Entirely expected isn't it? The new president of Singapore was recently promoting an "all-in-one" vaccine for a pandemic that has yet to occur. For the benefit of those who have yet to read my take

Disease X and the scientific absurdity underpinning an ‘all-in-one vaccine’. The real agenda may be global depopulation


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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Dr. Sabin Hazan, a renowned gastroenterologist, published her research a few months back revealing that newborns born to vaccinated mothers have ZERO bifidobacteria.

This is terrifying. When will people open their eyes? The future for these babies is more than worrisome.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

The last graphic with the births and deaths is so eye opening. How can the politicians ignore this

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The ignore it because they're politicians, not public servants. Politicians serve their paymasters.

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The sociopathic behavior of doctors, the continued wilful ignorance and censorship and denial of medical care to those disabled by the death shot, the focus of the mRNA trials on reproductive organ effects ( as chronicled by the likes of Dr Naomi Wolf) as well as past behavior and presence of eugenics programs (that Bill Gates' father was in charge of) and life-shortening preservatives in food like instant noodles that working class can afford, as well as fluoride in the water, points to an organized program of managing the human population like livestock as part of a larger human (energy) farming operation.

The level of evil demonstrated in the years 2020-2022 was beyond human capability.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Great post again. Nice for a non-American perspective. Hate Amercia. Truly.

Hollywood is trash. Exclusively watch Brit, Aussie and Kiwi.

The Outback fascinates.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Western politicians should run against the WEF, NWO, etc agenda and label any politician or official not against the globalists a traitor and not let up. Example; anti American tyrant or anti Constitution tyrant Joe Biden, AOC, Gavin Newsom and so on. Also be on offense and call these tyrant clowns what they are.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

A couple of Conservatives in Canada who try to expose the WEF get smeared by legacy media as conspiracy theorists. Sigh...here is but one example:


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They'll try to smear or even ruin anyone who tells the truth now in Western countries. It's a little easier here in the U.S. because of the 1st Amendment but the elites are trying to get rid of that too, as they specifically alked about at the yearly WEF meeting a few months ago. Still it's their own words as was a few years ago when you went to the WEF website it directed you to this article first (it's archived). And it did this for a fairly long time until it started getting bad publicity and they took it down.


Also, Klaus Schwab's book 'The Great Reset' is a pretty good argument in itself once people know about it. The media don't seem to want to talk about that. The media has to try to silence people because if enough people see, hear and read what orgs like the WEF do and say in their own words, then people will know their agenda and that the media is lying to them.

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Canadians are naive. Also, I think many people are lazy - it's easy to follow orders than think for themselves. Sadly, they'll take us down with them...thanks for the archived link - bookmarked!

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Your welcome. Share with lots of Canadians and anyone else. Btw, it seems Canada are Australia going through similar situations and are being used to test out authoritarian/totalitarian measures on their populations first before they implement them to the rest of us 'unwashed masses'...just my opinion.

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First, his coloring is uneven. Second, that's a skull cap. Third, look at the photo on the right: you can see the outline of the mask on his neck. https://substack.com/profile/54832533-diana-barahona/note/c-39485918?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=wn91x

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What is interesting is the man they claim is Tharman Shanmugaratnam is wearing a latex mask. (https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.iWdmLTndKHy7-RAtJlaNpwAAAA&pid=Api)

Even more interesting is the fact that you can tell he's wearing a mask. In other words, Shanmugaratnam is either dead or in prison, and the man playing the president of Singapore works for the Alliance. He can't be working for the Cabal because the Cabal has been defeated.

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I think he is real... I have a close friend who is connected directly to Tharman

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If all trends stay constant (i.e. the purple line after 2022 carries on the same direction ) it will be ~1800 in 2024 before going negative in 2025.

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Pineapple is not recommended in large amounts because of Bromelain, this is why you feel like you're being eaten inside out at the mouth area.

So it's a choice fruit for the Pineapple President eating inside out the country.


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19th June 2022 CE

Dr Paul Spradberry on an email written by 'Parrhesia' on how the death shot will kill.


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Fox report today? It's going from bad to worse for the good old USA. Ebola (?) in the Nevada desert after a freak rain/flooding event where people were sloshing around in an open sewer environment.


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