The Pachinko Machine Effect and the Death Loop
Explaining why data is showing more unvaxxed in hospitals from a different perspective
During my time working in a top Biopharma in Japan, I had the incredible opportunity to dive into the country's captivating culture. One gem I discovered was the wild world of Pachinko parlors. The moment I stepped inside, It was like stepping into a carnival of colours and excitement.
Pachinko is like a mix of pinball and slot machines. Players shoot small metal balls into the machine, and they bounce around, landing in different pockets with varying rewards. The goal is to get as many balls as possible into the winning pockets to win more balls or prizes.
In the world of Pharma, the Pachinko game resembles what we call the "Patient Journey." Every pharma marketer needs to understand the patient journey of the drug they are selling because this is how they could manipulate the game in their favor (ahem, higher drug sales!). You can simply do a Google image search on "Patient Journey Mapping" to find all kinds of patient journeys.
Anyway, let's get back to the Pachinko Machines. Imagine those tiny pins inside the Pachinko machine as the path of a patient's journey.
The ball represents the patient, bouncing around while trying to navigate through the maze of medical decisions with the guidance of their doctors. Once they've got the diagnosis in hand, it's like the ball moving on to the next phase of the game - the treatment protocols. The patient meets the healthcare team, and it's all systems go. Everyone's working together to get that ball rolling towards the right treatment option.
It looks something like this.
Some parts of the decision process can be manipulated to our (Big Pharma’s) favor, some are not. For example, if you are selling an anti-coagulant for patients with A-Fib (abnormal heart flutters), you would run an awareness campaign together with hospitals or clinics that have a higher tendency to prescribe your company’s product. This way, you ensure that the patient flows to the right winning pockets. Hospitals and clinics love this because it increases their patient load, and we (Pharma) supply all kinds of necessary resources (i.e., huge and costly disease awareness advertisements, educational materials, exhibition booths, manpower, etc.). The best thing is, most of these activities do not go through the Sunshine Act because there’s no actual transfer of value between Pharma and Healthcare Providers (Hospitals and Doctors). We are simply working together for the benefit of mankind! Sometimes we even invite politicians because it lets them score political points.
Of course, regulations may differ across countries, but you get the idea.
It's like a strategic dance where everyone seems to be a winner. Pharma sells more drugs, hospitals welcome more patients, politicians get on TV to showcase their efforts for the people, and patients end up receiving more treatments than necessary. And the icing on the cake? It all appears squeaky clean to those ever-watchful regulators!
Here’s an example of a full patient journey (don’t ask me where I got this!).
What has this got to do with COVID vaccination?
In most countries, national statistics indicate that the majority of hospitalized individuals are unvaccinated. Some argue that governments may manipulate data to some extent, for example, counting individuals as unvaccinated if they are less than 14 days after vaccination. But for the meantime, let's just assume that the data is accurate and indeed shows unvaccinated patients constitute the majority of hospitalized cases.
This aligns with what Phillip Buckhaults mentioned in his tweet, and I believe he is telling the truth. Similar observations have been discussed with frontline doctors, leading me to realize that the road to truth often lies in the narrow middle instead of the extreme wide sides. It's essential to consider various perspectives to gain a clearer understanding of the situation.
The Death Loop
There was a conciousness in the medical community in 2021 that the unvaccinated population are getting severe illnesses and hospitalized.
Biden himself pushed this message, saying multiple times, “For the unvaccinated, "you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm”.
The belief that the unvaccinated are overwhelming hospitals and facing severe illnesses has sparked a death loop and self-fulfilling prophecy. Consequently, hospitals are witnessing an influx of unvaccinated patients, subject to deadly treatment protocols akin to a Pachinko player pulling levers intensely to push the ball in a certain direction. This unfortunate cycle has led to more deaths, which reinforces the initial hypothesis that the unvaccinated are straining healthcare facilities.
Here, you can see that in an interview with Dr. David Lloyd, the first question he asked his COVID patient was about their vaccination status, and he sent them to the hospital simply based on that [Credit to Jikkyleaks].
In my view, Dr. Lloyd and many other frontline doctors likely don't harbor any nefarious intentions (although he spoke like a condescending, arrogant prick! pls pardon my aussie). Instead, they seem to have simply adopted the notion that the unvaccinated would suffer severe illness, influenced by a narrative kick-started by government bureaucrats and Big Pharma. This perception was further reinforced by the death loop effect.
Presently, a mounting body of evidence indicates that not all hospitalized deaths are directly caused by COVID-19. On the 20th of June 2023, the Israeli team, who had previously examined booster effects in 2021, acknowledged that a significant portion of hospital mortality was unrelated to COVID-19 [SOURCE].
To provide context, their initial 2021 study had actually concluded that boosted patients were not being hospitalized, and this finding was utilized to advocate booster usage globally.
Heck, even Fauci himself admitted that ventilators caused more harm.
I do believe that Big Pharma played a significant role in pushing the pachinko balls to the winning pocket. You can read more about how Biden himself is promoting a Key Message drafted by Pharma here. It exhibits all the telltale signs of Big Pharma's involvement.
Anyhoo, signing off for now
Re: unvaccinated hospitalized as a higher rate than the vaccinated, below has to do with why the unvaccinated were falsely overcounted in the US. I can't speak for other countries, but there seem to be parallels as this effort was clearly a coordinated global one. Also, I have read reports that in the US, in many hospitals those that were unvaccinated were treated much worse than those that were vaccinated, leading to a higher death rate, but I don't have those posts now. Sorry for the length, but the post below, but I think it's worth reading:
This is a segment from the above referenced Dr. Pierre Kory’s substack post on why he believed many vaccinated hospital patients were incorrectly counted as Unvaccinated. (Besides the computer listing problem discussed below, Kory also discussed vaccination status being buried in hospital paperwork and false assumptions being made (and encouraged) that patients were unvaccinated, but I’m not sure if that was in this post or a different one.)
This is a quote from the above post:
Here is how I think they falsely suppressed the real rate of vaccinated patients entering U.S hospitals and dying:
In the most popular electronic medical record system in the U.S (EPIC), on the sidebar of every page in the chart are the name, demographics, room number, provider team, and COVID vaccination status of the patient. What I found weird from the outset was that, in EPIC, there were only two categories under the COVID-19 vaccine status section, “Vaccinated” or “Unknown.” There was no “Unvaccinated” status. Also realize that “Unknown” was interpreted by all providers and official data as akin to being “Unvaccinated”. Everyone I took care of in the ICU in 2021, except one, had an “Unknown” vaccination status. How could that be? How come only one ICU patient of mine in the entire year was reported as being “fully vaccinated?” Even if the vaccines worked really well (which I knew they didn’t), something was off, like really off.
There was only one hypothesis I could come up with to reconcile these observations. I suspected that during the admission process to the hospital, there must have been some sort of barrier to deeming someone “vaccinated.” I hypothesized that in order to be documented as vaccinated on admission, you had to have received the vaccine from a primary care physician’s clinic who worked for that same hospital system in a system office, and that they had already documented in the electronic medical record. If you got a vaccine from anywhere else outside that hospital system’s clinic, you were assigned an “Unknown”, i.e. “Unvaccinated” status in the electronic medical record.
And lo and behold, Linda confirmed this was the case in one major health system she worked at. What I found most striking is that she worked in two different hospital systems, in one (the smaller one) it was very easy to document a patient in the record as vaccinated. The admitting nurse could accept any documentation, from a Walgreen’s card to even a verbal report from the patient or family and they could put it in the record on admission and the patient would show up as “vaccinated” on the main screen sidebar.
In the other, larger, major (and I mean major) health system she worked in, if the patient received the vaccine from anywhere but an employed provider’s clinic within the health system (even if the patient had a vaccine card on them), she was forced to put it in an “open field” buried on page 2 of the initial nursing assessment where nobody, and certainly no physician looked for it. All these patients were automatically documented on the main screen as “Unknown”, i.e “Unvaccinated”, even if the dates of each shot were entered into that nursing note field.
This process is what led the vast majority of U.S doctors to become convinced that the only people dying in hospitals were the unvaccinated. Which made perfect sense, I mean, the vaccinators did not want anyone to know the vaccines were not preventing hospital or death, so it would be helpful to their mission if they could make everyone think that all hospital patients were unvaccinated. This way, all the health care workers would get vaccinated out of fear of dying and would also aggressively insist that all their patients and family members get vaccinated. Which is what happened. It is also why a large percentage of the population (at least the ones I meet at lectures, conferences, and symposia) no longer want to see a “system doctor” or go to a “system hospital,” no matter how grand their brand/reputation once was. Fun fact: a long-time donor of large annual gifts to the Mayo clinic.. decided to direct their donation to the FLCCC this year because they felt the Mayo Clinic had departed from their founding principles and mission. Go FLCCC.
The system docs behaved this way because they saw with their own eyes, “the (false) reality” of what would happen if you were unvaccinated. This, combined with the medical journal propaganda publishing only favorable and selective analyses of vaccine efficacy and safety drove nearly all the nation's doctors to go completely mad.
Another thing to consider...wasn’t the Delta variant caused by the vaccine to begin with....the virus mutated as a result of vaccinating so many people all at once? Also, my understanding was that because the shots were not effective at preventing Covid, vaccinated people could carry and thus spread Covid without symptoms so many of the unvaccinated ended up getting the delta variant from vaccinated people. I was exposed on multiple occasions prior to the vaccine roll-out and never got Covid but I got the Delta variant in the fall of 2021.