Mike Hind, the UK's 4X Best Personal Trainer and an MBE recipient, recently sparked a conversation on Facebook by sharing that he feels different after receiving the COVID vaccine.
Before the arrival of COVID, Mike considered himself a healthy and resilient individual. He rarely got sick, and when he did, he was quick to recover from injuries and illnesses, always bouncing back in no time.
Good morning guys…
I know this post will be controversial but I have to be real and honest in what I’m thinking and hear your thoughts.Before Covid arrived, I considered myself a healthy, resilient person rarely ill, quick to recover from injuries, and always bouncing back pretty quick when I was ill..
However, since receiving the COVID vaccines, Mike has noticed significant and troubling changes in his health. When he falls ill now, he finds that the sickness feels much more severe. His body struggles to fight off illnesses, and recovering now seems to take much longer than it used to.
Since getting the Covid vaccines, I’ve noticed some serious changes.
When I do get ill, it feels much more severe, I can’t fight off the illness and it takes months to recover, and when I pick up injuries, recovery seems to take much so longer.
Mike then reflects on a recent operation he had, which he expected to heal from in 6 to 8 weeks. To his dismay, four months later, he is still not fully healed. During Christmas, he faced a serious health scare, as doctors diagnosed him with pneumonia. He experienced difficulty breathing and developed a chest infection, and even after four weeks, something still doesn’t feel right.
My operation I should have been recovered in 6/8 weeks, yet 4 month later I’m still not healed. At Christmas I was so ill, doctors told me it was pneumonia, I couldn’t breathe, I developed a chest infection and 4 weeks on I’m still not right.
Some have suggested that perhaps his age could be a factor. Yet, as the owner of a gym who works out every single day for over 12 years, he knows he leads a healthy, active lifestyle. His diet and routine are consistent; he eats the same foods daily and follows the same regimen, making his lifestyle predictably healthy.
Some have said is it my age?
I own a gym, I workout each and every day and have for over 12 years, my diet and routine never changes, I eat the same food everyday and I have the same routine… my lifestyle is so predictable.
He clarifies that he is not anti-vaccine. In fact, he’s uncertain whether these recent health changes are related to the vaccine itself, the effects of COVID, or if something entirely different is at play. This is the part that many people are unable to shake off because of "the science" that Fauci pushed.
I honestly don’t blame them. How many people understand DNA contamination, IgG4 elevation (I had to make a funny video to explain it), chronic inflammation due to cGAS-STING, prion-like sequences, and HIV glycoproteins embedded into the spike protein that is constantly manufactured by the body of the vaccinated?
Heck, even after working with the COVID vaccine manufacturers for 20 years, I am barely keeping up with it.
To be clear, I’m not anti-vaccine, and I’m not even sure if these changes are connected to the vaccine, the effects of Covid itself, or just something else? But 100% something has changed.
Contemplating whether he would make the same choice if given the chance to go back in time, he concludes that he personally would not. Please join me in welcoming Mike to the Aussie17’s U-Turn list.
I can’t help but feel different, and it’s something that’s been on my mind for a while, I had to be honest and share this because I was also honest when I had the 2 vaccines.
Would I have them again if I could go back in time? Honestly I don’t think I would personally. I know I’m not alone in this, as I’ve spoken to others who feel the same way.
Anyway, here is the full link to Mike Hind’s Facebook post from earlier this week
There are over 2,000 comments where everyone is sharing their experiences. It is quite a sight to behold! These are all real people whom Facebook censored prior to Zuckerberg removing the fake “fact checkers” a couple of weeks ago. Have fun reading through them!
Meanwhile, if you have Facebook, you can connect with me here.
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The trainer has probably reached more new people with his one FB post than I do in a year!
Ok, he won’t have got them far, but the more people are willing to have “courageous conversations” the better.
I salute him and wish him well.
This Facebook posts mirrors the daily conversations I have with my friends who all “felt fine” after the 💉 and couldn’t understand what was wrong with me after the first and only Pfizer shot successfully ruined my life and health for the past 3 years… Slowly everyone is waking up that they were duped and they’re not the same person they were prior to taking part in the worlds biggest experiment/money grab.