I would love to hear your comments on this one I wrote, many other great people have already added their take so the comments alone are worth reading!

This was no lab leak. It was a deliberate release in multiple locations. WHO is responsible, I have no idea!

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/lab-leak-zoonotic-spillover-or-deliberate

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im also leaning towards a deliberate leak… not 100% but leaning towards that. will read later today, thanks!

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Well, in Malaysia, lots of people knew that Sinovac was safer. I believe that knowledge was leaked from the highest authorities in the land!

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Many still hang on to the false belief that the toxxine is "safe and effective" because the alternative of seeing the truth fills them with regret and anxiety. So they choose to lie to themselves. Understandable I guess, but morally weak.

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Never trusted Pfizer.

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Mar 15Liked by Aussie17

Never will.

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Mar 15Liked by Aussie17

Unfortunately, the potential genetic mutations, that may occur with the DNA integrations, combined with nature's innate and single minded dedication to perpetuate it's creations, besides the already exploding rates of still births and miscarriages world wide, there will also be an explosion in deformities and abnormal development.

Convenient, then that biotechnology and nanotechnology industries AND pharma, are both quietly booming and patiently standing by, ready to ride to the rescue.😐🤔🤦‍♀️😤🤐

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15Liked by Aussie17

🙏 as always very informative! Looking at British propaganda during WW2 it is also very similar- all for the good for the country, send the average person to the front line and the elites and their children to work in the office

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Mar 15Liked by Aussie17

"DO IT FOR THE WHANAU" in New Zealand. Not in evidence now though.

Told repeated do it for the family. Over and over , and still told that in the bowel screening push they are having, why waste a great slogan when it can be recycled.

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