Hi Aussie17.

Will pass this on to a few hundred thousand in FB groups, and I will be there with my Pocket Osmo 3 in the air.

But some bad news. Just a few hours ago got a substack post by Jon Rapport, stating the following:

The Treaty" has now become an "Agreement. In the U.S., "a TREATY needs the signature of the US President plus a 2/3 vote of approval in the Senate. An AGREEMENT only needs the President’s signature, and America is committed to go along with the document."


This legal maneuver is every bit as slick as "The Monroe Doctrine" which keeps Russian and Chinese military bases out of the Americas, but allows American military bases to encircle Russia and China.

They are relentless.

But so are we.


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thansk for sharing! we will keep fighting!

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May 13Liked by Aussie17

Remember 49 of the R Senators and Congress signed a letter to the pResident of the WH that they aren't going along with the WHO and same goes for 22 AGs!

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That does give some hope, but these uniparty politicians sat with their thumbs up their collective asses while this administration and governors across the country destroyed small business, mandated that we take poison, and robbed us of our rights in the name of a fake pandemic. They are controlled entirely by their corporate masters and must obey accordingly.

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That gives some hope ... but also hilights why the Biden administration has welcomed tens of thousands of lone, military aged males into the country with open arms, as potential enforcers. For the generous handouts they've already received and for those they will receive, I'm sure there will be more than a few willing to pull a trigger against peaceful citizens.

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…and remember millions crossed our border illegally and they weren’t asked to get the jab .

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A great point, yet that corrupt moron required so many Americans to take

that wantested poisoni

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Bingo Carol!

This post was ominous ...


Despite it all, keep up the good fight.


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Yep, they are hoping many people continue to die from the shots and even not from the shots as they are self-replicating.

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It is better/worse than that. The poison attacks both the male and female reproductive systems. These elites are so narcissistic, that they believe their own climate change BS and their only solution is population reduction on a mass scale.

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Listen to Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan on the Covid 19 hoax/scam on www.vaticancatholic.com

Jaw-dropping and incredibly insightful information, critical and interesting debates for everyone to learn from! Thank you and God bless you all! 🙏 🙏 🙏 xxx

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The US has less than 5% of the global population.

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by Aussie17

This is not Japan's fight. This is a world war without borders. Our enemy has monopolies on healthcare, defense, the media, technology, elections and just about every public institution. Your vote no longer counts and will probably not count again in your lifetime. Our youth are entirely complement for the most part, getting their news, on the little screens they are addicted to, from our enemies, who are completely controlling the narrative. If you ever wondered how an enemy, that is outnumbered 1,000 to 1 can win a world war ... well here you have the perfect recipe. My hat's off to the Japanese for leading the world on this front.

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I actually cried watching this! The Japanese speak with such conviction ! God bless them 🙏 ❤️ and us all love from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏

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I agree with Japan and others to not give into medical dictatorships anywhere. Sovereignty must remain for all people. God in Heaven bless all people wanting to stay free.

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I'm not agreeing to being injected with poison. No thank-you.

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Have faith, the light has won, the people collectively need to gather, we are in grace of Divine Creator. we are divine sparks of Of the omnipotent omniscient omnipresent Grace . prayer thoughts, meditation. our collective brain wave / pattern forms a wonderous love frequency. ❤️ keep the rhythm going. 🙌 blessings 😇! we ate strong courageous and beautifully. Be ONE! Love heals!

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Wow, that was very inspiring. Wonderful encouragement!

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Is anyone aware of concurrent solidarity protest events in the USSA? Here on the east coast we're 11 hours apart, and i wonder if there's a coordinated effort to show support?

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Yeah. Meryl Ness reported one upcoming in N.Y.


Oddly, maybe not, I seem to be finding more anti-WHO FB groups in Australia, England, or Canada than in America ... or maybe the algorithms are steering me there.


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So encouraging to see opposition to the globalists coming from different directions! The Canadian truckers, Dutch farmers & now the Japanese are showing everyone the way.

This needs to be a movement supported by all of humanity.

Not only do we DEMAND MEDICAL FREEDOM but it's also time to get the oligarchs out of power. They are vastly wealthy & powerful but they're UNELECTED & UNACCOUNTABLE and have no place in public policy.

Let them clear off to their private islands and STOP trying to dominate the world with their warped agenda.

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The Japanese are not letting up. Good for them. They have many qualities which I admire.

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God bless the Japanese people! Thank you for your incredible generosity and sheer goodness in bringing this critical information to everybody worldwide! Please see www.vaticancatholic.com also known as mostholyfamilymonastery.com

🙏 💐 ❤️ from 🇮🇪

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Seeing Japanese professors singing children songs I don’t know if to laugh or to cry.

Time for them to wake up and start singing Samurai songs if they want to survive

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This song was sung by Kyu Sakamoto, who sang "Ue o muite aruko," known overseas as the sukiyaki song. He died in the Japan Airlines plane crash in 1985. That accident, like 911, is believed to have been a set-up, and the decline of the Japanese economy began afterwards. He sings this song as a metaphor for that.

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Oops should have read your explanation before making my comment. Totally makes sense in that context!

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That’s okay :)

And many celebrities happened to be on that crashed plane. Among them were business leaders who objected to the Plaza Accord and 17 developers of TRON, a high-performance computer operating system developed in Japan. Then, coincidentally, American companies such as Microsoft, Apple, and Intel made great strides. It may be a coincidence, but it has stuck in the minds of many Japanese.

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Thanks for this information.

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Agreed. Get the music/songs right for your cause.

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Japan has a long history of being a warrior culture. An awakened Japan is the last thing the Oligarchs want to see. Movie: "Lone Wolf and Cub." Line: "Shogun means nothing to me..."

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Two words for the WHO -

“make me”

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This is so wonderful, that we are meeting as global neighbors, our humor and encouragement and distresses being shared in such beautiful ways. despite their efforts to separate and punish for skin colors and beliefs.~~~ Peek through the hedges, lean on the picket fences and invite yourself to their porch steps to encourage and bless, many after such heartbreak are now seeing the truth and want to join up. Amen and amen

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https://rumble.com/c/sos60 Please contact my guests via our podcasts. I have been speaking out about the WHO. We all need to unite!!!!

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