Apr 8Liked by Aussie17

Hopefully this is the beginning of n avalanche of accountability across the world

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Apr 8Liked by Aussie17

They hung Mussolini and his wife, in the street. I reckon George St Sydney is JUST LONG ENOUGH. Like Spatarcus, the movie. All the Premiers, doctors, BigSick executives...

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Apr 8Liked by Aussie17

Thank you! Although extremely heartbreaking, we’ve been waiting a long time for this.

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The 'crowd' of awakened appears heartbreakingly and distressingly small, a phenomena that appears little different in OZzzz or NZzzz. The perpetrators and instigators are sneering like drains with their ill-gotten gains. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/something-bad-hebbbened

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Apr 10Liked by Aussie17

I just found this in my morning study, and people now are starting to rise up, finally knowing what is being done to them. Isaiah 33:1, which ties into Rev. 13:10. Wow. Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee. Read verse 2 also, a good prayer. "O Lord, be gracious unto us; we have waited for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble. Have no fear, for OUR GOD REIGNS!

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Even though we abhor what the Abusers have done if we do life killing retribution then we follow them into the deep evil. That is what they want. You will cheat and disempower them when you remember your loved ones with love.

Eight years ago the Abusers came into my home and terminated my adult daughter, I know what you are feeling. Undeniable rage. Channel this to do good. Love to you all.

Thank you again Aussie seven for being main on the news.

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It's both sad and positive to see these clips - thanks for sending them. Positive to see public actions, but sad to see the small(ish) numbers ...

The cynic in me thinks that manufacturers have always known of (relatively) rare side-effects, and the media have been encouraged (by them) to always describe them as 'rare'. Thus, while an adverse death rate from vaccination of, say, 1 in ten thousand is completely unacceptable, especially so for a mandated treatment, and quoting a figure of 0.01% will make it seem "extremely rare" and be described as such by both officials and media, in fact that is not the case. [I am making up the number of 0.01% ... choose your own if you have good enough data.] E.g., in Australia, that's about 2600 people killed, who would otherwise be well. If one of those people is you, or your mum or your son, that's a very big deal. But others will say that only a few people are affected, and that 99.99% of people are OK. And the crowd demonstrating and shouting 'assassino' will look tiny ... and will look like a fringe group of protestors. We will make a regular publicity campaign about 2600 road deaths and would be appalled at 2600 deaths from family violence, outraged by 2600 meth amphetamine deaths, but somehow 2600 deaths by improperly tested pharmaceuticals can be ignored. I wish it were otherwise.

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Very soon this official and his peers elsewhere will be stoned to death. They should enjoy their wealth while it lasts.

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He should be hanged for his crimes against humanity.

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The only way to bring it out in the open. There should be more protest everywhere.

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I do believe this is the beginning of what the Bible says will happen, by memory; I'd have to find the scripture. Akin to: What they do and what they give will go back upon their own heads. and they will fall into their own pits, and be taken by their own snares. They will receive God's RIGHTEOUS judgments. OUR GOD REIGNS! And my heartfelt prayers go out to all who have been injured and lost loved ones to this travesty, I being among you. PUT YOUR TRUST IN GOD ALMIGHTY AND JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, and not in man. THE GREAT PHYSICIAN! God said, in His Holy Word, "vengeance is mine, I will repay." They will receive just compensation for their evil deeds.

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Music to my ears. What a complete waste of space and oxygen this guy is. Justice is coming. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Nothing to say either.

"Unrestricted warfare".

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Even the cops looks like fake ones, they are all old …… in uniforms, which does not look normal at all, beside the first carabiniere, they were probably digos “political police” or escort contractors dressed in police uniforms.

Speranza was chosen for his job because of his name “hope”, perfect name for a psyop of that kind.

Probably millions died in Italy alone because of its inhumane and absurd protocols and mandates.

Note also, Italy is the country with the list freedom of press in Europe, and one of the most censured countries on the planet.

Basically cookies required for every Italian news site and many independent news sites are blocked and inaccessible from any where in Italy.

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Thank you for sharing. It will be the people who trusted whole heartedly, utterly betrayed that will bring big pHARMa undone. The detachment from big pHARMa begins...

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The public knows he had information that people were being injured and killed by the covid vaccine and he hid that information and continued to tell people to take the shots. Many politicians around the world did the same thing but Speranza was caught with his own emails. No grey area. No chance to feign ignorance. I'm really surprised nobody has killed him...

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