Jan 6, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Absolutely fantastic, thank you for this and everything else on this substack! I would like to know if you are aware of anything to do with sunshine (vit D.) helping/curing disease? I have been doing some research myself into some older protocols (e.g. Dr. Rollier in Switzerland 1903-54 curing lupus/ tuberculosis) and cannot find much about it online (perhaps because again it is a totally free therapy).

Also, I would love to hear your take on the proliferation of cancer screening in recent years and how this is fuelling our dependence on pharma drugs/treatments. It is true that cancer 'comes and goes' in our bodies in a dynamic process and that sometimes, a diagnosis of cancer is then aggressively treated when it need not be? Isn't it all a bit overkill? Thank you.

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This is excellent. I am a Cdn journalist who does deems of research on everything health-related. I glommed onto amazing health benefits of fasting years ago. Aside from “eating” cancer cells, fasting is showing promise in helping with long COVID. Looking forward to gleaning more knowledge. Thank you for sharing your learnings.

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