Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

The article speaks for itself. Just insane to think they gave this poison to billions of people we are in middle of historical event. And Aussie is a hero saving lives by spreading the truth in a time of deceit

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thank you!

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Yes, you are a hero. Totally agree.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

It really is sad, how do those doctors sleep at night?! Well the majority of them?! Maybe not all, but the ones who turn a blind eye to the ones clearly injured by the vax but won’t give in to admit it.

They know damned well that it was from the shots but they keep choosing to say it was everything else but the shot.

The public is loosing trust in the healthcare industry fast, well the “Woke” ones are!

Something has to change because people are committing suicide from these terrible side affects and that can’t be done without some serious changes now!!! But the question is how ???

So much frustration the people are feeling at this moment, doctors aren’t genuinely helping and just running everything by protocol in fear of losing their license.

We’re no longer living in a world of genuine help from doctors, they’ve gotta zip up and tell their clearly injured patients that they have anxiety or going through stress and then send them to see a psychologist! What a load of BS!!!!!!!!!!

So sick of some these docs !!

I just feel sorry for the lady who felt absolutely helpless and had to end her life because no one could help her!!

If you’re a doctor reading this, please don’t tell them they have anxiety or stress, genuinely get to the bottom of it, don’t let your next vax injured patient die from suicide please!!!!

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

The lady who committed suicide in Switzerland reminded me of this article I saw last week. I get the sense you know Singapore pretty well.


This was a 25.9 per cent rise from 2021 figures, with 'concerning rises' among youths and elderly, said Samaritans of Singapore

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

I contracted a neurological disorder and chronic immune system disorder following a mandatory hep B vaccination 28 years'ago. It affected my cognition, speech, language and immune responses. My 28 year old boss also developed reactive arthritis and could not walk for 6 months. I was diagnosed 15 percent disabled a year later by a government disability doctor who wrote a letter naming the Hep B vaccination as the trigger. Luckily, In time I recovered. The occupational health doctors of the NHS Trust where I worked told me afterwards about the high risk of side effects from the vaccine,as a synthetic carrier was developed and not fully tested to replace blood plasma as a holding agent. Here in Australia, newborns are given Hep B in maternity hospitals as a matter of course with a second injection and booster. Newborns who don't yet have an immune system. I was not anti vaccination, but I am now.

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sorry to hear that... its strange to mandate Hep B vaccines.

most people aren't aware that 95% adult Hep B infections are spontaneously cleared naturally by the immune system. you don't need vaccines...


On top of that babies have extremely low chance of getting hep B since they are transmitted by syringe, sex etc ..(unless the parents are hep B carriers).

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thanks for replying. Hep B vaccination is mandatory for healthcare workers in the UK (or. Was when I was living there). Yes, I agree that it's weird to have it for babies, most mums don't know that their babies will be automatically vaccinated in hospital unless they stipulate otherwise. I was horrified when I found out. And yes, Hep B is sexually transmitted or can be transmitted through bites and scratches containing faeces or blood etc. As far as I know. Any baby at risk of a Hep B infection should be referred to social services, not this vaccination.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Yes man well done bringing all this into the light.... how sad people have to die... it's unforgivable!!

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Very sensibly and convincingly written, without the hyperbole seen in similar articles.

(Re Twitter: just realised the same this morning. So will be trying tinyurl for the next one.)

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Agree...we can't attribute every death to the jabs...BUT, I notice patterns...and the patterns certainly point to the mRNA rollout and boosters as being culpable, at least in a proportion of the cases.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

A great article and a presentation of what would normally be undeniable proof but in this age of the complete absence of truth, logic and accountability, these deaths would be explained by climate change, daylight saving or exercise. These are some of the absolutely ridiculous claims by medical professionals, in the never ending attempt to deny injury from the injections. As you say, correlation is not necessarily causation but there comes a point when the numbers are so large and the evidence so compelling that the ability to blame anything other than the injections seems almost incomprehensible. But there I go, being logical again.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

I saw clips from that same interview of him also talking about using testosterone. Do you think that could have also played a role...certainly the combo of the jabs & artificially boosting T probably isn’t good?

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OK there's a lot of nuances...

Typically a man would have between 300 and 1,200 nanograms of testosterone per deciliter of blood.

Low testosterone levels causes heart diseases in men. If they have less than 300 ng/dL, doctors might prescribe testosterone therapy which comes in many forms (injections/androgel etc)

Typically body builders try to hit the high end 800+ ng/dl. some bodybuilders go crazy with it and suffer a lot of health problems. Thats why they do regular blood test to make sure their testosterone levels are within the "optimized" window.

Jo Linder's case is different - he abused steroids when he was younger, i believe this led to low "natural" testosterone production (maybe in the range of 300 or less). So, these people take TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) to maintain "normal levels" of testosterone.

there are many of these patients - arnold, stallone., hugh jackman ...etc. they do TRT to maintain muscle mass after 50.

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And see this article, too! https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-australian-government-may-legally

"The Australian government may legally disappear and inject you using force and your family will be silenced: Implications for citizens of a new 'digital misinformation' bill.

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Great peice. I love that you added that we can not attribute all unexpected deaths to the vaccines. We have gotten into the habit of doing that and it's cringey. When I say as much on "my" chat, it is an unpopular position. People don't like that I don't like us proclaiming every sudden death as vaccine related.

It is normal to wonder and speculate, but it can be taken too far.

It really does take courage for c19 "vax" injured or families of deceased to speak out because they get heat from both sides. They're being attacked and censored by pro-vax people for speaking out and by people against the covid shots for taking them on the first place. And no, I'm not talking about vaccine pushers and covid authoritarians, just regular people that have been injured and need our sympathy. We need them to speak up enmass! That will help tremendously. They are very important to stopping this pharma crime.

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