They are attacking us from so many fronts that I ask myself how can humanity survive.

We have to pray. A lot

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Why wouldn't we organize our greater numbers and fight back?

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Mar 20Liked by Aussie17

I saw this sh*tshow coming well in advance so much so that I created a business model/plan to counter and do exactly as you suggest-organize and create solutions to this mess which I already have created a solution plan. My plan was codified in 2012 as an LLC. Till this very day, still no one wants to contribute, still amazes me so you/I are on our own which is sad to say even sadder to live it. By the time organize and fight back becomes vogue the country will done, I believe we are way past that point now. Time is limited to months not years...............good guys good guys what you gone'a do when they come after you, good guys good guys what you gone'a do when they come after you.....

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I just discovered my posts that didnt post. Wonder how censorship affects lack of numbers of people uniting. Will this post?

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I did the same as you. I agree completely.

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Pray ???? ...🤔🤔🤔

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"...new technologies were skipping the scrutiny of studies altogether. " As a former consultant for the National Artificial Intelligence Roadmap in my country, I know that many foolishly think that AI can probe all possible scenarios in the place of lengthy trials (and errors). This is a recipe for disaster and a disaster not limited to healthcare alone.

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Mar 20Liked by Aussie17

The question is are these (turbo) cases really "cancer"? Not all cancer tumours are same and certain cures seem to work better than others for certain cancers depending on affected organ, but there seems to be no cure for these turbo LNP-induced "cancers". Love Dr Klinghardt.

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Mar 20Liked by Aussie17

👏👏💯 from what I've looked at, these cancers are not behaving in the "traditional" sense of "abnormal" cell responses. It's like a complete overwhelm of the apoptosis response in the cell programming, more than as if the switch has not been switched on, but more like the switch has been erased completely!

The "countermeasures" given since 2021, strangely have been documented, by Pfizer no less, as down regulating the apoptosis signalling pathway.😐😐🤔🤨🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😤🤐

#mistakeswereNOTmade #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised

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Mar 20Liked by Aussie17

Epidemiologist NSW Professor Mary-Louise McLaws was often seen on ABC news telling anyone who was listening that the deadly pathogen was being spread in the air. She was adamant that a combination of ventilation, proper masking, sensible distancing and vaccines would be the bridge out of the pandemic, while avoiding catastrophic fatality rates.

Sadly, it was early 2022 that McLaws told the world a run of bad headaches had prompted her to see a doctor. “Thank you, media, for helping me spread knowledge,” she said, as she took what she optimistically predicted would be a short time off to deal with a brain tumour.

My layperson’s immediate thoughts were …….TURBO CANCER?

She passed away August 14 2023

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She’s been joined with brain tumour by at least a be other of her pro vax colleagues.

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I am sure that she never made any reference to therapeutics. And certainly no mention of Ivermectin which was first referenced in a paper out of Monash on April 3 2020..

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Aussie17

Every Thursday Dr Dietrich Klinghardt does an hour long video in English on various very interesting subjects. You can sign up from his FB page Klinghardt Institute, highly recommended..



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Mar 20Liked by Aussie17

He is a wonderful and exceptional Dr. We need more of his ilk in this world, stat.

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Awesome business model; create a population of very sick people and treat them with drugs that make them sicker until they die. Did the good doctor recommend the clot shots for his cancer patients? If he did ... then he aint that smart.

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Mar 20Liked by Aussie17

OK we all have testimonial evidence of turbo Ca amongst friends, family, and colleagues, since Covid and since the vaccine rollout. Why? Obviously a multinational meta analysis of this phenomenon and ACD in a survey of large oncology practices is needed controlled for time of onset before and after, in the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

Well -controlled cancers on maintenance chemo unexpectedly becoming widely metastatic with early death would be of interest. I personally know 2 pancreatic ca's after boosting, one had negative abd mri in the year before, both were fit and with normal health for age.

Any comments from oncologists listening?

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Aussie17

Egyptian international footballer Ahmed Refaat (30) suffers cardiac arrest mid-game


> After 9 days in the hospital, Amr Osman, one of the medical supervisors, and cardiologist consultants for the Modern Future Football Club has confirmed that Refaat is suffering from a rare medical heart condition.

> He explained that Refaat’s condition is unprecedented and that doctors hadn’t seen something like it before.

> Osman explained “Refaat was resuscitated for two full hours, and every time he was resuscitated, the player’s heartbeat accelerated, returning to point zero, and we had to begin the resuscitation process again. The heart’s condition returned to point zero once more approximately every five minutes.”


Video of incident here: https://www.marca.com/futbol/futbol-internacional/2024/03/12/65f03bb946163fa3a68b45c1.html

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If someone has a minute can you check out my logic.

Wikipedia's has a "Turbo Cancer" page. They claim there's no evidence the covid jabs are causing cancers let alone any so called turbo cancers.

But I note that the first link references an article that discusses SV40. They acknowledge SV40 can cause cancers.

The article was written in December 2022. Was that before the SV40 sequence was discovered in covid (?) or the covid jabs?

Does this not invalidate his article?

The wiki article is:


The first link is:


But you might want to open the article to make sure it's the right one.

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I’m not in “the industry “ but I observe a lot. They haven’t just avoided scrutiny often the placebo in drug trials are the adjuvant. If you can watch an ABC four corners program S2023 ep 31. In it they talk about psych meds, but towards the end one of the psychs had done work at the FDA and states at least 40% of the studies are suppressed. Also on my Google feed a site regularly comes up - Yahoo finance I believe. Talks about pharma acquisitions etc. at the moment these firms are taking over companies researching heart meds oncology meds neurological meds etc. Eli Lily is currently touted as the first pharma to top trillion dollar mark. It’s a case of cause the problem, provide the solution.

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And of course there's an EMPTY room in State & Federal parliaments when some crazy outlier dares to speak of this. So. And so, if one's putative elected representatives have been ... captured, bought, influenced, paid for... almost ALL of them, by interests literally inimical ( and by God, I mean i.n.i.m.i.c.a.l.), to the People, if this is so ? 🤔 And this is like, the $64,000,000,000,000.00 dollar question, innit?

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Apparently Trump distributed 4 billion to miscellaneous people around the world to push “warp speed”. Greg hunt, our health minister at the time is a WEF graduate.

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By Trump you mean the people in charge of our health like Fauci and Birx right? Thought so!

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I meant the Zionists all through government and bureaucracy in all western countries. Zionists and Jews are not synonymous terms. They have been pulling the strings worldwide for hundreds of years.Fauci et al are cogs in the wheel acting out a predetermined script. Trump has stated on a regular basis that he is a Zionist. If you want to know how long they have been preparing for 2020, watch the opening ceremonies of the Barcelona olympics, the London Olympics and the Commonwealth games in Birmingham I believe. All available on YouTube. The first two are predictive programming of the virus, and in the last one they appear to be worshipping Baal.

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Agree we have been conned for a long time and that evil exists. Follow the money seems right.

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And posit this: if some Agency, backed by the 0.001, could hold a few chook raffles. 198 +/- UN "nations and a cupla bill. per country? Why, fer chump change, a mere 400 billion (hey, round it up🤷), you just bought yer self 😉 a woild, baby. Viva la nwo 🎉

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Remember the quote- greed is good.

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Only once the West has been depopulated, some survivors will start asking questions that will be silenced with police boots in their faces ...

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He mentions at the end that his patient base is in the States. And he mentions that the surge of cancer is among those taking the covid injection. How can one reconcile this with the underlying cause of these deaths is the surge of EMF through 5G (the 'other causes')?

I was in Punjab, a small village where these massive radioactive towers were, and people were living fine underneath them, with no sickness, normal pregnancies and lifespans. It took a bit of observation, then I realized they maintained earthing or grounding daily, all throughout the day, and that's the root of our illness. We are not letting this massive expansion of EMF into the MMW spectrum pass through, and rubber soles cut off the grounding, so the disease begins, X is here.

There's gotta be something with the injection that's speeding the entire process up, Hunger Games style, but its gonna spread to all of us. So either start earthing, spend your $1500 on a MMW box whose surge overrides the EMF, or don't play and get out of the way.


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The last one-and-half years is since September 15, 2022. Perhaps that’s when cancers exploded, but this disease did not start in 2.5 years as he alludes. It started for most of the world, 4 years ago with the lockdowns of March 2020. And the disease is named Covid-19. There is mounting evidence that the disease was spreading worldwide as early as August of 2019. President Donald Trump signed that legislation that authorized what was later called Ooeration Warp Speed in September of 2019.

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The cancers exploded post vax, not post covid.. As can be seen from the timing

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Biden forced it on our country!

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