"Other serious issues are the coercion to vaccinate, lack of informed consent, the attacks on doctors and healthcare workers who spoke out, the very high levels of vaccination injuries and deaths"
The only part this bloke got wrong is about the government "panicking". Everything about covaids was intentional. And the idiots that have destroyed Australia, our people, our way of life, everything that made us a wonderful country, these same idiots are still going ahead with censorship and to my best knowledge, havent opted out of the WHO and the new plandemic treaty to give up all our rights to these power grabbing maniacs. Our country is infested with idiots throughout the health care industry, throughout government, and theyve infiltrated the education system and all the unions! And not just the psychos that want a massive amount of us to die, but by brain dead morons that just "go along with everything" and dont ark up when their human rights are being trampled on, and instead opt to "virtue signal" and wear the stupid bacteria breeding masks, or take jab after jab and chastise anyone else who doesn't want the toxic poison darts. Our country is finished and all the cretin politicians who sold our country out and allowed the plandemic to happen in the first place have all done a runner. I can't actually believe that I of all people understood what was happening right from the start, and I find it even more difficult to believe and accept that these absolute f*cktards in these decision making positions and the people working in the "intelligence" departments didn't do anything whatsoever to stop it and yet they're paid unbelieveable amounts of money to be in the positions they are in and I earn f*ck all in an admin position. Any of us who have questioned any of this BS over the past 4 years would be more competent at doing whatever job these a**holes are pretending to do and we wouldn't have killed as many citizens and children and then gone to ridiculous lengths to cover it up and squash any story about it. What has this country come to? Where did all these cowards and idiots come from? Australia is unrecognizable to me these days and if we all dont all start rising up and forcing change in our health systems, our education systems and shake up the government and remove their lifelong pensions and exorbitant salaries and remove any lobbying whatsoever, we are going to become America. We pretty much are already sadly. Jesus christ we are in trouble.
That about sums it up for me too, Liz ... it dawned on me in 2020 watching people I’d known for some time, supposedly intelligent and educated people, business owners and professionals, literally lose their minds. I recall in early 2021 seeing an acquaintance out jogging one WA afternoon after MacGowan’s first ridiculous outdoor masking mandate, fully-masked on a near-40 deg February Perth afternoon, face bright red, breath laboured, eyes on swivel looking for any signs of covid waiting to leap on him perhaps from an overhanging tree branch ... yup I too knew then we were done as a culture and a country.
These idiots came from 3 generations of comfort, affluence and idyll, from generational wealth and political and economic stability, from a society that lost all connection to the metaphysical, that worships sport and celebrity, and begs to be taken care of by the nanny state, that suspended all critical thinking and worships success, crass materialism and grew soft and pathetic in the process.
I still see semblances of normality in certain groups, the “alternative” set, but we have been pushed to the fringes of society while the wilfully blind sold their souls and their health for 30 pieces of silver desperate to cling on to their status and their security.
Great link. The UN wants to control 80% of Australia and strip its assets not to help the indigenous people but to enrich the hidden ruling class behind the Covid-19 scamdemic.
Nothing will happen. No-one will be gaoled. Nada. Zip. Zero. Even though Excess Deaths are killing our most productive Demographics. Even though the birth rate has also plunged. V💀X #7 next! 👏
I am greatly troubled by the childish & petulant ad hominem attacks from many Celebrity Journos in The Resistance, upon each other. Having obvious and deadly common foes we fall upon each other's swords in disarray. We face the Greatest Psyop of the Ages. This is 5th Generational Warfare. Every FACT that 💯 % proves the true depth & scope of this atrocity, this Iatrogenic Genocide, must be used. If certain pet theories clash, SOBEIT. True science (NOT The Science TM) will correct each hypothesis. EVEN IF certain Actors are compromised, let's both LOOK at the message and Cui Bono.
Yes, yes, yes… ‘should have should have should have…’ - I, too, began questioning the news and claims about cv19 by end of mid-to end of February 2020 - clearly, John Campbell, Bret Weinstein,... and others *did* question the lies, otherwise they would not be such strong speakers against the lies today - it is just that they began questioning later than *some* others - who, in their own lives, have always been, immediately from the beginning, accurate and correct in their assessment and belief of news and new information that was spread by others .. even in f it was in ones' field of expertise ? Why is it so difficult to celebrate the fact that we now have so many people who were on the other aisle, having realized the truth and now strongly advocate on our side !? Surely we all can learn from this how humans can get lost and be misled in spite of their expertise, how humans can forget to question, … as well as also learn how humans can find truth and actually change their minds -
And most certainly one cannot paint the John Campbells and Bret Weinsteins and the countless local doctors across the globe who took longer than we did to see the truth with same brush as we must the Faucis, Barics, Burlas, Birxes, Trudeaus, Arderns, Macrons, Tedroses, Schwabs, BGateses,… … of the world.. ! Let’s attack the people who deserve being attacked .. those who indeed did *Not* just make 'mistakes' - let’s not bark up the wrong trees - let’s not attack and smear those who are becoming some of our strongest allies !
Why attack those who have actually taken that rarely seen path of openly admitting having been wrong and converting to the truth, instead of those who still today are the supposed experts yet still continue to loudly advocate for the lies .. we could present people exactly such as John Campbell and Bret Weinstein et al. as good examples for how one comes around to see the truth in spite of indoctrination and brainwashing !
Yes, yes and yes to you too, sirrah! 👏😘 We humans MUST band together AGAINST THE BORG. This CBDCs/Bank of International Settlemens/BigSick/WEF/UN/Oligarchs push is a Wetware Virus, a Mind Disease. This "Narrative" is ubiquitous, pervasive, persuasive and FUNDED every which way, at every level.
Campbell's only failing in my eyes was his misguided faith and trust in the profession he had served diligently his entire life. His work in exposing the evil within his demograph should be and is penants for his initial misstep.
He’s clearly a very accomplished physician scientist and well-respected too. Nobody who wasn’t would have been able to remain in a leadership role for so long.
All that said, he just doesn’t understand what has happened. Not faintly. He’s entirely capable of thinking beyond the borders of his home country yet appears not to have done so.
For example, I would be intrigued to know what explanation he has for the imposition by his own government of absurd, unprecedented and obviously damaging “measures” such as “lockdown” (a word that continues to chill me). A cursory examination of Australia’s pandemic preparedness plan would have told him what the best evidence was for mitigation in the event of a worst-case outbreak of an influenza-like illness: no measures recommended, beyond that sick people were recommended (not required) to remain home until they recovered, and increase somewhat the frequency of hand washing, given the belief that these illnesses are contagious (in fact, they are not, surprisingly). Nothing else was recommended in Australia’s national plan, nor in the pandemic preparedness plan of any other country.
Going further, in the second half of 2019, a WHO expert subcommittee drafted a 100+ page assessment report on numerous theoretical countermeasures in such a scenario. This report, which was sent to the public health function of every member state, contained the same conclusions and furthermore, detailed the absence of evidence of & sometimes the evidence against doing any of numerous other things (such as masking, mass testing of the well, border restrictions and closures, except in small, island nations, and importantly, quarantining the well, ruling every one of them out as both ineffective and hugely damaging.
With this as backdrop, I wonder what his explanation is for the fact that scores of countries more or less simultaneously locked down their own countries, when no country had anything like this in their national plans?
To me, that was at the time & remains to this day the earliest, incontrovertible evidence of supranational influence over national policies.
Nobody “panicked” & imposed, then held for years, these macabre and frightening restrictions.
Did the professor really not notice these things?
Where it comes to the alleged vaccines, he is of course right to feature the harms and deaths of a mass injected & deliberately terrified population.
But again, he must know that the public health function of his country knows full well what was happening from the first day of mass injection. Over three years later, to describe what has happened in the terms he used is inexplicable to me.
If he is sincere, it’s very worrying to realise that the brightest & most knowledgeable minds csn live in this extraordinary environment and not really notice how downright peculiar it all is.
I could go on, as you know, but this will suffice for now.
The details are sketchy to me but from what I understand, in Australia, the usual protocols for the treatment of pneumonia ie. the use of antibiotics was stopped, which further inflated the deaths from “Covid.” Furthermore no one seems to know who instigated the change in procedures.
You're one of my hero's Mike! Dr. Zelenko was another. Del Bigtree and the Highwire, Jessica Rose, Tess Lawrie, that Fenton guy who does the graphs (I forget his first name) my list is long but whenever i see your name pop up or a new video you've done my heart swells with pride and gratitude because you spoke up right from the start and i can only imagine how difficult it must have been and probably still is to face these demons in public who dont want you speaking the truth. God bless you mike, you honestly deserve some sort of "human in the world with the most integrity, courage and care for all of humanity" award or something lol. You dont want a Nobel peace prize though, that one has been infiltrated by corrupt lying a**holes like president obomber and the rest of these phony
"(anti)humanitarians" or lying "leader" type people. We need a new special award for Angel's like you. Keep shining your light Mike! Xo
I disagree. He is being polite. He speaks truth. He has documented his correspondence. I think that he hopes a an investigation in Australia and a flood of new information from many other countries will create the will to proceed with criminal charges. Unfortunately the WEF wants to distract the world be repeating a similar and perhaps more profitable scenario with Disease X before we get far enough to pursue criminal cases.
⚖️ Dr Yeadon, please do not misjudge Professor Ian Brighthope. One has to wade in carefully when seeking approval for a Royal Commission (Inquiry) into Covid here in Australia. Professor Brighthope is outspoken on his Substack on all matters Covid - including that of the workings of the WEF and the WHO - and is involved with the research of the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, an organisation which not long ago produced a 470 page study into excess deaths in Australia. Here is the link: https://amps.redunion.com.au/too-many-dead
All I ask, then, is that he remains unfailing polite and precise in his language, but steps up five notches his perfectly good skills at deducing what is happening.
Those who fence straddle will at best get splinters where they’d prefer not to.
This is year 5. The next attack is surely imminent.
⛓️ I don’t disagree that time is of the essence, that May is fast approaching, but there are limited opportunities to present one’s case against captured oppressors and laying everything on the table at once (down here) might get you banned. Fortunately, we have a group of good Australian politicians in the mix: Malcolm Roberts, Gerard Rennick, Alex Antic, Ralph Babet and Russell Broadbent. They are all aware of an impending hi-tech totalitarianism. It’s a pity, however, that more retired boomers like us don’t come out fighting. If you’re interested in following Professor Brighthope’s Substack ➡️ https://open.substack.com/pub/ianbrighthope/p/what-sort-of-person-treats-caring?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
So sad to see Australia’s reaction to the so called pandemic. America’s was bad enough but I could go about my business unvaxxed with little trouble. I pray you get Justice but without a majority seeing the light it may never happen.
Yes, AND you may want to watch this re increasing UK deaths in children, a recent interview with Ed Dowd: ‘The UK Has a Problem’: Ed Dowd Reveals Alarming Excess Death Data in Children - - https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/the-uk-has-a-problem-ed-dowd-reveals - - first scary then increasingly scarier! Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the full interview Ed Dowd had with Jimmy Dore (the involved comedian) recently.
We see so many "committee" meetings. What is ever done? I see nothing but a lot of talk and stroking each others egos that tell us of how great they are and what a privilege it is to have them there. well Horse puckey. time to stop all the bull crap that tells us what we already know and get off your dead center and do something for the people you represent. You are so quick to pass laws that restrict our freedoms but we see no movement to actually protect us. Millions have died with the reactions to vaccines that government has forced upon us. And don't even say it was all voluntary. I have seen healthy people dead because they took the vaccine that government caused crisis called and made us believe that we are all going to die. Outright lies told to us that it would protect and prevent infection that it did not. Yet who has been held accountable? We saw Fauci sit and lie to congress with impunity. without prosecution. Millions, no billions spent for medication that doesn't work and is still being spent. Do we live in America? This is our money you spend. it isn't an investment as you pretend. we are being murdered and you sit in your meetings to determine if you will have another meeting. it is time to start acting or we will-------------- I, Grampa
Professor Brightope seems genuine enough but he does appear to completely accept the whole virus narrative. If, as may well be the case, the whole concept of 'viruses' with associated concepts of 'infection', 'herd immunity' etc, is itself a lie then this is really the main issue that needs to be addressed otherwise one gets sidetracked into discussing how to deal with something which may not even exist,
The only part this bloke got wrong is about the government "panicking". Everything about covaids was intentional. And the idiots that have destroyed Australia, our people, our way of life, everything that made us a wonderful country, these same idiots are still going ahead with censorship and to my best knowledge, havent opted out of the WHO and the new plandemic treaty to give up all our rights to these power grabbing maniacs. Our country is infested with idiots throughout the health care industry, throughout government, and theyve infiltrated the education system and all the unions! And not just the psychos that want a massive amount of us to die, but by brain dead morons that just "go along with everything" and dont ark up when their human rights are being trampled on, and instead opt to "virtue signal" and wear the stupid bacteria breeding masks, or take jab after jab and chastise anyone else who doesn't want the toxic poison darts. Our country is finished and all the cretin politicians who sold our country out and allowed the plandemic to happen in the first place have all done a runner. I can't actually believe that I of all people understood what was happening right from the start, and I find it even more difficult to believe and accept that these absolute f*cktards in these decision making positions and the people working in the "intelligence" departments didn't do anything whatsoever to stop it and yet they're paid unbelieveable amounts of money to be in the positions they are in and I earn f*ck all in an admin position. Any of us who have questioned any of this BS over the past 4 years would be more competent at doing whatever job these a**holes are pretending to do and we wouldn't have killed as many citizens and children and then gone to ridiculous lengths to cover it up and squash any story about it. What has this country come to? Where did all these cowards and idiots come from? Australia is unrecognizable to me these days and if we all dont all start rising up and forcing change in our health systems, our education systems and shake up the government and remove their lifelong pensions and exorbitant salaries and remove any lobbying whatsoever, we are going to become America. We pretty much are already sadly. Jesus christ we are in trouble.
That about sums it up for me too, Liz ... it dawned on me in 2020 watching people I’d known for some time, supposedly intelligent and educated people, business owners and professionals, literally lose their minds. I recall in early 2021 seeing an acquaintance out jogging one WA afternoon after MacGowan’s first ridiculous outdoor masking mandate, fully-masked on a near-40 deg February Perth afternoon, face bright red, breath laboured, eyes on swivel looking for any signs of covid waiting to leap on him perhaps from an overhanging tree branch ... yup I too knew then we were done as a culture and a country.
These idiots came from 3 generations of comfort, affluence and idyll, from generational wealth and political and economic stability, from a society that lost all connection to the metaphysical, that worships sport and celebrity, and begs to be taken care of by the nanny state, that suspended all critical thinking and worships success, crass materialism and grew soft and pathetic in the process.
I still see semblances of normality in certain groups, the “alternative” set, but we have been pushed to the fringes of society while the wilfully blind sold their souls and their health for 30 pieces of silver desperate to cling on to their status and their security.
Great link. The UN wants to control 80% of Australia and strip its assets not to help the indigenous people but to enrich the hidden ruling class behind the Covid-19 scamdemic.
She certainly gets you thinking
Nothing will happen. No-one will be gaoled. Nada. Zip. Zero. Even though Excess Deaths are killing our most productive Demographics. Even though the birth rate has also plunged. V💀X #7 next! 👏
Hard to argue with you on that. Ed Dowd chat with someone recently had 0 - 14yo excess mortality in the UK at 22%. It's just being ignored.
With John Campbell, I believe.
Campbell pushed the injections for two full years before pivoting to synthetic surprise & concern.
I don’t trust him an inch.
I am greatly troubled by the childish & petulant ad hominem attacks from many Celebrity Journos in The Resistance, upon each other. Having obvious and deadly common foes we fall upon each other's swords in disarray. We face the Greatest Psyop of the Ages. This is 5th Generational Warfare. Every FACT that 💯 % proves the true depth & scope of this atrocity, this Iatrogenic Genocide, must be used. If certain pet theories clash, SOBEIT. True science (NOT The Science TM) will correct each hypothesis. EVEN IF certain Actors are compromised, let's both LOOK at the message and Cui Bono.
Yes, yes, yes… ‘should have should have should have…’ - I, too, began questioning the news and claims about cv19 by end of mid-to end of February 2020 - clearly, John Campbell, Bret Weinstein,... and others *did* question the lies, otherwise they would not be such strong speakers against the lies today - it is just that they began questioning later than *some* others - who, in their own lives, have always been, immediately from the beginning, accurate and correct in their assessment and belief of news and new information that was spread by others .. even in f it was in ones' field of expertise ? Why is it so difficult to celebrate the fact that we now have so many people who were on the other aisle, having realized the truth and now strongly advocate on our side !? Surely we all can learn from this how humans can get lost and be misled in spite of their expertise, how humans can forget to question, … as well as also learn how humans can find truth and actually change their minds -
And most certainly one cannot paint the John Campbells and Bret Weinsteins and the countless local doctors across the globe who took longer than we did to see the truth with same brush as we must the Faucis, Barics, Burlas, Birxes, Trudeaus, Arderns, Macrons, Tedroses, Schwabs, BGateses,… … of the world.. ! Let’s attack the people who deserve being attacked .. those who indeed did *Not* just make 'mistakes' - let’s not bark up the wrong trees - let’s not attack and smear those who are becoming some of our strongest allies !
Why attack those who have actually taken that rarely seen path of openly admitting having been wrong and converting to the truth, instead of those who still today are the supposed experts yet still continue to loudly advocate for the lies .. we could present people exactly such as John Campbell and Bret Weinstein et al. as good examples for how one comes around to see the truth in spite of indoctrination and brainwashing !
Yes, yes and yes to you too, sirrah! 👏😘 We humans MUST band together AGAINST THE BORG. This CBDCs/Bank of International Settlemens/BigSick/WEF/UN/Oligarchs push is a Wetware Virus, a Mind Disease. This "Narrative" is ubiquitous, pervasive, persuasive and FUNDED every which way, at every level.
This is an existential End Run.
Campbell's only failing in my eyes was his misguided faith and trust in the profession he had served diligently his entire life. His work in exposing the evil within his demograph should be and is penants for his initial misstep.
He’s clearly a very accomplished physician scientist and well-respected too. Nobody who wasn’t would have been able to remain in a leadership role for so long.
All that said, he just doesn’t understand what has happened. Not faintly. He’s entirely capable of thinking beyond the borders of his home country yet appears not to have done so.
For example, I would be intrigued to know what explanation he has for the imposition by his own government of absurd, unprecedented and obviously damaging “measures” such as “lockdown” (a word that continues to chill me). A cursory examination of Australia’s pandemic preparedness plan would have told him what the best evidence was for mitigation in the event of a worst-case outbreak of an influenza-like illness: no measures recommended, beyond that sick people were recommended (not required) to remain home until they recovered, and increase somewhat the frequency of hand washing, given the belief that these illnesses are contagious (in fact, they are not, surprisingly). Nothing else was recommended in Australia’s national plan, nor in the pandemic preparedness plan of any other country.
Going further, in the second half of 2019, a WHO expert subcommittee drafted a 100+ page assessment report on numerous theoretical countermeasures in such a scenario. This report, which was sent to the public health function of every member state, contained the same conclusions and furthermore, detailed the absence of evidence of & sometimes the evidence against doing any of numerous other things (such as masking, mass testing of the well, border restrictions and closures, except in small, island nations, and importantly, quarantining the well, ruling every one of them out as both ineffective and hugely damaging.
With this as backdrop, I wonder what his explanation is for the fact that scores of countries more or less simultaneously locked down their own countries, when no country had anything like this in their national plans?
To me, that was at the time & remains to this day the earliest, incontrovertible evidence of supranational influence over national policies.
Nobody “panicked” & imposed, then held for years, these macabre and frightening restrictions.
Did the professor really not notice these things?
Where it comes to the alleged vaccines, he is of course right to feature the harms and deaths of a mass injected & deliberately terrified population.
But again, he must know that the public health function of his country knows full well what was happening from the first day of mass injection. Over three years later, to describe what has happened in the terms he used is inexplicable to me.
If he is sincere, it’s very worrying to realise that the brightest & most knowledgeable minds csn live in this extraordinary environment and not really notice how downright peculiar it all is.
I could go on, as you know, but this will suffice for now.
The details are sketchy to me but from what I understand, in Australia, the usual protocols for the treatment of pneumonia ie. the use of antibiotics was stopped, which further inflated the deaths from “Covid.” Furthermore no one seems to know who instigated the change in procedures.
You're one of my hero's Mike! Dr. Zelenko was another. Del Bigtree and the Highwire, Jessica Rose, Tess Lawrie, that Fenton guy who does the graphs (I forget his first name) my list is long but whenever i see your name pop up or a new video you've done my heart swells with pride and gratitude because you spoke up right from the start and i can only imagine how difficult it must have been and probably still is to face these demons in public who dont want you speaking the truth. God bless you mike, you honestly deserve some sort of "human in the world with the most integrity, courage and care for all of humanity" award or something lol. You dont want a Nobel peace prize though, that one has been infiltrated by corrupt lying a**holes like president obomber and the rest of these phony
"(anti)humanitarians" or lying "leader" type people. We need a new special award for Angel's like you. Keep shining your light Mike! Xo
I disagree. He is being polite. He speaks truth. He has documented his correspondence. I think that he hopes a an investigation in Australia and a flood of new information from many other countries will create the will to proceed with criminal charges. Unfortunately the WEF wants to distract the world be repeating a similar and perhaps more profitable scenario with Disease X before we get far enough to pursue criminal cases.
Fully agree with your point there Mike. No government "panicked"
The response was meticulously planned and agreed upon, globally.
Thus proving the influence of a supranational cabal.
⚖️ Dr Yeadon, please do not misjudge Professor Ian Brighthope. One has to wade in carefully when seeking approval for a Royal Commission (Inquiry) into Covid here in Australia. Professor Brighthope is outspoken on his Substack on all matters Covid - including that of the workings of the WEF and the WHO - and is involved with the research of the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, an organisation which not long ago produced a 470 page study into excess deaths in Australia. Here is the link: https://amps.redunion.com.au/too-many-dead
All I ask, then, is that he remains unfailing polite and precise in his language, but steps up five notches his perfectly good skills at deducing what is happening.
Those who fence straddle will at best get splinters where they’d prefer not to.
This is year 5. The next attack is surely imminent.
Another suggestion from Down Under: pharmacologist Dr Phillip Altman ➡️ https://open.substack.com/pub/phillipaltman/p/interview-with-a-myocarditis-victim?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
⛓️ I don’t disagree that time is of the essence, that May is fast approaching, but there are limited opportunities to present one’s case against captured oppressors and laying everything on the table at once (down here) might get you banned. Fortunately, we have a group of good Australian politicians in the mix: Malcolm Roberts, Gerard Rennick, Alex Antic, Ralph Babet and Russell Broadbent. They are all aware of an impending hi-tech totalitarianism. It’s a pity, however, that more retired boomers like us don’t come out fighting. If you’re interested in following Professor Brighthope’s Substack ➡️ https://open.substack.com/pub/ianbrighthope/p/what-sort-of-person-treats-caring?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios
So sad to see Australia’s reaction to the so called pandemic. America’s was bad enough but I could go about my business unvaxxed with little trouble. I pray you get Justice but without a majority seeing the light it may never happen.
Yes, AND you may want to watch this re increasing UK deaths in children, a recent interview with Ed Dowd: ‘The UK Has a Problem’: Ed Dowd Reveals Alarming Excess Death Data in Children - - https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/the-uk-has-a-problem-ed-dowd-reveals - - first scary then increasingly scarier! Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the full interview Ed Dowd had with Jimmy Dore (the involved comedian) recently.
We see so many "committee" meetings. What is ever done? I see nothing but a lot of talk and stroking each others egos that tell us of how great they are and what a privilege it is to have them there. well Horse puckey. time to stop all the bull crap that tells us what we already know and get off your dead center and do something for the people you represent. You are so quick to pass laws that restrict our freedoms but we see no movement to actually protect us. Millions have died with the reactions to vaccines that government has forced upon us. And don't even say it was all voluntary. I have seen healthy people dead because they took the vaccine that government caused crisis called and made us believe that we are all going to die. Outright lies told to us that it would protect and prevent infection that it did not. Yet who has been held accountable? We saw Fauci sit and lie to congress with impunity. without prosecution. Millions, no billions spent for medication that doesn't work and is still being spent. Do we live in America? This is our money you spend. it isn't an investment as you pretend. we are being murdered and you sit in your meetings to determine if you will have another meeting. it is time to start acting or we will-------------- I, Grampa
Professor Brightope seems genuine enough but he does appear to completely accept the whole virus narrative. If, as may well be the case, the whole concept of 'viruses' with associated concepts of 'infection', 'herd immunity' etc, is itself a lie then this is really the main issue that needs to be addressed otherwise one gets sidetracked into discussing how to deal with something which may not even exist,