"...And there are a lot of them, which are becoming more and more. They also appear in the literature that there are cancers that accelerate after the messenger RNA booster."
Great article, add it to the alarming statements of Dr Geert Vanden Bossche and realise that, from the 1st Booster (so, the third jab) THREE SHOTS & YOU ARE in a baddd lottery...
ALL of this is unfolding NOW. As is Ukraine, Taiwan, Gaza, CBDC's, BTC Halving, the Stock Market is misfiring & Fiat Currencies are tanking, major election cycles are rolling, EU collapsing... oh my. A breath.
If you live under a rock you missed the Australian Kommissar of Kommunication berating us to "ONLY TRUST WE POLITICIANS..." AHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA 🤣🤣 😑
Yesterday I bought a thousand bucks of Food Grade, airtight sealable buckets 🪣 "They" WILL TRY AGAIN. Disease X is really the ongoing, now unfolding, devastating continuation of the cascade of Side Effects & Death, from the mRNA gene altering, emergency use authorised, plandemic Human bait. B.A.I.T. as in pesticides for Feral Humans, Useless Eaters.
Will the NEXT PLANDEMIC get you? The next jabs? Didja know, a VaXXed male lover's sperm is like a Spike Protein dose? Did you KNOW THAT? 🤔
Why WON'T Medicare OR Doctors order a test for Spike Protein Infestation? Because it is IN YOU FOREVER. Making Spike.
Preppers. I mocked them. Now, I think that I should have covered my arse, my very Government is my Mortal Enemy.
Yes, I knew, thanks to Naomi Wolf and the 3500 docs and scientists from all over the world who studied the Pfizer docs after the judge released them, and after Pfizer and the FDA asked the same Judge to seal the same docs for 75 years. Obviously, the Judge said no.
I obviously don't know for sure, but from the independant analysts examinations of vials, they said no mRNA found in them. I think they've experimented using different formulas.
Whatever they "prove" or "disprove" it is all SORCERY on one level or another.
Restricting one's claim to "I have not found" - contrary to I have proven/disproven - is already a sign of ESSENTIAL HUMBLENESS without which there is no escape from THE DARKNESS.
ANYONE who still believes that "they" KNOW - in contrast to MAKE YOU BELIEVE - what "they" are doing is most likely BRAINWASHED AND INDOCTRINATED beyond repair.
so do you really think that if it comes down to having "1000 buckets of food" you will be able to keep out a ravening mob of starving people desperate to feed their children?
some did warn us. Because of Sucharit Bhakdi and Dolores Cahill and Heiko Schoning I did not accept this bioweapon. La Quinta Columna was publishing early on and there was the now sadly deceased..Dr. Andreas Noack--chemist-- who found graphene oxide in the "vaccines" and announced this to the world and was promptly murdered/dead(?)....Sucharit Bhakdi and Dolores Cahill were early warners. Schoning was jailed and Cahill lost her teaching job. Sucharit Bhakdi was accused of being a "jew hater".....for no reason of course. It's not too late to demand that the perps be exposed and to demand justice. The msm has lost any credibility it still had.....which in my own eyes was exactly none. Thousands of young athletes have simply fallen over dead as they are being filmed....but for some reason, this does not seem to alarm the herd.
Dalgliesh, the english man, was on board of an mRNA company for years and on John Campbell YT Video recently, he said he knew this gene therapy unsuitable forr vaccines. Where was this leading oncologist's voice in 2020? Not on Doctors4covidethics.org
Indeed....now he speaks out....when it will do no good. Bhakdi and a few others were on this from the beginning. Many did abandon their jobs rather than take the shot.
n the clip, Rake can be seen recording himself as another man takes him out of the UCLA Medical Plaza in Westwood. The video shared on the social media platform by The Beverly Hills Courier staff writer Samuel Braslow shows the doctor saying, “This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes. But what they don’t realize is that I’m willing to go lose everything — job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause.” At the end of the video, Rake also added: “Be well. United we stand, divided we fall.” Rake's reaction is not something new as in the past few months we have reported how medical practitioners have also shunned the Covid-19 vaccine. Nurse Shanda Parish said she wouldn't take the jab
I read somewhere some times ago that ivermectin and chloroquine work also in destroying the contaminants from both the jabs and the swab tests.
There was a serious study made but was long time ago and I am not sure which one of the two was most effective so I advise anybody who took the jab to do some research on it.
Other homeopathic products which help the body expel toxins are “silicea” and “tuja ”
They are waking up... If this will stop the depopulation agenda here would be good. Because the psycophaths do not want it to stop here.
Given that the shedding is proved, I am sure that there are ways to get healed. The psycophaths in charge would never risk the contagion without having an anthidote. So if doctors wake up we have a chance to save our loved ones
What is a "Tibetan life" ... a fancy IDOL to worship, another failing attempt to escape REALITY!?
There is LIFE .... all else are DELUSIONS of the mind - SATAN!
I am afraid it is all fruitless rebellion against REALITY - whether the mind - mine included - likes it or not:
Most all doctors are jabbed into submission. It takes them over, mind-wise. I will never trust another doctor, as I've been witness to many harms they've done, and caused my Mother's death. And much more suffering for my Father when he was dying. BEST ADVICE I CAN GIVE IS TO TRUST ONLY IN THE GREAT PHYSICIAN!! Jesus Christ! He said, PUT NOT YOUR TRUST IN MAN! for good reason!
do not wait for "the doctors"....(of course there is THE WELLNESS COMPANY with Dr. McCullough) but find your own way to heal. Herbs, high quality nutrition, exercise....and of course....your loved ones and friends. We need each other to heal.
I think that's why no-one who took them wants to talk about it. A friend, recovered from breast cancer, was sent this increase in cancer info by me. Do I receive any reply, a comment, anything back? No, stoney silence from everyone I sent info to, before and after jabs!
Yes....some people are still yelling at me.....and won't sit near me because I was openly critical of the "vax" campaign in the small retirement center in NC where I live. I publicly refused them and also refused to "mask" or "social distance". So many are sick now or have passed on. I feel kinda sorry for the others. I think they have literally "lost their minds"....When we were "locked down" here....the staff sent "nurses" from door to door wanting to inject us. I put a big "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF US" sign on my door. ha ha. It was right next to the FIRE FAUCI one. Well as for me....I saw this all before.
You know....those darn "arabs" they steal aluminum passenger planes and knock down three 1000 ' tall structures made of 3ft think steel girders and cement using aluminum airplanes....Then they rush down and blast a hole in the pentagon with a missile....You can't make this stuff up....God help us....a world wide "pandemic"....do not go out. Do not breath on anyone....but DO frequent Walmart etc.
It makes for an awkward moment when a previously healthy relatively young vaxxed family member contracts Turbo Cancer -- or has a heart attack.... how does one respond when one knows the cause
You must extend your heartfelt regrets and prayers. You must be kind. It is not their fault....something is wrong with them. Don't ask me what. You see this kind of thing in families of alcoholics....it used to be called "denial"....If they were to admit the truth about our world everything would become unmanageable. They are like little children who believe in fairy tales. You cannot change them. this is how they live.
Nope. We sponsor two kids from the 3rd world to attend school ... they both chose not to inject... so no school... one of them was working in the kitchen at a restaurant part time --- it was very difficult to find employees at the time so the owners of the restaurant (I know them well) .... when informed he was rejecting the injection .... emailed him offering him 'big money' to get injected and continue to work - big money being $1000 (meanwhile we pay $25,000 per year tuition + living expenses... so the 1k is not really that big)...
So you know what --- I am hoping both these owners end up with vax injuries... I don't want them to die... I want them to suffer....
Even better - they have two 20+ yr old kids... I would like to see at least one of them drop with a severe vax injury.
If that happens I will celebrate with a $1000 of Champagne and caviar... you bet your ass that is what I will do.
Not a young fellow but my Dad's 80 something cousin died of turbo leukemia today. Not certain of the diagnosis but Dad says it wasnt a common form of elderly cancer.
"They" are going to suck it up as long as possible - as those were the first and most ferocious - apart from the RINGLEADERS up and down the hierarchy of command - in the whole operation, which makes it for them even more embarrassing/impossible to come forward and face the music.
AND those are the same on who's "cooperation" the RINGLEADERS .... counted on in the first place and are still counting on to bury it under a THICK LAYER OF EXCUSES/LIES.
BUT fortunately THE TRUTH doesn't care about the feelings of LIARS - SOLI DEO GLORIA!
Right! They are trying to make it a crime to do what Jesus said..."Who will speak up for Me against the evildoers?" My own addition: And who will be afraid to do so? Jesus also said: DO NOT FEAR WHAT MAN CAN DO UNTO YOU! We are to expose them. Thank you all who are! Bless you.
I remember reading at the time, that the lethal concoction consisted of one agent that was infectious but not very virulent, and another that was virulent but not very infectious.
In Europe then, there were independent, effective politicians, both at the EU and in some national governments; particularly, if I recall correctly, the Polish Minister for Health, who organised effective pushback when the first (2009) epidemic-that-never-was, was attempted. The Czech lab technician forestalled mass murder.
But by 2019, the plotters had upped their game, and we’re living ( and dying) with the consequences.
Thanks for your amplification regarding this event. I stumbled upon the story, recently, thought it incredible that the events had not received attention during this covid era. Seems that the plot was a dress rehersal for the covid scamdemic.
I mix a cocktail of the following ingredients below:
3 1/2 oz raw honey
2 oz ACV
1 tbsp of turmeric
And just a pinch of pepper.
(Mix it all together and place in a glass jar with lid. Every morning I measure 3 tsp of this potion with water and ice and drink it and it actually tastes great with the honey and all😃. Always stir it because the honey sinks to the bottom.)
When I started going down the rabbit hole of nutrition…these were the four main ingredients that always, always popped up! They are the utmost important ingredients your body will ever need! I did my research.
They actually call this a natural antibiotic and I believe it😃It tastes great👍plus it’s so beneficial to your body!
I tried to subscribe/donate and my card was denied, when it should be perfectly fine. Same with another site that is telling the real truths. hugotalks.com. Rejected my card. Has this happened to others? Perhaps they are trying to stop any help. SAD. Only the liars are allowed to receive funding, or it's heading that way more every day.
While reading this article it became very clear - "related" to many other rather "unrelated"/holistic aspects of our flesh and blood - how the observed DNA modification reveals the modus operandi of the "propagation" of unregulated cell growth - formally known as cancer - and all other symptoms we casually call illness.
Once the modus operandi becomes apparent it a also becomes clear, how and why the modus operandi is hidden in PLAIN SIGHT and NO-ONE can EVER be in charge but GOD ALMIGHTY!
I have observed the mortality rate in combat shows no preferential treatment for the religious vs the non-religious. Why has God forsaken children in cancer wards who are far too young to have “sinned” – whatever sinned means. And what has been the fate of all those who lived before Christ was born? The majority of the world’s population, BTW, is not Christian. But if it makes you happy by all means stick with this nonsense.
A "religious" person could say...it is all part of a grand plan...in which human beings are given a choice for "good" or for "evil".....and then to live with the results. Gates/Schwab/ Macron The Royal Family, WEF..etc are obvious vile creeps and would like to be rid of the human "swarms"....Remember when Prince Philip said he wished he could reincarnate as a deadly disease and kill off humanity? I think he really meant it.
Prince Philip Quote About Reincarnating As a Deadly Virus Resurfaces
The quote is noted in an article by The Guardian newspaper from 2009 where some of Prince Philip's most controversial quotes are listed. The full quote reads: "In the event that I am reincarnated ...
Great article, add it to the alarming statements of Dr Geert Vanden Bossche and realise that, from the 1st Booster (so, the third jab) THREE SHOTS & YOU ARE in a baddd lottery...
ALL of this is unfolding NOW. As is Ukraine, Taiwan, Gaza, CBDC's, BTC Halving, the Stock Market is misfiring & Fiat Currencies are tanking, major election cycles are rolling, EU collapsing... oh my. A breath.
If you live under a rock you missed the Australian Kommissar of Kommunication berating us to "ONLY TRUST WE POLITICIANS..." AHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA 🤣🤣 😑
Yesterday I bought a thousand bucks of Food Grade, airtight sealable buckets 🪣 "They" WILL TRY AGAIN. Disease X is really the ongoing, now unfolding, devastating continuation of the cascade of Side Effects & Death, from the mRNA gene altering, emergency use authorised, plandemic Human bait. B.A.I.T. as in pesticides for Feral Humans, Useless Eaters.
Will the NEXT PLANDEMIC get you? The next jabs? Didja know, a VaXXed male lover's sperm is like a Spike Protein dose? Did you KNOW THAT? 🤔
Why WON'T Medicare OR Doctors order a test for Spike Protein Infestation? Because it is IN YOU FOREVER. Making Spike.
Preppers. I mocked them. Now, I think that I should have covered my arse, my very Government is my Mortal Enemy.
Yes, I knew, thanks to Naomi Wolf and the 3500 docs and scientists from all over the world who studied the Pfizer docs after the judge released them, and after Pfizer and the FDA asked the same Judge to seal the same docs for 75 years. Obviously, the Judge said no.
&govtsgaveindemnity criminal
But not for Fraud.
''notforfraudo . -over stateing everdecliningeficacy?
because it's a phantom. The LNPs cause the damage with payload of the internet of bodies nanotech.
Very close, at least part of the equation!
I obviously don't know for sure, but from the independant analysts examinations of vials, they said no mRNA found in them. I think they've experimented using different formulas.
Whatever they "prove" or "disprove" it is all SORCERY on one level or another.
Restricting one's claim to "I have not found" - contrary to I have proven/disproven - is already a sign of ESSENTIAL HUMBLENESS without which there is no escape from THE DARKNESS.
ANYONE who still believes that "they" KNOW - in contrast to MAKE YOU BELIEVE - what "they" are doing is most likely BRAINWASHED AND INDOCTRINATED beyond repair.
Some probably had a bit of everything and some only specific poisons, put there to be found ie: graphene , la quinta.
so do you really think that if it comes down to having "1000 buckets of food" you will be able to keep out a ravening mob of starving people desperate to feed their children?
All of them and forever, not just C19 should be gone. People should learn how to heal themselves with good nutrition and without major medical.
I came to the comment section to say exactly this. Thank you❤️
Always happy to help.
We needed these people to fight before most people got jabbed, when it took actual courage, not years after. Too late.
some did warn us. Because of Sucharit Bhakdi and Dolores Cahill and Heiko Schoning I did not accept this bioweapon. La Quinta Columna was publishing early on and there was the now sadly deceased..Dr. Andreas Noack--chemist-- who found graphene oxide in the "vaccines" and announced this to the world and was promptly murdered/dead(?)....Sucharit Bhakdi and Dolores Cahill were early warners. Schoning was jailed and Cahill lost her teaching job. Sucharit Bhakdi was accused of being a "jew hater".....for no reason of course. It's not too late to demand that the perps be exposed and to demand justice. The msm has lost any credibility it still had.....which in my own eyes was exactly none. Thousands of young athletes have simply fallen over dead as they are being filmed....but for some reason, this does not seem to alarm the herd.
Dalgliesh, the english man, was on board of an mRNA company for years and on John Campbell YT Video recently, he said he knew this gene therapy unsuitable forr vaccines. Where was this leading oncologist's voice in 2020? Not on Doctors4covidethics.org
Indeed....now he speaks out....when it will do no good. Bhakdi and a few others were on this from the beginning. Many did abandon their jobs rather than take the shot.
Here stands a brave man....Dr. Christopher Rake. Let us not forget him...
n the clip, Rake can be seen recording himself as another man takes him out of the UCLA Medical Plaza in Westwood. The video shared on the social media platform by The Beverly Hills Courier staff writer Samuel Braslow shows the doctor saying, “This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes. But what they don’t realize is that I’m willing to go lose everything — job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause.” At the end of the video, Rake also added: “Be well. United we stand, divided we fall.” Rake's reaction is not something new as in the past few months we have reported how medical practitioners have also shunned the Covid-19 vaccine. Nurse Shanda Parish said she wouldn't take the jab
I read somewhere some times ago that ivermectin and chloroquine work also in destroying the contaminants from both the jabs and the swab tests.
There was a serious study made but was long time ago and I am not sure which one of the two was most effective so I advise anybody who took the jab to do some research on it.
Other homeopathic products which help the body expel toxins are “silicea” and “tuja ”
Great video Aussie..thx ❤️❤️
They are waking up... If this will stop the depopulation agenda here would be good. Because the psycophaths do not want it to stop here.
Given that the shedding is proved, I am sure that there are ways to get healed. The psycophaths in charge would never risk the contagion without having an anthidote. So if doctors wake up we have a chance to save our loved ones
What is a "Tibetan life" ... a fancy IDOL to worship, another failing attempt to escape REALITY!?
There is LIFE .... all else are DELUSIONS of the mind - SATAN!
I am afraid it is all fruitless rebellion against REALITY - whether the mind - mine included - likes it or not:
Most all doctors are jabbed into submission. It takes them over, mind-wise. I will never trust another doctor, as I've been witness to many harms they've done, and caused my Mother's death. And much more suffering for my Father when he was dying. BEST ADVICE I CAN GIVE IS TO TRUST ONLY IN THE GREAT PHYSICIAN!! Jesus Christ! He said, PUT NOT YOUR TRUST IN MAN! for good reason!
do not wait for "the doctors"....(of course there is THE WELLNESS COMPANY with Dr. McCullough) but find your own way to heal. Herbs, high quality nutrition, exercise....and of course....your loved ones and friends. We need each other to heal.
a uknurseclaimedtheydohavethe anthidote i dontkoknowthattis truebutmakessence
Imagine a parent realizing that they've poisoned their children..... The Horror. The Horror.
I think that's why no-one who took them wants to talk about it. A friend, recovered from breast cancer, was sent this increase in cancer info by me. Do I receive any reply, a comment, anything back? No, stoney silence from everyone I sent info to, before and after jabs!
Nobody wants to admit that they are stupid - or that they condemned their child to death
Including my adult children who not only ignored what I sent, but called me crazy and suggested I needed some mental health support.
Yes....some people are still yelling at me.....and won't sit near me because I was openly critical of the "vax" campaign in the small retirement center in NC where I live. I publicly refused them and also refused to "mask" or "social distance". So many are sick now or have passed on. I feel kinda sorry for the others. I think they have literally "lost their minds"....When we were "locked down" here....the staff sent "nurses" from door to door wanting to inject us. I put a big "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF US" sign on my door. ha ha. It was right next to the FIRE FAUCI one. Well as for me....I saw this all before.
You know....those darn "arabs" they steal aluminum passenger planes and knock down three 1000 ' tall structures made of 3ft think steel girders and cement using aluminum airplanes....Then they rush down and blast a hole in the pentagon with a missile....You can't make this stuff up....God help us....a world wide "pandemic"....do not go out. Do not breath on anyone....but DO frequent Walmart etc.
It makes for an awkward moment when a previously healthy relatively young vaxxed family member contracts Turbo Cancer -- or has a heart attack.... how does one respond when one knows the cause
You must extend your heartfelt regrets and prayers. You must be kind. It is not their fault....something is wrong with them. Don't ask me what. You see this kind of thing in families of alcoholics....it used to be called "denial"....If they were to admit the truth about our world everything would become unmanageable. They are like little children who believe in fairy tales. You cannot change them. this is how they live.
Nope. We sponsor two kids from the 3rd world to attend school ... they both chose not to inject... so no school... one of them was working in the kitchen at a restaurant part time --- it was very difficult to find employees at the time so the owners of the restaurant (I know them well) .... when informed he was rejecting the injection .... emailed him offering him 'big money' to get injected and continue to work - big money being $1000 (meanwhile we pay $25,000 per year tuition + living expenses... so the 1k is not really that big)...
So you know what --- I am hoping both these owners end up with vax injuries... I don't want them to die... I want them to suffer....
Even better - they have two 20+ yr old kids... I would like to see at least one of them drop with a severe vax injury.
If that happens I will celebrate with a $1000 of Champagne and caviar... you bet your ass that is what I will do.
F789 the vaxxers.... F789 ... the Vaxxers.
Not a young fellow but my Dad's 80 something cousin died of turbo leukemia today. Not certain of the diagnosis but Dad says it wasnt a common form of elderly cancer.
I can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst. And probably say say I told them.
"They" are going to suck it up as long as possible - as those were the first and most ferocious - apart from the RINGLEADERS up and down the hierarchy of command - in the whole operation, which makes it for them even more embarrassing/impossible to come forward and face the music.
AND those are the same on who's "cooperation" the RINGLEADERS .... counted on in the first place and are still counting on to bury it under a THICK LAYER OF EXCUSES/LIES.
BUT fortunately THE TRUTH doesn't care about the feelings of LIARS - SOLI DEO GLORIA!
Right! They are trying to make it a crime to do what Jesus said..."Who will speak up for Me against the evildoers?" My own addition: And who will be afraid to do so? Jesus also said: DO NOT FEAR WHAT MAN CAN DO UNTO YOU! We are to expose them. Thank you all who are! Bless you.
Is this new news?
I remember reading at the time, that the lethal concoction consisted of one agent that was infectious but not very virulent, and another that was virulent but not very infectious.
In Europe then, there were independent, effective politicians, both at the EU and in some national governments; particularly, if I recall correctly, the Polish Minister for Health, who organised effective pushback when the first (2009) epidemic-that-never-was, was attempted. The Czech lab technician forestalled mass murder.
But by 2019, the plotters had upped their game, and we’re living ( and dying) with the consequences.
Thanks for your amplification regarding this event. I stumbled upon the story, recently, thought it incredible that the events had not received attention during this covid era. Seems that the plot was a dress rehersal for the covid scamdemic.
I mix a cocktail of the following ingredients below:
3 1/2 oz raw honey
2 oz ACV
1 tbsp of turmeric
And just a pinch of pepper.
(Mix it all together and place in a glass jar with lid. Every morning I measure 3 tsp of this potion with water and ice and drink it and it actually tastes great with the honey and all😃. Always stir it because the honey sinks to the bottom.)
When I started going down the rabbit hole of nutrition…these were the four main ingredients that always, always popped up! They are the utmost important ingredients your body will ever need! I did my research.
They actually call this a natural antibiotic and I believe it😃It tastes great👍plus it’s so beneficial to your body!
what is ACV?
Apple cider vinegar
Hi Tex,
Always good to see people trying different brews and sharing, Thanks.
A natural antibiotic is probably one of the most important bits of info we need today. mecurius cyanatus is one I know of that works. m
Thank you. I’ll sure look into that👍
I tried to subscribe/donate and my card was denied, when it should be perfectly fine. Same with another site that is telling the real truths. hugotalks.com. Rejected my card. Has this happened to others? Perhaps they are trying to stop any help. SAD. Only the liars are allowed to receive funding, or it's heading that way more every day.
“Failings” are designed into the psyop so that they can be debated endlessly – giving the pretense of genuine inquiry.
In other news, WHO Plans Insidious Coup in 194 Countries.
Yup, takes a while to figure out it's just another side show.
I have a trilogy of tracks dedicated to Pfizer for their gift that keeps on giving. This one relates to the article.
While reading this article it became very clear - "related" to many other rather "unrelated"/holistic aspects of our flesh and blood - how the observed DNA modification reveals the modus operandi of the "propagation" of unregulated cell growth - formally known as cancer - and all other symptoms we casually call illness.
Once the modus operandi becomes apparent it a also becomes clear, how and why the modus operandi is hidden in PLAIN SIGHT and NO-ONE can EVER be in charge but GOD ALMIGHTY!
I have observed the mortality rate in combat shows no preferential treatment for the religious vs the non-religious. Why has God forsaken children in cancer wards who are far too young to have “sinned” – whatever sinned means. And what has been the fate of all those who lived before Christ was born? The majority of the world’s population, BTW, is not Christian. But if it makes you happy by all means stick with this nonsense.
A "religious" person could say...it is all part of a grand plan...in which human beings are given a choice for "good" or for "evil".....and then to live with the results. Gates/Schwab/ Macron The Royal Family, WEF..etc are obvious vile creeps and would like to be rid of the human "swarms"....Remember when Prince Philip said he wished he could reincarnate as a deadly disease and kill off humanity? I think he really meant it.
Prince Philip Quote About Reincarnating As a Deadly Virus Resurfaces
The quote is noted in an article by The Guardian newspaper from 2009 where some of Prince Philip's most controversial quotes are listed. The full quote reads: "In the event that I am reincarnated ...
Great questions .... even though the commenters mind is too impatient/ indoctrinated/ brainwashed so it HAS TO jump to conclusions ...
THE TRUTH is not concerned about ignorance as it has revealed the consequences of such an attitude for each INDIVIDUAL MIND!