Further Updates from Japan
Professor Fukushima from Japan has been leading the crusade against the experimental mRNA vaccine for a while now. We saw his fiery speech on 25th November 25th, 2022, where he called the government health officials “idiots”.
Fast forward to Feb 2nd, 2023, Prof Fukushima and his team held a press conference where he put the Government Officials in a Catch-22 situation by presenting data that the number of infections in Japan has doubled. The number of infected people is four times higher than that of unvaccinated people!
In short, vaccinated people are getting infected at a much higher rate than unvaccinated people. This is in line with the Cleveland Clinic Study, which found the following.
One dose, 1.7 times more likely to test positive for covid
Two doses, 2.63 times more likely to test positive for covid
Three doses, 3.1 times more likely to test positive for covid
More than three doses, 3.8 times more likely to test positive for covid
Other Key Highlights of the Press Conference:
More than 300 case reports have been released establishing links between adverse events and vaccination.
They demand the Health Ministry acknowledge causal links between vaccines and deaths. They are prepared to file lawsuits if the Health Ministry fails to do so. (Correction: Lawsuits HAVE been filed)
They want the Health Ministry to distribute a “Vaccination Victim’s Handbook” to everyone vaccinated. The handbook is similar to the “Atomic Bombs Victim’s handbook” distributed to survivors of atomic bombs.
A snippet of the press conference is in my tweet below. You can watch the full 50 minutes press conference here (available only in Japanese)

More U-Turns and Resignations
The month of February is crucial. As I tweeted last year, February is when top-ranking government officials get the aggregated annual data and need to plan their next move.
The “next move” can be either a “U-Turn” or a resignation before the shit hits the fan.
So here are some recent U-Turns and Resignations this week.
Karl Lauterbach
Germany’s Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, admits mistakes were made as Germany’s excess death soars above 36%. He blames it on nameless scientists giving poor advice to the government. Igor Chudov wrote an excellent commentary here.
John Skerritt from Australia’s TGA (FDA-equivalent) resigns. He is the regulator’s poster child of the experimental mRNA and the one who banned the use of Ivermectin as early treatment.
Who can forget that February 7 2023, will be Jacinda Adern’s last day as the PM of New Zealand? She announced a sudden resignation on January 19, 2023. It makes me curious about the New Zealand Data drop that will be released on February 20 2023. We will see!
Dutch PM Mark Rutte makes the U-Turn saying, “in hindsight, he should also have listened more to the people who disagreed with the corona measures”
Professor Retsef Levi joins the call to #StopTheShots
Also this week, Professor Retsef Levi of MIT joins the call to stop all experimental mRNA shots immediately. Prof Levi is an MIT Expert in Analytics, Risk Management, Health Systems, Food & Agriculture Systems, and Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management. I am pretty confident he knows what he is saying!
So let us quickly summarize the Key Opinion Leaders calling for the mRNA experiment to stop since November 2022.
Project Veritas third exposure of Pfizer’s Director
The BIGGEST news this week is Project Veritas’ third segment on Pfizer’s Director Jordon Walker admitting that the vaccines affect menstrual cycles.

However, what I find most striking is Jordon Walker saying that the vaccine doesn’t cross the Blood-Brain Barrier. It seems he is talking honestly; if this is so, it is just plain incompetency. There have been many case reports and autopsies proving otherwise!
The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research recently published a study by Nobel Prize-winning Professor Luc Montagnier.
They found 26 cases of patients with Cruetzfeldt-Jakob Disease (a brain disease) average of 11 days after vaccination! This is quite staggering because CJD’s prevalence is one in a million. What is more concerning is that VAERS (as of this point of writing) reported more than 50 cases of CJD, and if we take the under-reporting in VAERS into account, we may be looking at thousands of CJD cases! But, again, this disease used to be one in a million!
Peter McCullough discusses other evidence of brain diseases due to mRNA vaccinations here.

Signing off for now,
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