Dec 4, 2023Liked by Aussie17

I think the 99% comment is a good one. In uncertain times, nobody is going to be 100% right. Professor Oon makes the mask comment without any obvious support for it, and so I choose to ignore it. The other information he provides is very interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

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Amen. I hope we can accept diverse views and come together.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Aussie17

What's so chilling is the obvious corruption and money-making greed by those in power with not a jot of care for the lives of their populations.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

A huge heart felt condolence goes out to Dr Gabriel Oon and his wife. I sincerely appreciate his every effort and his sharing of this information. The two things I found most interesting were:

1. The molecular structure seemed akin to the USCDC's patented invention (No. 7220852/B1 filed on May 22, 2004), with the addition of an HIV glycoprotein insert in the spike protein (later confirmed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier).

I watched as many of Dr Montagniers warnings as I could before he passed away. May God bless his soul.

And 2. I alerted our three Ministers who know me and the 14 medical experts, "The Pfizer mRNA vaccines are not safe for mass immunization as the live lethal virus is still present in the mRNAs."

Additionally Dr Gert Vanden Boosche warned of this too: Similar Vaccine Escape Mutants (VEMs) arose with the Pfizer mRNA. Instead of inactivation, nine chemicals were used, including the deep-freezing agent phosphophenolglycol. I believe these VEMs on the Covid mRNA are the cause of the continuous eruption of spike mutants ranging from Delta to Omicron variants seen today, as humans have become reservoirs for these mutants.

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I agree, a brave man (amongst others) to go against the flow.

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Wear Masks? I have nothing to learn from that man. Fool.

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A fool will learn nothing from a wiseman, but a wise man will learn a lot from a fool

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The fool who wrote this piece did manage to confirm for me just how deep the mind rot about masks reaches into even the most educated minds. I do not conflate education with smarts. His words are further evidence of that which I already know.

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Did you not read the 99% and 1% comment? Are you not aware of how entrenched mask-wearing is in Singapore and other parts of Asia and has been for decades? How about focusing on the good points Gabriel makes (of which there are dozens) and leaving your 'holier than thou' view on masks to the side. Everyone can learn and get to their place of understanding on masks in their own time. I am confident this post, the comments will stir the thoughts (hopefully) of many a mask believer and surely that is a good thing. God Bless Gabriel Oon for his efforts, a wonderful career and a scholar, gent and respected man.

Masks do NOT work to stop transmission etc. There are dozens of research papers historically through the decades. Here is a recent one on the damage they did to children. https://adc.bmj.com/content/early/2023/12/02/archdischild-2023-326215

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That's your story and you're sticking to it. I don't believe in tooth fairies. And won't pretend to, just because money shows up under the pillow when a kid loses one.

ALL vaccines are dangerous. Every. Last. One of them. Mr. Oon is, no doubt, a respected man and a gentleman who's had a wonderful career and is a scholar. But he's horrifyingly wrong about vaccines. Only coming to the realization that the mRNA "vaccines" are dangerous. Believing in - and teaching - that the other vaccines he's supported throughout his wonderful career and have harmed and killed tens, hundreds of millions of people, if not billions are safe and effective. I'm not accusing him of malice. His deadly mistake is the trust he's placed in the pharmaceutical industry, and biosciences that vaccines save lives. The same misplaced trust his masking even in his home, with his wife reveals. He's a sap. A dupe for authority. A very intelligent, well-meaning man who has given unproven theories of viral infection and immunization through vaccination credibility because they originate in the same halls of academia he invested so much of his time and intelligence in. Never choosing to be skeptical enough to discover the truth of the fiction that his theories are based on. Tooth fairy fiction. Like his masking.

I don't hate the man or hold him especially accountable for the harms his career has inflicted on other, all the while he believed he was helping; he's as much a victim of sophisticated peddled fictions as those he treated and taught. And I welcome his sharing of his understanding of how dangerous the mRNA biotech is to a wider audience who believes he has credibility. But he's got a big 'ole blind spot that makes him a poor candidate for the role of hero.

Maybe he's a tragic hero? Maybe he has an epiphany in his final years where his curiosity is sufficiently provoked by his realization about mRNA that he reexamines all vaccines and the theory of viral infection he's believed in his entire life and becomes a true hero in the end. Calling them ALL out for the injurious and murderous frauds that they are, and begs forgiveness for not examining them sooner, regretting his misplaced trust and encouraging those who esteem him - like you - to do the same. I'll pray for that. My story. That I'm sticking with.

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Eeerily similar to my story. But you write with such a sense of inflammation and anger. I am vaccine injured from a vaccine I was given in 1977. I have volunteered hundreds of hours to Childrens Health Defense. Helped get them moving in Australia with their USA efforts. Championed Bobby Kennedy's efforts. Supported the legal cases in Australia against vaccines at the Supreme Court level. Some of us....not all of us.....but some of us need to just step away from the machine gun of firing vitriol towards people we have never met, never had a meal with, never washed their feet....never taken a moment to live in their shoes. Yes, vaccines are dangerous. Far too dangerous. But blaming a doctor and looking for a hero is futile. The whole system needs to come crashing down, for the legal impunity of 'vaccines' instigated in the 1980s is fraught with danger, greed and incompetence. .

The best way for us to help re-build new systems is with love and compassion, understanding and acknowledgement of other people and the (often) brutal path they are having to walk in this life. Be kind. And yeah, FUCK the system.

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Oh. You read that as inflamed anger. I thought my words were pretty loving, compassionate and understanding, acknowledging the path he's walked. I've written with inflammation and anger before. Readers would notice the difference. :)

I blame doctors because I know their history. And witness their present. And see the future being created for them to operate in.

Long read, tear-jerking. Doctors are no different today, here, now, than they were then, there. Sames. Same nature of mankind in the same role:

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2002


I don't look for hero's. No man is godly, all fallen. The best only try to be better, often failing.

Thanks for your work in the trenches. We need more.

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you need to understand English better: "to reduce aerosol transmission" eg from sneezing and such like whereby the aerosol spray/droplets can project/carry the virus to others (ie transmission) whether they wear a mask or not. Not in the meaning of mask being able to filter out the virus.

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You need to understand the nature of respiratory virus and transmission better: Both are fictions.

You take care of your own inner terrain, I take care of mine. If I'm doing my job well then you can't hurt me, even if you're sick coughing out spray and droplets in my face - without a mask. If you get sick it's your own damn fault, nobody else's. Don't blame others for putting yourself in a vulnerable position to deal with the ever-changing microbiology of the planet.

But, alas, humans, always want someone else to blame than themselves. Keep believing in cooties if it makes you happy. I don't have to play along and indulge your delusions.

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wow: "you take care of your own terrain, I take care of mine". But I still wouldn't like someone to sneeze/cough/spit in my face even before. But that's just my terrain.

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Well that would be rude and disgusting. But it wouldn't get you sick. Unless your terrain sucked ass. Because you didn't take care of it. Eat right, sleep right, exercise, avoid poisons being put in water (fluoride) and the air (EMF), have loving and caring relationships with family, friends, neighbors, a meditation practice that binds you to the natural world so you stay mentally strong and impervious to ailment. And lean into your relationship with our almighty loving God. You'll be fine if a dozen sick people sneeze, cough, spit in your face for eight hours a day. Grossed out. But not sick. But... you believe in cooties. So maybe you'll will yourself to be sick? Yeah, you'll sabotage your own terrain because you believe man controls the natural world. And other people can get you sick. Only you get you sick. Many people are masochistic. You sound like one of them.

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I salute Dr Oon. Even on his eighties he is dedicated to helping humans. That his advice to the Singapore administration has been ignored will see the test of time in the coming years. Singapore has 95% vaccinated, mostly by one vaccine. There are many dire predictions about that vaccine and time will tell if they become true. I live in Singapore, age 74, did not vaccinate as I have been well for 25 years using the ancient Urine Therapy (rub, hold in mouth). Just five minutes each morning. I never saw a doctor for illness for 25 years. I did not have Covid and do not wear a mask now. I mix freely and had zero flu, zero Covid. I wish Dr Oon long life and God's blessings.

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Ivermectin. Cheap to buy. Extremely effective. Extra safe. India has it in stock.

No profit for the doctors. No profit for big pharma. Not just for horses.

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"Ziverdox" has been a staple in India/Bangladesh for some years I believe. Ivermectin+Zinc+Doxycycline. https://pharmeasy.in/online-medicine-order/ziverdo-kit-strip-of-17-tablets-and-10-capsules-3049707

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I get the criticism regarding mask wearing. Yes, a mask won't stop a virus particle, but I wore one as a reminder to keep my hands away from eyes, nose, and mouth.

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Personally I found the masks they were leaving at shopfronts in Australia really quite good for cleaning my reading glasses.

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Should have said: Wore one when it was required to enter a store, or hospital.

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Tamiflu for Covid? Really surprised.

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Without being critical of the Professor or his work, I would bring attention to the comment from Dr Maurice Hilleman, who developed dozens of vaccines for Merck. He said; "Vaccines will be known as the bargain basement medical technology of the 20th century." That statement is bearing more credence every day.

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As someone trained in physics who has done physics research, there is no support from physics in the field of mask mechanics wrt mask effectiveness. Sure, electrostatically-charged fibers will capture dust, including virus. We don't know what happens to droplets. We don't have data from the field about how long people can wear masks in a virus context before they need to be changed out.

We know that, in Dec. 2021 with near universal masking, South Korea, Japan, and China had massive outbreaks of covid.

I am skeptical about N95 masks working to protect the wearer from infection. They may work for some unknown time for some people. The science is not yet in.

I can't see cloth or medical masks ever working to protect from infection. And no masks will work as source control, unless the exhale is forced to pass a filter and cannot escape around the edges of the mask.

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The masks do NOT work. Respiratory experts have been studying it for decades. They (the CDC + NIH) knew it wouldn't work in 2020 when they advised it. Yet somehow, the words from Dr Anthony Fauci reverberated from USA 'govt/media' into the UN/WHO and onto all UN/WHO countries that bow down to that globalist/communist approach to 'health'.

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Both my wife and I have had 6 shots of Pfizer vaccine

My wife did get COVID and recovered and is well

I have never had COVID and am well

Professor Oon's siblings died in their eighties ,was it due to COVID or other comorbid conditions or just coincidence ?


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It’s rotten to the core with corruption 😔


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This guy took 5 Covid shots? Knowing that I cannot think of him as being very smart...

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Right about the danger, wrong about the fundamental so he gets 60/100 for marks.

There's no virus.


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He didn't even pick up that the covid pandemic was fake, he didn't noticed the PCR test for covid was fraudulent, he didn't stand by the side where mandatory jab was unconstitutional... But sorry for him for jabbing sino 3x. Hope he was blessed by angels delivering all 3 placebo to him n his wife. Pure souls like Prof have been abused and victimized by the system for too long...

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The doctor doesn't seem very credible.

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