Dec 7, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Excellent stack Aussie17. You must feel like you’re working for the underground. I sure do. Suggestion- why not have ‘Buy me a coffee’ as well as subscriptions on offer? Thing is, a lot of people already subscribe to a few substacks and are reluctant to take on any more. If you had ‘Buy me a coffee’ I would have and I think others would have also.

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Thanks, I have a buymeacoffee link too but for some reason I always forget putting that up.. Thans for the reminder

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Liked by Aussie17

That is a wonderful point to raise: if cancers have skyrocketed then (assuming it's not due to lockdown diagnosis lag) there's 2 scenarios:

1. it was the vaccine

2. it was COVID, but then the vaccine is not working to prevent serious disease.

If it's vaccinated people getting cancer.... all bets are off.

My best guess is the virus works with us, but the vaccine is still a crap shoot.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Very interesting. In the UK prescriptions of nilotinib (TASIGNA) seem to be flat:


I possibly missed something

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023Author

I'm not sure but Tasigna is definitely used more than 3 or 4 times a year (the chart shows a lot of zeros)

I think it's because the chart shows "across all GP practices" .. It's a specialized drug used by Oncologists, GPs hardly prescribe it.

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Makes sense and thank you!

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As usual you are great 👍. I agree with your decision, I hope that many people will subscribe! ❤️

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Wonderful work, thank you!

I was reflecting on your idea of selling the data, perhaps another way might be to see if Steve Kirsch might be willing to fund your work? Worst case he might be willing to buy your current data, and future work as well. Just a thought. Good luck!!!

Here is a link to his page: https://kirschsubstack.com/

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Sorry correction .. *sales analysis... not raw data. Can't disclose raw data!

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Cancer of the vaccine-induced immuno-suppressed! Nothing more, nothing less.

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FLCCC 1h20m webinar Feb 1, 2023 pointed out that SC2 spike is oncogenic. Apparently spikes are bad, regardless of where they come from. Well, bad for health - great for profits. Ya think maybe the gain-of-function crew knew this already?


Your cancer drug sales rise back this up. Perhaps it takes time to manifest? Or maybe Omicron is more dangerous in this one area?

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