Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Terrific substack! Thanks for the detailed explanation!

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thank you for this! Great reportage as usual. So I have one question, and forgive me if the answer is hiding in plain sight but If there's DNA in the vaxx then what is the implication for humans who now have those bits of DNA inside them? Does it mean that their eyes change colour or something like that? Silly example but you get what I mean. Or is it more like their immune system is told to function in a different way from what the RNA's original job was (maybe at a deeper more lasting level)? I have seen literally scores of my (boosted) friends and colleagues unable to fight off simple non-covid flus now and what should have been a mildly debilitating 'rest in bed' kind of flu has been absolutely horrendous for people going on for weeks with serious side effects and I wonder if it is connected. Thank you.

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Going the "out of Spec" is probably the best way to get this product out of circulation, and lawsuites started.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Very well presented and explained. Your writing is getting better and better.

Keep going!

I'd hate to be someone who had 3 or 4 doses of these injections and be reading that what they squirted into my arm might cause my body all sorts of immune interference and DNA discombobulation issues.

The whole thing is discombobulating,

In fact, I think it needs its own word....a new one; people need to be 'de-faucified'

Many people have Faucitus, an inflammation of the Fauc (a strange, alien-like secretionary gland propagated in the armpits of mRNA recipients in most western countries)

the plot thickens,

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by Aussie17

I'd think this is especially worrisome for women of childbearing age. What can these DNA bits do to a baby developing in utero?

Dumb question time: Who's DNA is it? I presume it belongs to HEK293, the vivisected baby whose cells are immortalized and used frequently in testing and even products we eat, drink and apply. But do we know whose DNA this is? Absolutely horrifying to think about.

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You are the only one I read on Twitter on almost daily basis. Having no time I have to be choosy ;) Then when you publish here on Substack I really enjoy it. Thank you!

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Is this why AZ is quietly no longer available in Australia? as of March 20th (ATAGI) A quiet recall?

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

"Out of Spec" but why?

1.) Could it have been because nobody cared? With immunity-liability from start to finish why would anybody care about actual contents, just say so 'out of spec', which meant it could be anything you wished it to be

2.) All contracts out of UK, but all manufacturing in India, using lowest bidder, who knew that QA didn't matter, and that everybody was exempt from liability, ergo the rat-turds, and metals found in vials;

3.) All the big-pharma names selling the mRNA could also hire the lowest bidder to package, again who cared about QA, no liability

Could go on, but lets just say it took +50 years to create the FDA and go from Sausage making 1920's style to 1990's style, but it TOOK TRUMP&BIDEN only a few years to destroy the entire USA pharma industry. Who on earth will buy USA pharma products knowing that they can get away with murder??

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Thank you for this brilliant substack.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

OMG most of this science goes above my head so thank you to all those warriors out there ‘dumbing’ it down for the everyday people, the time and effort to do this is very much appreciated

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Maybe you should explain / expand that this does not affect Pfizer per se, but the manufacturers of the vaccines that were provided for injection. Pretty sure most of it was manufactured under contract by third parties.

Just like the clinical trials were not directly run by Pfizer.

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Apparently only "fierce critics" of this brand new, never used in humans before, mandated across the world at the risk of exclusion from society / employment / etc vaccine are interested in a "deep dive" of what might be wrong with it.

As opposed to what the FDA were meant to be enforcing - namely a DEEP DIVE INTO THE EFFECTS, long-term and across the board.

That pharma twit Robinson needs a good slap upside the head, what an utter muppet.

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Let’s see how this play out my Heart is smiling

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Great info as always! And this was definitely something I didn't read about from other sources, so fantastic work!

When the product-recall of SHTF moment comes, I'm sure many people will be panicking and will want to know solutions / treatments.

Similar to your cancer article, I will greatly appreciate to hear your opinions/thoughts on the best course of action to mitigate the MRNA impact should someone happen take the shot. I'm sure many other readers would be as well!

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Excellent post, thank you! Hope it goes viral.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Anyone more science-y than me, that understands if this is at all related to the study finding reverse transcription of mRNA into liver cells in vitro? Or is this a separate problem?

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