MHRA a little worried because the Attorney General is investigating allegations of Criminal conduct in ordering the Pfizer Process 2 poojabs with no clinical trial data

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Boy am I glad I didn't take any poojab!

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Thank you for your endless work! ❀️ Here in Sri Lanka a lot of people are thinking that allopathic medicine kills, while Ayurveda does cure.

Hopefully they have stretched the world population consensus too much. If this is true, they will have to throw under the bus some "useful idiots", to save the core of evil. We can only wait and see 🀞 and pray πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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Thanx for switching your content away from TwitteX to here.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Great article! Not hopeful that enough pp have woken up to the WEF, their pp and agenda tho.

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Japan isn’t actually acknowledging those deaths as being due to the vax. The judgement in those cases is β€œA casual relationship can’t be denied”, i.e., the cause may or may not be the vax. The govt is offering the jabs to everyone aged 6 month and over, so there’s no official acknowledgment of major vax harms.

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I wouldn't want to be a Japanese official when people finally figure that out.

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brilliant post this week. Well done. Would love to see you do these weekly roundups so that we can not need to read twitter, telegram, et cetera everyday....a once a week digest from Aussie, speaker of truth, is all we need! The more people who can stop scrolling social media, the better. We all know that there is something dark and sinister going on. We need to unite in resistance, but that appears to be like herding cats. Unity in community, love thy neighbour, reach out, talk to people....put the phone down, turn off the technocracy.

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The Omega Project to Bring In the Fourth Reich and the New World Order https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/08/30/omega-project/

Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Deng Xiaoping, Mikhail Gorbachev, Pierre Trudeau and every other leader was either part of the Luciferian Brotherhood (Committee of 300) or an MK-ULTRA puppet of the CIA.

The Great Replacement https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2022/08/04/the-great-replacement/

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