Feb 18Liked by Aussie17

Karma-geddon!!! I'm saving that!

Really too bad more people do not have critical thinking skills.

It really is sad.

We kept my elderly, but healthy mil safe until 2022. Then she fell And hit her head and cracked her pelvis then had to be transported to the hospital. She was convinced to get the kill shot, had a stroke within 6 days. The end was prolonged and miserable for her and for all of us left behind.

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Similar to my mom. My siblings convince her and after she had a fall and broke he femur. Had to operate and put in a titanium plate. After that she was getting better and developed a small blister on her toe. It was downhill after that. The blister did not heal and got larger till it turn gangrene. Then it spreads up her leg. In the end she she no more poking and using my as a guinea pig...

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Ex work colleague died last week after 6 week diagnosis of cancer (41 yrs old).

Our ex GM, (fitness fanatic) heart attack Xmas 2022.

Aunty with persistent intestinal problems, regularly hospitalised. 2023

Friend now an epileptic. 2023

Friend with sudden rheumatoid arthritis throughout his body. 2023

Cousins wife with sudden kidney failure...

The list goes on.

And they are still all scared of the covid. WTF can you do? There is no reasoning with them.

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They probably call you a conspiracy theorist for thinking these things

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Feb 18Liked by Aussie17

Aussie, you are good and, not sure why you don’t have more followers. We need to get you out there to help many many more pp!

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Excel is NOT a database.



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Feb 18Liked by Aussie17

Completely anecdotal here, but a young colleague (24 years old) knows multiple people in her (rather large) social circle that have been diagnosed with lymphoma. Her conclusion is that it's just the type of cancer that young people commonly get.

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Feb 18Liked by Aussie17

3 types of jibby jabbed: the ignorant, the regretful, and the… dead.

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Also this from Italy.


The Chamber has given the green light to the bicameral Covid Commission, marking the start of a new phase. However, the vote in the chamber was marked by controversies, with former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and former Minister of Health Roberto Speranza showing “angry” reactions. It is clear that the leaders of the previous government have much to fear from the analysis of the pandemic management, including the imposition of lockdowns, green passes, and the mass vaccination campaign.

The former Health Minister is also facing a criminal investigation pending at the Court of Ministers, with complaints from various organizations and individuals. They have accused him and Nicola Magrini, the former head of Aifa, the government agency responsible for drug control, of serious offenses related to the management of the pandemic.

The complaint, which includes a vast amount of evidentiary material, accuses Speranza and Magrini of drafting reports and communications falsely certifying the effectiveness and safety of the Covid vaccines. It also alleges that they manipulated data and refused to give feedback to the Regions reporting adverse reactions.

The lawyers of the complainants have collected a mass of reports to demonstrate the suspects’ actions, including manipulating available data and refusing to inform the public about adverse events and vaccine ineffectiveness.

These allegations have prompted a heated debate over the handling of the pandemic and the safety of the Covid vaccines. It remains to be seen how the Commission will proceed with the appointment of its members and the subsequent analysis of the pandemic management.

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Feb 18Liked by Aussie17


Seems like in America, big pharma lobby or bullying keeps Almost everyone quiet .

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So many deaths and incapacitations, and yet still here in Aus the jabs are still regarded as mystical holy water.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

And it still goes on. What will they do when the sheeple don't line up for their boosters any more? Well. here's your answer.

Australia has approved the license application from Big Pharma company PaxVax that will allow them to intentionally release a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into Queensland, via chemtrails.

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) says that the vaccine qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000.

Still think ChemTrails are not real?

Government website link https://www.ogtr.gov.au/what-weve-approved/dealings-involving-intentional-release?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&fbclid=IwAR2doXWo0Ew0qUoMp9GJ2Er_QfRK_6xxl1_24UgxwIDPJdg7B5HRSB1yAW8

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Feb 18Liked by Aussie17

Frightening. What’s the near future going to look like. Keep up the good work Aussie17 and thank you.

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Feb 19Liked by Aussie17

Never took the C19 “vaccines” despite the pressure from work, society and government. I was mocked, ridiculed and treated as an outcast. Does it make me a bad person now if I feel no sympathy at all for these kind of people?

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I don't know. I guess I feel bad about them.

But this doesn't mean I am not proud. I feel very fucking proud about not taking it. I feel proud for myself and for you all.

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Feb 18Liked by Aussie17

🙏 the pharma sales data that you share sums it up in such an easy to understand way

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18Liked by Aussie17

Aussie why not get onto Steve Kirsch if the lappy can't cope, he has the capability available to chew large data sets. The other alternative might be to use a free online BI tool though I think that may be a risky proposition. As someone else noted above I would consider bringing the data into something like mySQL or MariaDB and then slice and dice it with a BI tool. Like KNIME or another free BI package. Knime by the way will ingest large CSV files.

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Nah, I don't wanna end up with Barry Young drama....!

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Yep I hear you, hence why running a decent database and importing the data. Excel will obviously pull it using SQL query or its reporting but Excel is not really the right tool for this sort of thing, especially when trying to get Excel to digest and report on large data sets of text and numbers.

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anyway i emailed a Kirsch some time ago telling him where to get the data if he is willing to spend money buying it - no reply.

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Fair call.

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Feb 19Liked by Aussie17

My mother-in-law passed away this morning, diagnosed with MND in December after 15months of many hospital stays and all the tests under the sun all coming back clear. She had 2 AZ's, 2 Phizer's and covid twice.

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sorry to hear that.

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Frightening. Will we see all our jabbed friends and families disappear in time?

I am afraid for them 😞. I am getting more and more scared about the future 😔

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Feb 18·edited Feb 20

"T,hen, Dr. Peter Marks from the FDA, in a moment of barely-contained panic, confessed they were completely blindsided by this avalanche of adverse events" NO that's not what he said, he said "We tried to be prepared for that" which means that they expected the avalanche of adverse reactions. He then went on to explain their incompetence in preparing for what they knew was coming.

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#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Nov 2020: AstraZeneca’s covid19 packaging discloses harmful ingredients https://twitter.com/rood_wit/status/1328248695008022529?s=20

1 min video https://twitter.com/rood_wit/status/1328250953301069825

2020 Tender Short description: The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process expected high volume Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed. https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:506291-2020:TEXT:EN:HTML&tabId=1

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