Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023Liked by Aussie17

I am both grateful to be unvaxxed yet terrified, because every single one of my loved ones got the shots, including my brother's two-year-old twins. My worst fears are coming true.

Thank you for getting the truth out there.

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Plus, what about the recent study showing circulating vaccine sequence 28 days post vaccination. Those of us unvaxxed are potentially one transfusion away from being vaxxed.


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Thanks A17. Don't know how you get all this info but glad that you do.

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Yeah, I was also wondering why the Singapore government changed the definition of stillbirths right after the vaccination rollout. It seems quite odd knowing full well that it will attract a lot of attention during a pandemic.

But I also don't know the full backstory, and how long the overall legislation process took, so I still don't know what to make of it.

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Continuity would seem to be a major requirement for those types of statistics. They could have recorded numbers for both the old and new definition to avoid a total data break.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Excellent review as always! Stellar job!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Aussie17

It's surreal isn't it...amen to Claudia's comments....I feel the same

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

A have a theory - note that this is just a theory only. I believe the clumsiness of the texts show that these govt ministers are "useful idiots" in the scamdemic and are not the true masterminds behind it. When the SHTF, I believe these useful idiots, along with many doctors are going to be thrown under the bus and will be pillared by both sides of the public (vaxxed and unvaxxed). The true elites responsible will continue to act behind the shadows and who knows what will happen next.

Of course, this is not to say that these people are not complicit in the scamdemic - I believe they are truly deserving of the justice that will be heading their way.

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An old adage, but if I could give a 1000 likes...

Every sentence filled with pertinent, concise information in your articles.

I feel the heart-sincerity behind your articles while i read this in the morning and it brightens my day.

Living under extreme financial and temporal duress especially since 🤐Covid🤐 ("55 children to support" haha), I can not do anything ( eg subscribe) in that manner, as I used to beforehand.

But here is... I'm aussified (in a good sense)!

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Awesome wrap up! BoJo math was the best part - peynuta

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Lab leak = yet another limited hangout.

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As you observe some political leaders seem to be suffering blowback from the jab so it seems that justice is blind.

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I want to download them :-/

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