Brave! Just proves Gates goofy statements in that infamous TedTalk that vaccines would help with population (and no one called him out then?!?!?)

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Oh no! Wait! Are you saying that when Gates said he wanted to depopulate the Eatth through "vaccines" that Gates is depopulating the Earth through "vaccines"? Huh!!!

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I guess if your plan was to sterilise the population (with artificial wombs due to be rolled out in 10 - 20 years time) it would make sense to get rid of gendered language, make clothing and toys gender neutral and introduce 100 new pseudo genders and non binary identities that are more suitable for a sterilised population who can no longer reproduce naturally.

And destroy the family and traditional gender roles.

Huh indeed!

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I’m surprised the numbers have dropped back down to pre-vax levels. That’s a small bit of positive news...

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But that may be because the number now falling pregnant are from a smaller set as she stated the ‘number falling pregnant has declined year to year’. So possibly only the unjabbed are now able to fall pregnant and thus only 4% (as before 2021) would lose their baby…..

Percentages are deceiving….. i.e. 4% of 100 or 4% of 1000 is still 4% - but the first is only 4 whilst the second is 40.

It would be really difficult to know without looking more closely at the numbers.

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Excellent review of the ... fertility impacts of the shots. It is really nice to see brave doctors telling the world what they are seeing.

Hey, so what does it mean when the "Chief Commercial Officer" who joined Moderna in 2022 decides to leave here in 2023? The stock price sure didn't like it much.


Note that Moderna also lost its Chief Medical Officer here in 2023.

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