The truth will continue to come out.

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Yes, the truth will continue to come out…in fits and starts, and drips and drops, and in fury and to silence. The fact remains that even as the truth makes its way into view, there will be no accountability. That is the most criminal aspect of this hellish nightmare….that it could and did happen and the world pretends that it did not.

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The only accountability is to refuse to comply. There IS no compensation for a lost or destroyed life. No amount of money will compensate. And there won't be any of that either. Globally governments have shown that we the lab rats are their enemy and their resource to abuse. They have demanded by their behavior the only response we have. DISOBEDIENCE. Our bodies are ours and sovereign. The only way to enforce that is to REFUSE to allow it to be violated. All the treaties that most countries have signed (such as Nuremberg) that attest to this obvious truth haven't amounted to squat when it comes to protection. WE ARE THE ENFORCERS OF OUR OWN SOVEREIGNTY and only we can protect ourselves. The governments have confirmed they can not be trusted AT ALL

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

Most people have been hypnotized by society into a state of extended adolescence and learned helplessness. Thats why even when people start to see how deep the corruption is and how nasty the folks are who run things, they still refuse to accept that government is and always has been a scam. They refuse to accept that your vote doesn't count, and that even if it did -- it is logistically impossible for a single individual to magically fix all of the problems. Only WE THE PEOPLE can fix them. Only WE THE PEOPLE have the real true power. But, showing the people their power triggers them, because they're addicted to victimhood. They think that in order for humans to be able to unite towards mutual interests, would require humans to become perfect angels living in a fantasy utopia. People have been so Orwelled that even the stuff that use to be simple basic things to folks 100 years ago, are now thought to be impossible super human feats that are relegated to the pages of fantasy and science fiction. But when enough people finally see and realize that they have NO CHOICE and that their only choices are to either embrace the personal empowerment that they refused to believe that they had, or -- to choose to completely self destruct, unable to cope with reality. There will be many people who make both choices. So, its not that everyone will come into their power and unite with each other, nor will everyone self destruct and end the human race. Some people will do well, others will fail. But the positive take-away is, that the awakening process is becoming more rapid, as more people have more harm come to them. Suffering is part of most people's awakening.

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And governments keep making more and more people suffer, whether its jab related or not. The ruling psychopaths are on borrowed time. Their time will soon end. And at the end of a rope.

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Avast me hearty! Fancy meeting you here.

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Yeah I finally made a substack account. I haven't made a page, though. Just an account to be able to make replies on content that people produce.

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No way we'll be able to do that anymore once the self spreading vaccines are upon us. Forget about the "ethcis" they'll be debating about in regards to that product. We'll never know when it happens...another "oops, something escaped into the air? Too bad, we got what we wanted." A none reversible scenario.

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Respectfully and in my opinion, there are two reasons I don't buy into the "self spreading" and "they're gonna put it in the food" ideas. The first being, if they could have safely done it, they would have. The second being, my use of the word "safely". While yes the ruling class wants all of US dead, they do not want THEMSELVES dead. The risk of blowback is too great. Its the same reason why there will never be a full scale nuclear war. If going into their bunkers while nuking the rest of us was gonna be some easy fix, they'd have done it. They HATE US.

The most effective way to destroy us, is to convince us to destroy ourselves. To dumb us down. Make us of the victim mind. To believe in the lie and scam of government. To make us think that voting and protesting does anything. To make us sit on our hands, and bicker with each other on the internet. Meanwhile, to implement a very slow controlled demolition of supply chains and the economy.

They did not expect so many people to wake up, with more waking up all the time. So yes, billions will die, you can count on that. However, the ruling class will not win. The more of us who suffer and die, the more the rest wake up and get stronger. This will climax into the ruling class completely losing power. They are on borrowed time.

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Excellent point. I forgot about those self spreading vax's. It highlights a fundamental issue, PARTICULARLY the issue of so called "democratic governments" and "majority rule". Over and over you can ask yourself and ask the guy in the street and get a near unanimous response, "I don't recall ever asking for or endorsing such a thing". But over and over we find ourselves lab rats to things never endorsed but done in our name with our taxes and resources. Be it self spreading vax's, spraying the atmosphere to "cool things down", artificial "food", funding and being the target of bio weapons attacks and any number of outrageous things that no majority ANYWHERE would endorse, we are constantly reminded, democracy is an illusion. People are not consciously choosing to be lab rats but it ends that way anyway. Not saying I'm against democracy (or for it either) but am not deluded about it. Have no clue to the answer because it seems like a human condition thing. Shocking how often we are subjected to abominations under the cover of "majority rule" and democracy that are little different than what any self-respecting despot would do. I am certainly not suggesting actual despotism by design systems would be preferable. Not making an argument that we should go commie or whatever totalitarian system is fashionable. But it is a serious problem which seems to have avoided a solution since the dawn of time. We're all sitting duck lab rats to diabolical attacks that ultimately have been using our taxes and our resources to accomplish. Wishful thinking but would seem we would have to individually and collectively refuse to do diabolical things. A smart person for example can refuse to do bio weapons research. Not likely. Everyone has a price and ultimately will find a justification to do what they do and ignore the evil it may cause. You can always say, well, if I don't release these vax mosquitoes my colleague will so no point losing a paycheck.

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So thats science, lets move to real spirituality. Also known as esoterics. According to objective esoterics which are not of the ego trying to turn everything into instant gratification and virtue signaling -- Earth is a school for soul evolution. Growth happens through challenge. So, in a way it can be compared to a video game. What if you were playing a video game, but didn't know it? Something similar to that.

The biggest question asked about this idea is always "whats the point of playing, if we come into this world with amnesia?" and I have my own answer to that one. If you could turn yourself into a dog, this would not let you experience what it is like to truly be a dog. You would be processing the physical experience of having a dog body, through the perspectives of the human that you actually are. This would not give you any information what so ever on what it is like to actually be a dog, and have a dog's perspectives, and a dog's life experience. Your data would be tainted.

In order to make the data untainted, you would need to temporarily subject yourself to amnesia. This way once that experience is over, you can remember being a dog from the perspective of a dog, and remember being a human from the perspective of being a human, as well as perceiving the memory of experiencing truly being a dog, as parsed through the lens of being a human and having that memory.

This would allow you a greater level of efficiency for data gathering. So, think if incarnating in this reality as being similar to that. If the soul or higher self wants to know what its like to truly face violence, hatred, conflict and the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, etc -- then it has to amerce itself into those experiences in a way that makes the data untainted. Doing otherwise, it would not be able to "fit in" with this reality and would be so incredibly incompatible that it would not be able to last in this reality.

But just like any good game or movie, there are cycles for experiences. It would be pointless to have a "game" in which ONLY tyranny is experienced. You need the heroes journey. The adventure. The eventual defeat of the tyranny. To move into a golden age.

And according to many cultures, the golden ages and ages of tyranny have come and gone over and over again in cycles of descension and ascension, and we are currently beginning an ascension cycle, which is why everything is falling apart and even the ruling class has been freaking out more. The cycles are changing, and the "old normal" is gone and won't be coming back.

So from the esoteric perspective, its about the soul or higher self being able to gain many different types of untainted levels of experience. I'll spare you the multidimensional aspects of linear-time, non-linear time, timelines, the multiverse, etc because that would make my reply much longer :)

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So lets ask the question then, "what is REAL human nature?" according to REAL SCIENCE (not scientism) and REAL spirituality (not dogma).

The "default operating system" of the human when it is born into this world, has ZERO BIAS. Bias comes with beliefs developed through experience over time. A newborn baby has none of that. So human nature is neither innately good nor innately evil. Default human nature, is adaptation to the surrounding environment for survival, and it does this by observing and imitating the world around it.

While there will always be some humans who simply can't do this no matter how hard they try, the majority do succeed. So therefore, if an environment is benevolent, then benevolence will be what is imitated and conformed to. If an environment is malevolent, then malevolence is what will be imitated and conformed to.

The "nature vs nurture" argument was solved a very long time ago. One's environment has the largest impact on how an individual will develop and what their behaviors will be.

This is the human's gift and curse, all at the exact same time. Because on one hand, it unlocks limitless potential for very constructive and beneficial things. On the other hand, there is also no limit to just how much we can be our own worst enemy, if we've been programmed by our environment to do that.

There is literally zero difference between how we treat ourselves, and how we treat others. The brain doesn't know how to differentiate, because everything is being experienced internally. It knows no difference between what it imagines, and what it experiences. So internal self loathing is projected externally as similarly dysfunctional behavior. One can not give to others what they have not given to themselves. Someone who has never been shown love, won't know the first thing about how to show it to others. You get the idea.

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I wouldn't say its a "human condition" thing as much as a "human CONDITIONING" thing. I'll elaborate on what I mean for clarity, and so it doesn't sound like i'm just being a dick about word play. lol

Whether its a human being, an animal, a tree or whatever -- there is a "nature" to that thing, as its called. A mode of operation that is innate to that thing. A normal functioning. Everything is working exactly as it should, and is remaining within the balance of nature. Then, there is a state in which that nature gets disrupted, corrupted, diseased or otherwise functioning out of integrity.

I've noticed that so many people seem to NOT know the difference. People like to make claims about what is and is not "human nature" without realizing that they aren't observing human nature, they are observing humans not being in their nature at all. Traumatized, abused, beaten, manipulated, indoctrinated, experimented on. When people are unable to discern the difference, it would be like thinking the computer virus is the operating system, so when anyone talks of the real operating system, they think its airy fairy utopian delusion magical thinking. Because anything "outside of the virus perspective" is assumed to simply not exist and not possible to exist. People have been conditioned to defend belief systems, instead of objectively exploring reality.

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I suggest the first Nuremburg Trials begin in South Korea. I also suggest they begin immediately. These people need to be tried, and if found guilty, hanged.

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This is not over until Fauci and all others who created the virus or mandated the deadly injection are hanged for their crimes against humanity, the worst crimes in human history.


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I agree, and I will bring the rope, just say when and where. After appropriate trials and convictions take place of course.

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It's a great idea and I would be happy to see it happen. But sadly in the end it will probably only reconfirm the futility of mere "pieces of paper" to enforce what is self-evident natural law. Our bodies are sovereign and only WE can enforce that fact. After millennia of history and knowing human nature we know pieces of paper are not adequate protection and enforcement. That is why the USA has the 2nd amendment and why the despots NEVER STOP TRYING to remove the 2nd amendment off the books. The 2nd amendment is the founding father's affirmation that at times you must protect yourself because even the constitution won't do it. Laws can be wonderful and useful at times but they can and will be ignored as we see over and over. The departments tasked with enforcing law regularly stand down while pocketing money from the criminals. Nuremberg hung a few people and then wrote some stuff down. Soon after it was business as usual except with better optics. No more death camps. Instead we have a fully researched government deployed psyops & bio war mass murder operations with optics far superior to film of mangled and starved bodies in death camps. Now it is all anonymous and silent behind a censured facade while the perps get stupid rich and are honored for their charitable contributions on the backs of murdering us. One can assume that on the occasion of a second Nuremberg we would not even get the satisfaction of seeing a few perps hanged. Maybe they would get a "bad boy scolding" then be forced to take their hundreds of millions to go suffer on an island populated with pretty girls they bought with their murder money

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Your concerns are all very valid. I suggest we prove them wrong and go for a Nuremberg Trial immediately.

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Gallows on the front lawn to deal with these monsters

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THE REAL EXCESS MORTALITY RATE: When enough people figure out gov/MSM/big-tech/pharma/medicine killed their loved ones and soon them, what do you think that looks like on a global scale? I bet global martial law is coming if only to off-set the inevitable explosion of revenge-rage. The real sudden death numbers can be seen through supply and demand stats: IE global shipment of smart phones is down 4% annually (hundreds of millions), or the huge drop in telecom subscribers across all providers, or the huge decline in movie streaming subscribers. When you look at the "suddenly unsubscribed" numbers and then look at OpenVaers ratio of dead to injured ratio and factor in the same ratio to "suddenly unsubscribed", we get closer to 600 million dead and injured, globally. it's hard to see with mass migration, but the numbers don't lie and they should be numbers with annual growth. Factoring in the declining birth rate, it's about a 2.8% annual loss of global population that will probably add up to billions of deaths over the next 10 years. Can't research real numbers on Google, but you can on Yandex.com

Deagel population forecasts nearly 70% percent fewer Americans by 2025 From Deagel . com before they scrubbed it Deagel's 2025 Forecast by Country PDF


The COVID Blog estimates that the global population dropped from 7.8 billion in January 2020 to approximately 6.8 billion today – about a 13% drop in 28 months. The insurance companies took a massive hit too, many billions… Google censors too much data to see the big picture. https://yandex.com/search?text=insurance+compaies40%25+excess+mortality&lr=21512

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Thanks for some original thinking.

When they were claiming the huge numbers taking the poison I did some basic logistics exercises and the BS was obvious straight away. Why do I now think there is an ai algorithm selecting and running the current depop bases on some form of already imposed social credit score?

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The upside is that it won't fly. Big lockdown soon and big global uprisings. Big strom ahead, but the outcome is good. Everything decentralizes inc. globalists and national gov. No secrets in a world of instant global communication between everyone; no place to hide and lots of whistleblowers. MSM won't be able to walk the streets. Should be interesting as the tables really turn.

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Brings to mind Dr Malone's talk about 5th gen war ... you don't know who or what to believe nor do you know with confidence who is the enemy. Always keep em guessing, keep em confused, keep em divided & ready to be conquered.

And of course Malone (has?) or at least is accused of having deep state contacts himself. Pretty sure he has or had contracts with orgs that we'd otherwise find concerning. Which of course proves nothing. Certainly doesn't prove guilt of anything. Not sure what it means or if it is a concern at all but there are people out there who INSIST he himself is sketchy. Like I say I do not know. Early on Malone helped me decide how dangerous the clot shot was. So Certainly I would be one of the conflicted on the Malone issue alone.

The main point is that even as Malone sounds the alarm on 5th Gen war which we know is real because of all the lies and intentional disinformation, he himself is accused of being part of the 5th Gen war establishment. Same thing we hear about our presidents and candidates for president. Except Biden, he's just a bust out idiot and traitor for hire. But the planted doubt puts ALL of us in doubt. You me and everyone in the comments etc. They make it so we find it hard to believe FOR SURE anything we read. At some level we are not even sure of what we see. DARPA hasn't been probing the brains of rats and writing manuals on psyops because they want us all to be less confused. They want us dazed and confused (just like the song), and divided conquered and controlled

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When you get to the point of not knowing, it's a good time to let go of the noise and find some harmony within. If people really knew how life, reality and consciousness worked, they would step back from the noise and enjoy the moment. I post and comment, but I'm not attached to the drama or concern about who's who or what's what... This is simply a phase of corruption exposing itself, so people can decide what they want.

Imagine if what we think is true, gradually becomes true... it would flip "seeing is believing" to "believing is seeing", and in fact this is how the physics of consciousness operates.

This intensifying global polarity reflects an evolutionary shift of consciousness that's taking humanity in two directions; those lost in the fear and polarity see something different than those who operate from emotional balance... It's a 100th Monkey effect taking people one of two directions.

In short, I wouldn't give much judgement to the Doc. Best to see the best in people and get the best.. If this were a multiverse experience then that version exists somewhere. And even our dark age science seems to think this is the case.

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Yes, the murderous scum that created the virus (Fauci) and imposed death jab mandates (Biden) would have no qualms whatsoever about nuking some US cities simply to have yet another "state of emergency" to justify cancelling elections and slightly delaying their own inevitable executions for their crimes against humanity.

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Mar 10Liked by Aussie17

Dear Aussie17, I probably haven’t thanked you enough. I want to say out loud how much I appreciate your work, effort and courage. If just 1% of people did something close to what you’ve done, we’d have rolled them over or forced the perpetrators to get overt. Best wishes


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thanks Mike!

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So important to get a glimpse of the devastation, physical and emotional, from peoples all over the world. Strangely comforting, the reality of it. I am seeing the hardcore 'normies' entering crisis mode now as they grasp what has been done to them. For me it was a ~3 months long process to understand how much the cabal/our goverments want us dead, but 'glad' I went through it back in late 2020. I wonder who will be left standing.

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The process took me almost a year, and it’s still unfurling!!! Most people I know will only accept so much then they build a protective shell while still only processing a small portion. I’m also trying not to get caught up in any Hegelian dialectic but I realize that my psyche was molded on such scenarios.

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There is going to a day of retribution in one of these countries. The blood will line the streets as the orgy of death overwhelms the people and they rise up

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That's the optimistic scenario.

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Drip drip drip and then the deluge.

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There is that old saying about horses and water. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop the horse from thinking you're a delusional conspiracy theorist extremist spreading harmful disinformation and hate speech. People have to f*k around and find out. Gotta learn the hard way. Thats the hypnotic trance that most folks are in.

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Kyyyaaaarr! South Korea: the LAST country in the world starting to REALIZE COVID1984 has not been exactly what their "leaders" tried to convince them of. N.B. If you know someone interested & able to join us for a related interview, here's our main show schedule https://www.wprpn.com/show-schedule/ EMAIL: pirate1radio@protonmail.com Happy Sailing! Captain "Long John" Sinclair.

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Who asserts "x10" higher? The real under-reporting figure is potentially 100% higher (Harvard Pilgrim study suggested 1% recorded), though some estimates suggest x40 under reporting factor. The legion of politicians instigating, with doctors, nurses and lay "vaccinators" perpetrating the greatest consent-lite crime in human history is breathtaking...and for quite literally NOTHING other than a fabricated scam-demic of fear and coercion.

This assault will NEVER 'go away' down some memory hole. Retribution will come.

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bear in mind this differes for the various national reporting schemes..

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I agree, there exists some variation, though it seems obvious that the signal to noise ratio consistently points to dire consequences.

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There will be no amnesty.

There will be no plea bargains.

There will be no mercy!!

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no quarter! pirates say

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All the vaxed in the world should sue pfizer and their gov now.

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I approve of suing, but don't expect much, given how much the US "justice" system has abandoned justice in favor of partisan oppression of rivals:


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1 million deaths and 10 Millions permanent disabilities in the USA alone from the fake Covid Vaxx. Check put Ed Dowd’s work. Cause unlnown is the leading cause of death today.

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The translation is corrected with regard to the number of injuries, but 2,700 and 27,000 are both used for deaths, a paragraph apart. Clarify, please. Sorry for being innumerate.

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let the drumroll begin

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