Thanks for your hard work A17 and for keeping us informed, especially of what's going on overseas. I personally doubt there was anything resembling a pandemic, at least not in Oz and certainly not down here in Tasmania. We only started seeing excess deaths/sickness after roll-out of shots. Local newspaper death notices bear this out. I think Dr Yeadon is spot on.

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Mar 14Liked by Aussie17

In support of A17, who I think is terrific, in the specific case of “covid”, I don’t think it much matters if there was a minor illness causing agent or not. I won’t die in a ditch on it in the past.

My big worry in conceding “maybe there was little bitty illness” is the excuse people will leap upon “oh, they meant well, they just overreacted and poisoned lots of people and some died due to greedy pharma”.

Even had there been sonething, the rest is just nuts. Lockdown, folks, everywhere. Where did that come from? It’s not like the idea of contagion hadn’t been considered in the past. Yet lockdowns were explicitly excluded, because asymptomatic transmission was proven never to occur.

What I’ve learned recently in shocking & most will refuse to believe it, shrug.

It’s that acute respiratory illnesses are NOT contagious. This has been tested repeatedly over an entire century, always failing to show it.

So you can I hope see why I’m so committed to saying this.

Do not be afraid, there’s nothing to “catch”.

This research you must do. If you find it credible, it will modify your behavior when you’re next lied to.

Hugs everyone

Mike xx

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Whether “respiratory diseases” are contagious or not is a bit of a red herring if there was a virus causing a disease that was not only “respiratory” but also had other effects, isn't it?

Be that as it may, what do you say to this story:


In particular the writer's daughter's “catching” “covid” on her first day in college and her father's “catching” it very soon after he came and “scooped her up”?

I recommend you read the book Jenna co-wrote with Pierre Kory and that you also check out Angus Dalgliesh's work (EG his interview by the FLCCC, https://covid19criticalcare.com/cancer-in-the-post-covid-era/), Kevin McKernan's work (EG https://rumble.com/v3tvate-you-shall-not-bear-false-witness-an-interview-with-kevin-mckernan.html) and Kevin McCairn's work (EG https://healthallianceaustralia.org/webinars/dr-kevin-mccairn/; not a good interview unfortunately—clumsy communication).

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There’s still the not small matter of contagion. The fear porn has it that you breathe it onto & into others. However, nobody has ever demonstrated that.

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

While not a scientist, I have been fully immersed in this issue since the beginning of February 2020 and I believe that I have been able to get a grasp of what has occurred. I believe that there was and is a virus and that it was genetically modified in the WIV. The infectious nature of the virus was overstated, using fallacious modelling and the IFR was nothing like the predictions. I, therefore, don't believe that a pandemic should have been declared but we know that there was and is an agenda. The PCR test was misused to inflate case numbers and anomalous reporting made it even worse. Patient care was denied, as were available medicines, enabling the EUA of the injections. Intubation and other protocols only inflamed the death count and the coordinated efforts of the WHO, governments and the media ensured that people were bombarded with psychological warfare, aggravating fear and anxiety. As a result of the complicit nature of all involved, we will never know the true extent of the planned genocide and the effects will be felt for many years. Population control is not new but has not been practised on a scale like this before.

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this is very close to my position.

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

Congratulations on the job you are doing. Great work.

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And that of Dr. McCullough: https://oldschoolcounselor.substack.com/p/the-state-of-covid-19-at-the-four. He does not address the potential that this was intentional as Dr. Yeadon does. The missing link is the Who and the How. Who did this and how did they pull it off?

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There is no pandemic and there is no virus here is the doctor from the CDC in China being interviewed by mainstream media stating they couldn't isolate the so-called virus. https://www.bitchute.com/video/1Vl0JaX9lOUX/

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2019(・・?>Illumina CEO Explains How Pfizer & Moderna Created Their COVID Vaccines Without The Live Virus. https://rumble.com/v2bwbc2-illumina-ceo-explains-how-pfizer-and-moderna-created-their-covid-vaccines-w.html

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

Agree - there was definitely a new and unusual transmissible illness because I got sick with it and didn’t get the so-called vaccine.

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

it is CRIMINAL that a qualified expert like Dr Mike Yeadon was removed from the conversation along with other experts. Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, along with Dr Geert Vanden Bosche, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Dr Peter McCullough, prof Christian Perronne .... some of the most brilliant men in infectious disease, microbiology, immunology, vaccine development, biomedical research, toxicology and epidemiology in the world.

There are many other brilliant people who were removed from the conversation.

Dr Vladamir Zelenko,

Dr. Scott Jensen

Dr Shankara Chetty

Dr. Tess Lawrie

Dr. Pierre Kory

Dr. Roger Hodkinson

Dr Gabriel Onn

Hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of others.

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You see, even Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and George Soros have not enough money to buy them all !!! The ones you mentioned are definitively priceless, out of reach for the despicable evil-doers.

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Was Malone allowed to speak.

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

God protect Dr Mike Yeadon 🙏🏼

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17


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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

Pleased to see that Mark Sexton’s patient allegations of serious criminal conduct have been accepted & a new crime number issued.


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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

I appreciated the way Dr Yeadon spoke out early on. I have always found what he had to say credible and compelling. I disagree that there was no illness doing the rounds in 2020 though. I know too many who were severely ill before they went to to hospital. If this was just a virulent flu with slightly higher mortality, please acknowledge and name this. Larger, overweight people I knew went blue from hypoxia. I experienced with my own family how it took a turn for the worse after 10 days. I've never been jabbed but a close family member was. We both agree there was no pandemic. But there was a bug. Was it a Hong King flu event? Please don't just say there was no pandemic without acknowledging people's reality that there was definitely a flu like illness that hit some harder than others for a while. You may lose some of your very very loyal support base because the "no pandemic" message is made so strongly when many of us had visual confirmation of sick loved ones, or ourselves. And it was a weird one if not as deadly as it was made out to be

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I also had a respiratory illness. It was during what was called the omicron wave. I'm not in the medical field, but what I understand is that a wave of respiratory illness on its own is not enough to be called a pandemic. I feel sure there was some sort of a bug that got around my immune defences for a couple of days, whatever its name, but was it a pandemic? What many scientists are pointing out is that yes there were excess deaths in some jurisdictions, but were they related to the bug, or to the 'health' protocols in those jurisdictions?

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

I agree, I do think the word pandemic was misused. I had the most appalling ‘flu November 2019, before Covid was an entity. I spent 10 days in bed, very unusual for me, and it took 6 weeks before my energy was restored to normal. I am healthy, in my late sixties and not on any prescriptions, I cannot remember the last time I saw a Dr. The only reason that I know it was “covid” is because I had a blood test for antibodies sometime in April and the results were positive. A few friends of a similar age were also unwell, slightly later January/February/March. Interestingly, none of my grandchildren were infected. I am not dismissing the illness, it was utterly debilitating. I am just questioning the word pandemic, I do not think there was one, but there was a strong illness that did affect many people and, unsurprisingly, those with frail health and compromised immunity suffered the most. This is not new.

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

Good work I just replied to this on X and am now following Mike Yeadon on Telegram and have missed his commentary since he was booted from Twitter in 2021

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Yea I doubt that is Yeadon you are following and I would suggest you only follow him on Substack where he is well known and posts quite a bit of commentary with Steve Kirsch and others. Telegram is an echo chamber of fantasy and conpiracy and for the most part every channel is infested with cointel assets of those who hate us. After four years as a channel mod and admin with various groups and privy to the back channel conversations. I can confidently say the majority are just useful idiots of the camp they are in and both are being manipulated by those who hate us.

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it’s Mike’s telegram… i’ll update the post with his video later

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17


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Ok I updated the post with a clip of Mike verifying his telegram group. The letter is posted there.

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Is he still on X

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Great summation by you. I feel the same, strongly. Appreciated, m

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

What similar action can be taken in Australia?

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

I’m sure many of us in Australia would like to see publicity around the true nature of the virus and the harmful vaccines. We need to see justice for those many people affected and justice for those who were involved in perpetrating great harm against us.

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

This is great news and I am grateful for the truth tellers. However, I am skeptical that anything will actually happen to the ones who perpetuate this atrocity.

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Mar 15Liked by Aussie17

Great to have your best guesses - and Mike's too. I think the only way we will find out for certain is from a war crimes trial.

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Mar 13Liked by Aussie17

Thank you for a most informative post, I await with bated breath for a response.

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There was no Covid-19 illness? If so, is Yeadon saying there was also no SC2 Lab Created Virus? By me something unusual was happening before the novel “vaccines” were released with strange symptoms and on person I know 30ish was hospitalized. I agree the PCR testing was abused by using a high cycle threshold. And I also think the novel “vaccines” killed more than SC2 directly. Dr Huff wrote a book called The Truth About Wuhan. DOD created the virus in Montana and shipped it Wuhan. Do I think the Plandemic was intentional? Yes! Orange Man bad!

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For me, the idea that a so-called virus can spread from one lab or even a couple of labs around the entire world still has my common sense monitor shaking wildly. I have yet to see the flight plan of how a virus can spread from person to person all over the world, to the point where they had to call it a pandemic. The lab leak is at best a red herring, at worse a distraction from the real bio-weapon.

I say it was a combination of factors that got folks ill.

First off, the human body has to cleanse itself from built up toxins over a period of time. Then we have to take into account the air that we breathe that is constantly being sprayed with a myriad of toxic chemicals. Include, water and food that is also filled with toxic chemicals and eventually our bodies will go into "cleansing" mode.

Add the scary media and flawed PCR test and a few other unknowns thrown into the mix and we have a self styled "pandemic". With a dash of lockdowns, masking, social distancing, economic crisis, more fear mongering, abuse by authorities, etc. we have a world turned upside down.

So, to me, it wasn't the so-called virus as much as it was the reaction to it.

I do not dismiss that some folks got really sick. I know a few myself. And here is where my conspiracy itch rears its head. Full spectrum dominance was the order of the day. i.e., "Event 201" They had to cover all bases just to make sure that folks would "believe" something was out to "kill" them. What about the folks who got ill before 2019? What about all the other so-called contagious diseases? The world became mono-focused on one "enemy", went into wartime strategies with a host of DOD countermeasures.

It turned out to be the grandest human psyops; an experiment of "problem-reaction-solution" all perpetrated by a host of criminal assets who laughed at the gullible on their way to the bank.

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