in Singapore earns more than twice that of other country heads worldwide.
I loved looking at Singapore’s data because they are reliable and accurate. There is no reason to think the data is “massaged” in any way (even though the high-paying politicians might craft the narrative). The country also has 100% healthcare access, making the data even better.
Also, there are negligible “Fake Vaccination Passports” in Singapore because lying to authorities can net you two years of jail time!
And over 83% of the population are vaccinated. (Source: Ministry of Health Singapore)
If you look at the death stats of Singapore (source here), zooming into circulatory system deaths alone, you can see pre-COVID, registering +/- 2%. But in 2020, it shot up to 11.28%—a lot of excess death in that year.
Here are some key observations:
In 2020, before the mass vaccination campaign, almost nobody died of COVID (less than 50), but there was an increase in circulatory system-related death of 11.28%. Was this due to the lockdowns??
Covid deaths started spiking nine months after mass vaccination campaigns after most of the population had taken the booster (3rd shot).
In 2021, circulatory-related deaths continued to rise, 10.54% vs 2020 (and a staggering 23.94% over pre-COVID)
I leave it to the readers to make their conclusion.
I am waiting eagerly to look at the 2022 data (to be published in June 2023). I think the 2022 full-year data will be the moment where the SHTF!
Not only for Singapore but most of the world.
Love this line ... “To be clear, I am not attributing all these deaths to the vaccine! However, we must be careful because, most of the time, the truth is somewhere in the middle instead of the extreme side.”
I have said this from the beginning with antidepressants. Not all suicides or mass shootings can be blamed on antidepressants. However, when someone not depressed or never had mental health issues goes onto to kill themselves or others shortly after taking the drug. We must investigate.
There needs to be curiosity from our regulators and medical community to start asking questions.
Just “what if they are related?”
Truth always lies somewhere in between the extremes.