The truth will continue to come out.

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I suggest the first Nuremburg Trials begin in South Korea. I also suggest they begin immediately. These people need to be tried, and if found guilty, hanged.

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THE REAL EXCESS MORTALITY RATE: When enough people figure out gov/MSM/big-tech/pharma/medicine killed their loved ones and soon them, what do you think that looks like on a global scale? I bet global martial law is coming if only to off-set the inevitable explosion of revenge-rage. The real sudden death numbers can be seen through supply and demand stats: IE global shipment of smart phones is down 4% annually (hundreds of millions), or the huge drop in telecom subscribers across all providers, or the huge decline in movie streaming subscribers. When you look at the "suddenly unsubscribed" numbers and then look at OpenVaers ratio of dead to injured ratio and factor in the same ratio to "suddenly unsubscribed", we get closer to 600 million dead and injured, globally. it's hard to see with mass migration, but the numbers don't lie and they should be numbers with annual growth. Factoring in the declining birth rate, it's about a 2.8% annual loss of global population that will probably add up to billions of deaths over the next 10 years. Can't research real numbers on Google, but you can on Yandex.com

Deagel population forecasts nearly 70% percent fewer Americans by 2025 From Deagel . com before they scrubbed it Deagel's 2025 Forecast by Country PDF


The COVID Blog estimates that the global population dropped from 7.8 billion in January 2020 to approximately 6.8 billion today – about a 13% drop in 28 months. The insurance companies took a massive hit too, many billions… Google censors too much data to see the big picture. https://yandex.com/search?text=insurance+compaies40%25+excess+mortality&lr=21512

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Mar 10Liked by Aussie17

Dear Aussie17, I probably haven’t thanked you enough. I want to say out loud how much I appreciate your work, effort and courage. If just 1% of people did something close to what you’ve done, we’d have rolled them over or forced the perpetrators to get overt. Best wishes


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So important to get a glimpse of the devastation, physical and emotional, from peoples all over the world. Strangely comforting, the reality of it. I am seeing the hardcore 'normies' entering crisis mode now as they grasp what has been done to them. For me it was a ~3 months long process to understand how much the cabal/our goverments want us dead, but 'glad' I went through it back in late 2020. I wonder who will be left standing.

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There is going to a day of retribution in one of these countries. The blood will line the streets as the orgy of death overwhelms the people and they rise up

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Drip drip drip and then the deluge.

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There is that old saying about horses and water. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop the horse from thinking you're a delusional conspiracy theorist extremist spreading harmful disinformation and hate speech. People have to f*k around and find out. Gotta learn the hard way. Thats the hypnotic trance that most folks are in.

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Kyyyaaaarr! South Korea: the LAST country in the world starting to REALIZE COVID1984 has not been exactly what their "leaders" tried to convince them of. N.B. If you know someone interested & able to join us for a related interview, here's our main show schedule https://www.wprpn.com/show-schedule/ EMAIL: pirate1radio@protonmail.com Happy Sailing! Captain "Long John" Sinclair.

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Who asserts "x10" higher? The real under-reporting figure is potentially 100% higher (Harvard Pilgrim study suggested 1% recorded), though some estimates suggest x40 under reporting factor. The legion of politicians instigating, with doctors, nurses and lay "vaccinators" perpetrating the greatest consent-lite crime in human history is breathtaking...and for quite literally NOTHING other than a fabricated scam-demic of fear and coercion.

This assault will NEVER 'go away' down some memory hole. Retribution will come.

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There will be no amnesty.

There will be no plea bargains.

There will be no mercy!!

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All the vaxed in the world should sue pfizer and their gov now.

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South Koreans revolt

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1 million deaths and 10 Millions permanent disabilities in the USA alone from the fake Covid Vaxx. Check put Ed Dowd’s work. Cause unlnown is the leading cause of death today.

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The translation is corrected with regard to the number of injuries, but 2,700 and 27,000 are both used for deaths, a paragraph apart. Clarify, please. Sorry for being innumerate.

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