"Others with great expertise in intracellular signalling and molecular biology quickly spotted at least two other, clearly designed-in, obviously intentional, mechanisms of toxicity"
Remember that time back in Nuremberg? Nope I don't either. But I remember the history. They executed a lot of guys and presumably some others got censured &/or were given a real good talking-to. Probably even wagged the index finger at them. But THE REALLY BIG GUY, Doc Mengele himself got away and died a natural semi-free death. Yeah, he was on the run so it probably wasn't a comfortable unparanoid existence. But he DID get away.
They fixed all that when they tried the Japanese around May 3, 1946 which was slightly after (perhaps overlapping) the Nuremberg trials. Yup with the Japanese they let Dr Mengele's counterpart Shiro Iishi off, because they wanted to have a look at his data and pick his brain. Had it been up to the Russians Doc Iishi would have gotten his quick reward. But nope, the USA intervened and it wasn't because we were against the death penalty. They probably were saddened to have lost the opportunity to pick Doc Mengele's brain.
And now these many years latter it has all been fixed. We got to pick the Japanese war atrocity brains and we've made peace with having lost the chance to pick Dr Mengele's brain. We've atoned for our mistakes. Nope now it is all good. Now, ALL of us are lab rats, every last one of us, no need for the nasty optics of gulags and death camps because it is all "legal" and right out there in the open, and we can't say squat and have little to no procedural recourse because it has all been made legal and protected by EUA & every sort of indemnification. NOW, those who manage the lab rats (that would be every single one of us) are masters of the universe and retire fabulously wealthy.
Dr's Mengele & Iishi must be rolling in their graves. They were ahead of their times. Had they lived now they would have a whole planet of lab rats at their disposal and EUA and every other thing to protect them. They'd be looking forward to a wealthy peaceful retirement. Goebbels was only getting started on propaganda & promoting the lie. Now we've brought what he started all the way. The lie can be made Safe and Effective truth and crimes against humanity can be made legal and untouchable. Sometimes it feels like the monsters won.
I don’t think it’s at all extreme to suggest that the grandchildren of the Nazis picked up & taken to USA under Operation Paperclip are significant actors in what has happened.
There was virtually no delay after WW2 before the assaults we’re now subject to were begun.
No more than 15-20 years to the footings of overpopulation lies, earliest changes to public health law and, of course, the patient amendments to private property law.
Sounds absolutely plausible. I am quite aware of operation Paper Clip but perhaps more aware of the flip side of that, the infestation of the USA with European, particularly Eastern European, immigrants with a communist/Marxist leaning. Many of them quite hard core. They pretty much gave the Russians the nuke by spying on the Manhattan Project and have infiltrated throughout government & academia AT LEAST since Roosevelt's time. Both Roosevelts, Franklin & Eleanor were quite smitten with the communist notion for a time. You Tube Podcast "America's Untold Stories" has done quite a number of broadcasts on these topics & allege the USA government was INFESTED with commies. Many of the people we see in western, particularly USA government can be directly linked to big player parents of that era.
We got many of the "best & brightest" from both the Fascist & Marxist side of the coin and at some point I start having trouble seeing distinctions. Kind of a squabble over which flavor of central control will be in charge. Like having Hitler Stalin & Trotsky in a room squabbling over details, but they all agree that however many they need to kill they will kill.
I am VERY aware of the left leaning radicals of the sixties as I lived through that era. MANY of them were the sons and daughters of left leaning immigrants out of NYC and places like that. The point is, these central control movements are absolutely generational. Almost (I'd say the same) as religion. It does not die when the grandparents die. It is carried on in various forms by the children. At this point many of their offspring are throughout the academic and government infrastructure.
For example the San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin who was busily doing his bit to destroy that city was raised by Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn after Chesa's parents got jailed indefinitely for murders they participated in on behalf of Bill & Bernadine's Weather Underground. That organization did LOTS of bombings and has a sizeable body count. So what did America do? Of course, the founders became the teachers of our kids & one of the mentor's of Obama. This is just one isolated example. THERE ARE MANY.
One thing that I was not that well aware of till recently is that in the era leading up to Hitler "the other choice was the commies". Many people look at it as "Nazi bad" (yes true), but that does not make Maoist/Stalinist commie good. It is sobering to realize that "the good guys" of that era have a body count that would make Hitler proud.
The point is I don't see great distinction between the two great world domination ideologies of the WWII era. ESPECIALLY at this point. For the sake of optics neither side will come out and say something dumb like "kill the Jews" but both sides are happy to kill whomever is in their way. BOTH sides had highly intelligent committed soldiers and at this point it is reasonable to expect that many of their offspring have taken up the cause and are now infiltrated THROUGHOUT the west. I am much more familiar with the descendants of the Marxist left than Paper clip but in some ways see similarities. Neither are the friends of individual freedom but BOTH would love to be the elite that controls the rest of the lab rats.
He is right, you are wrong: y’all knew it from the very start or u are no scientists at all... I don’t know what is more dangerous An EUROPEAN or a PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY u guys will go to hell for that and start from this World... your interview doesn’t add up... in conclusion you gave up and said all of you are guilty of crimes against humanity
If such a vaccine was produced in Africa and u guys mistakenly used it as we have done::: the ICJ is coming to shoot the African Doctors and you are not off the hook yet... we have cancel culture out there
Ironically (maybe NOT so ironically), the EU was/is de factor led by Germany and during the EU/Germany's most recent significant period of harm Germany was headed by Angela Merkel, a woman who literally went to Karl Marx University and spent much if not most of her formative years in communist block East Germany. Yeah I know, it doesn't mean she's a commie yada yada. BUT, common sense says that there is better than 50/50 odds she almost for sure is a commie sympathizer (or at least not a big promoter/fan of the west) who plays the chameleon traitor to the west that many if not most western leaders play. She has done her bit in helping to destroy the west as have so many other western leader traitors. You can't make it up.
Merkel and her ilk, the "greens", etc. are all Trojan Horses to implement the Morgenthauplan, version 2.0 and destroy Germany as an industrialized country for good.
The UK-elites will soon be exhilarated upon completion of their plan.
No bad feelings, I love British humor ... even if this "joke" is pitch-black 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Governments didn't prosecute all those who should have been charged after World War II! Just look at those who were arrested and those who went free. But they escaped to other countries —yeah, right! That's bullsh*t, and most people know it!
I don’t claim to be a rocket scientist, but as an ex-nurse coerced at 69 to take the vax, and ending up with a cardiac injury I’ve been reading heaps and the timeline of development of this vaccine, they were told in 2015 that the TGA could not pass this because se it was gene therapy, and could only be released under EUA.
OMG - I hope you get over your injury ok. I think there are many people who are injured, know where the injury came from, and are stunned into silence. That’s the impression I’m getting anyway. Do your observations back that up or are they different?
In the begging it was like announcing you had leperosy. Was sent to the local A&E by my doctor, who had done a brilliant work up the day before Echocardiogram, bloods, ECG. Those test showed I was oscillating between SVT and AF. At the hospital , they found cardiac enzymes upper level of normal , ECG - I wasn’t told, but read on discharge that I’d been diagnosed with AF . The most dangerous version of arrhythmia. I also passed their neurological assessment, despite barely being able to stand up. All up it took two months to commence any kind of treatment. because of my age at the time I was effectively sent home to die. (2021) . Since then I have found it is easier to talk about. I go to a community centre to avoid becoming too isolated. People are becoming more receptive since most a heavily vaccinated 4-5 vaccines and have repeatedly caught COVID or being diagnosed with long COVID. I’ve never had it or tested positive to it, so I’m having some impact on the the choices some people are making. As for treatment I’ve accessed through other sources, I’m finding it’s not an injury that can be easily stabilised or managed. I believe from all the reading an research I’ve done that these heart injuries are more likely than not to be a progressive disease state. Along with a number of other vax injuries. People aren’t stunned into silence, they are being cancelled. I was de-platformed from a Google controlled ap called my neighbourhood for saying I was injured. Australia started as a penal colony, and during Covid we became one again. I’m in the city with the longest lockdown outside China The fear porn was 24/7. Hope that answers your questions
I'm an American, and I'm so sorry about your vaccine injury. I knew from my dad, who worked in the military, not to take vaccines. My parents never gave us kids any vaccines. I am the healthiest child who started kindergarten in 1968. All of my closest friends have an injury, although I warned them. It was only after 2020 that they told me I was right, and they wish they had listened to me. I learned from my dad, and none of them had a dad who knew what my dad understood.
I trained as a nurse starting 1971, I was one of those who believed what I was told. I never really questioned , had my flu shot every year, believed I could trust “ the science”. I did have my doubts about this vaccine despite that. A person I trust did try to warn me, but I felt bullied by our government to take it, I also hadn’t found reliable sources. I warn everyone I meet. If I had a child today nobody would be stocking my kid the last 4 years I’ve been on a massive catch up learning curve
Yes, we’re a penal colony once more it seems. Actually, my question was more along the lines of - do you think the jab injured don’t want to talk about it? There must be many nurses now injured.
My RN sister, jabbed 5 times, suffered several strokes last year at 62. We stopped talking the year before because she thought I was crazy when I brought up the literature I'd read about jab injuries. Just trying to be helpful you know.
Please look up Dr. Peter McCullough! He has a solution to the vaccine injuries! Please look him up and follow his easy protocols. I've witnessed the healing of a young gal who has moved to get married, and I have watched a neighbor’s health improve. She's been on his protocol for nearly one month. Dr. Peter McCullough! If there are other doctors I hope you find one or please follow what Dr. McCullough says!
Julie, please look up Dr. Peter McCullough for cures to your vaccine injury! Please, his protocols worked. I've watched it personally several times. I have a neighbor who is getting better, and I told a family at church for their youngest daughter. She's well today and moving to get married! Please look up Dr. Peter McCullough! There could be other doctors who know of cures, but I personally know of Dr. McCullough.
I intend to I’ve been following his posts and the wellness foundation. Will try ang get appropriate advice on his protocols. Dr Ana Milhacea and colleagues have an interesting approach to the LNP NANNOPARTICALS and research into how many other meds they are putting LNP’s into- lots me Lantus insulin dental anaesthetics. Liquid budesonide. LNP ‘ s are the dangerois part of the cocktail.
Frightening isn’t it. That some people can so easily decide that injuring others is ok, just for money. I’ve got a question for you Aussie17. Do you suspect that the likes of the TGA knew before administration that the jabs are toxic? I’m guessing most politicians didn’t know.
the people who work in TGA mostly delegate their decisions and accountabilities upwards or sideways (ie other countries like US should get it right). Its a very “collectivist” thinking. there are some who have doubts but dont speak up and hope for the best to protect their career/finance.
That’s the problem. The ‘collectivist’ mindset seen everywhere. People don’t seem to want to make up their own mind about something. I guess that takes effort. They seem to feel safer in herd movements. Less responsibility. But look where that’s got us.
The TGA knew Astra Zeneca went through the GMO office in Canberra but Pfizer and Moderna didn’t. Under FOI enough information has been obtained to more than suggest at least some of our politicians knew. I’m pretty sure the information is on deaths au stack.
If they didn’t know before roll out, they surely did shortly afterwards.
Also, key point: if what happened in Australia was anything like the USA, the regulators had NO ROLE whatsoever in “emergency use authorization”. The FDA conducted no review. There were no criteria for EUA other than a political declaration of a Public Health Emergency was in force and “Countermeasures” were protected by the PREP Act. That meant none of them can ever be prosecuted. They bank the bribes, look the other way and know they’re safe from legal action.
Remember there was no pandemic or real public health emergency.
These jabs were designed with the sole purpose of injury, killing & reducing fertility in survivors.
They knew, but like so much of this dystopian horror show, they also knew that excuses for their actions were built in ... the EMERGENCY was that bad that any and all decisions had to be taken by bold actors, in other words the “you don’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs” argument. They thereafter just denied that any eggs had been broken, in fact those broken eggs had nothing to do with our omelette. In fact, “Omelette? What omelette?”
As devious and dastardly as this was, these apparatchiks in government and the TGA categorically knew before the roll out that these jabs were experimental and the long term safety profile was literally unknown. They willingly ignored this, as the intent was the rollout of the jabs, not the halting of the pandemic. They KNEW that their statistics about cases and deaths were a massive exaggeration. They KNEW that the jabs weren’t effective, but they advertised as such anyway because their roll out was the point, jabbing everyone was the point, obfuscating and hand waving was the strategy. Hell, the TGA’s provisional approval may as well just have been “these jabs have been approved by the EMA and the FDA so we’re going to approve them on that basis because Pfizer and Moderna are just so trustworthy.”
Yep. I watched Event 201 in horror to what I was hearing. It was early 2020 and the people. At the event were discussing the side effects of the jabs and how they would handle peoples reactions to them, including, encouraging them to continue jabbing even though people would get sick. I couldn’t believe my ears. Why in God’s name, I thought to myself at the time, would governments implement these ‘experimental vaccines’ knowing, full well, that they were incredibly toxic. I was convinced I was witnessing a round table of criminally insane psychopaths describing how they planned to eliminate quite a large portion of the population. None of them flinched at what they were saying. Fun Fact- I sent this info (showing the meeting) to friends and family. And they still went off and got the jab. I think that’s what scared me the most. Not the Plan, but our stupidity in the face of a clear and present danger. I’ve never been the same since. I must have a case of PTSD!
I compiled a useful dossier of what I considered to be useful information and data pointing out the bollocks about the pandemic and would share this with family and friends as I found it ... it was obvious to those who chose to see that this was a ruse and a psy op. All of it. And yet none would listen or even engage. I was a “conspiracy theorist” even when documents in black-and-white proved otherwise ... one didn’t even have to get into details like Event 201 to know this ... and everyone got jabbed and boosted anyway. And some have been unwell ever since. Oh well.
That’s such a good description of it- The Twilight Zone! Been going on for 3+ years now and still, almost every day I’m in disbelief about yet another aspect of the crazy.
And they knew it would, but that the USA sheep would continue with the jabbing and not complain because they're more scared of being called conspiracy believers than of suffering lasting medical injuries.
I remember in mid-2021, Mike Yeadon created a series of podcasts, "Planet Lockdown", in which he spoke about how the COVID policies and handling made no sense scientifically or based on what we know about epidemics historically. Yeadon figured out it was all a lie quickly and suggested we were standing at the gates of hell. That everything happening seemed to be about controlling the masses (for some nefarious reason, presumably?). Immediately after listening to this series, I did an internet search on Yeadon, and the media was already hard at work portraying him as a feeble-minded has-been, a former scientist whose apparent state of mental decline had turned him into a pathetic tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist...
I think we, who see the truth, need to be more supportive of each other…The common enemy is clearly people aiming for power & Domination,USING
dishonesty, Fear, corrupted “Science” and immorality to get it…
(eg- “our safe vaccine and plan will save you all” )!…..
(from the diseases/crisses fabricated by them)..
To be effective in our resistance is imperative !…This will require we find common ground in our reasoned arguments…. We each as individuals are not ALL KNOWING and thus may have different ideas or beliefs based on what we have seen,
learned , and concluded since
10/18/2019 (Event 21
Committee’s planned COVID pandemic and take over SCHEME )( (ie- their “Great Reset” !
Who said what, about details, at any particular time, during the recent 3 year verbal media battles (during conflicting & confusing data reveals) is not as important as recognizing the Common Enemy and their DISHONEST TACTICS of Lying, Psy-ops, fake info in their personal attacks
aimed to discredit their political opponents … US !…..
It is, they are the globally cooperative DOMINATION SEAKERS……( think Davos-men).
Unfortunately history and the future have had & will have such humans who are “in it for themselves”. …seeking power….. Their frontal lobe dopamine driven “I want more for me” is unfortunately NOT countered by a brain perception that: care for others through ethical cooperation is actually
what will support the existence of the human species so we don’t cancel ourselves out …… a real possibility !!!..
History is full of such power/ dominance seekers who often are cunning enough to scare or convince followers to believe them !!!!! Humans have come up with ideas on how to counter balance such behaviors… The best successful plan so far has been an agreement to have a system (Society) with Checks & Balances against particular over-Dominant persons or groups…….
C'mon. Groups of people, the stuff of corporations: business, religious, foundations and governments, have more rights and powers than a single being, and because groups of people are hard to oppose or punish, they can get away with murder for any reason. A Swiss verein is even more powerful than that.
War crimes. But the war is being waged by our own governments against us. How to structure a resistance, much less a pushback? It seems the normal thoughts about accountability are just faded vague memories.
Super excited, thank you. I lost track of you for months. I followed Raoult, Perrone, Henrion-Caude and Montagnier (when he was still among us) from my home country of France. The censorship has been bad and it is also quiet in Canada where I live.
People must be executed. We know who they are. This is Genocide, for fun & profit. There can be no reasons except BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
Remember that time back in Nuremberg? Nope I don't either. But I remember the history. They executed a lot of guys and presumably some others got censured &/or were given a real good talking-to. Probably even wagged the index finger at them. But THE REALLY BIG GUY, Doc Mengele himself got away and died a natural semi-free death. Yeah, he was on the run so it probably wasn't a comfortable unparanoid existence. But he DID get away.
They fixed all that when they tried the Japanese around May 3, 1946 which was slightly after (perhaps overlapping) the Nuremberg trials. Yup with the Japanese they let Dr Mengele's counterpart Shiro Iishi off, because they wanted to have a look at his data and pick his brain. Had it been up to the Russians Doc Iishi would have gotten his quick reward. But nope, the USA intervened and it wasn't because we were against the death penalty. They probably were saddened to have lost the opportunity to pick Doc Mengele's brain.
And now these many years latter it has all been fixed. We got to pick the Japanese war atrocity brains and we've made peace with having lost the chance to pick Dr Mengele's brain. We've atoned for our mistakes. Nope now it is all good. Now, ALL of us are lab rats, every last one of us, no need for the nasty optics of gulags and death camps because it is all "legal" and right out there in the open, and we can't say squat and have little to no procedural recourse because it has all been made legal and protected by EUA & every sort of indemnification. NOW, those who manage the lab rats (that would be every single one of us) are masters of the universe and retire fabulously wealthy.
Dr's Mengele & Iishi must be rolling in their graves. They were ahead of their times. Had they lived now they would have a whole planet of lab rats at their disposal and EUA and every other thing to protect them. They'd be looking forward to a wealthy peaceful retirement. Goebbels was only getting started on propaganda & promoting the lie. Now we've brought what he started all the way. The lie can be made Safe and Effective truth and crimes against humanity can be made legal and untouchable. Sometimes it feels like the monsters won.
I don’t think it’s at all extreme to suggest that the grandchildren of the Nazis picked up & taken to USA under Operation Paperclip are significant actors in what has happened.
There was virtually no delay after WW2 before the assaults we’re now subject to were begun.
No more than 15-20 years to the footings of overpopulation lies, earliest changes to public health law and, of course, the patient amendments to private property law.
Sounds absolutely plausible. I am quite aware of operation Paper Clip but perhaps more aware of the flip side of that, the infestation of the USA with European, particularly Eastern European, immigrants with a communist/Marxist leaning. Many of them quite hard core. They pretty much gave the Russians the nuke by spying on the Manhattan Project and have infiltrated throughout government & academia AT LEAST since Roosevelt's time. Both Roosevelts, Franklin & Eleanor were quite smitten with the communist notion for a time. You Tube Podcast "America's Untold Stories" has done quite a number of broadcasts on these topics & allege the USA government was INFESTED with commies. Many of the people we see in western, particularly USA government can be directly linked to big player parents of that era.
We got many of the "best & brightest" from both the Fascist & Marxist side of the coin and at some point I start having trouble seeing distinctions. Kind of a squabble over which flavor of central control will be in charge. Like having Hitler Stalin & Trotsky in a room squabbling over details, but they all agree that however many they need to kill they will kill.
I am VERY aware of the left leaning radicals of the sixties as I lived through that era. MANY of them were the sons and daughters of left leaning immigrants out of NYC and places like that. The point is, these central control movements are absolutely generational. Almost (I'd say the same) as religion. It does not die when the grandparents die. It is carried on in various forms by the children. At this point many of their offspring are throughout the academic and government infrastructure.
For example the San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin who was busily doing his bit to destroy that city was raised by Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn after Chesa's parents got jailed indefinitely for murders they participated in on behalf of Bill & Bernadine's Weather Underground. That organization did LOTS of bombings and has a sizeable body count. So what did America do? Of course, the founders became the teachers of our kids & one of the mentor's of Obama. This is just one isolated example. THERE ARE MANY.
One thing that I was not that well aware of till recently is that in the era leading up to Hitler "the other choice was the commies". Many people look at it as "Nazi bad" (yes true), but that does not make Maoist/Stalinist commie good. It is sobering to realize that "the good guys" of that era have a body count that would make Hitler proud.
The point is I don't see great distinction between the two great world domination ideologies of the WWII era. ESPECIALLY at this point. For the sake of optics neither side will come out and say something dumb like "kill the Jews" but both sides are happy to kill whomever is in their way. BOTH sides had highly intelligent committed soldiers and at this point it is reasonable to expect that many of their offspring have taken up the cause and are now infiltrated THROUGHOUT the west. I am much more familiar with the descendants of the Marxist left than Paper clip but in some ways see similarities. Neither are the friends of individual freedom but BOTH would love to be the elite that controls the rest of the lab rats.
Dr. Yeadon, none of this will matter when the World Economic Forum takes over. Why bother trying to sue when there isn't enough time?
He is right, you are wrong: y’all knew it from the very start or u are no scientists at all... I don’t know what is more dangerous An EUROPEAN or a PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY u guys will go to hell for that and start from this World... your interview doesn’t add up... in conclusion you gave up and said all of you are guilty of crimes against humanity
If such a vaccine was produced in Africa and u guys mistakenly used it as we have done::: the ICJ is coming to shoot the African Doctors and you are not off the hook yet... we have cancel culture out there
Even more incredible is the story of the European Union and its rise from the ashes of NAZI Germany 💪
Ironically (maybe NOT so ironically), the EU was/is de factor led by Germany and during the EU/Germany's most recent significant period of harm Germany was headed by Angela Merkel, a woman who literally went to Karl Marx University and spent much if not most of her formative years in communist block East Germany. Yeah I know, it doesn't mean she's a commie yada yada. BUT, common sense says that there is better than 50/50 odds she almost for sure is a commie sympathizer (or at least not a big promoter/fan of the west) who plays the chameleon traitor to the west that many if not most western leaders play. She has done her bit in helping to destroy the west as have so many other western leader traitors. You can't make it up.
Merkel and her ilk, the "greens", etc. are all Trojan Horses to implement the Morgenthauplan, version 2.0 and destroy Germany as an industrialized country for good.
The UK-elites will soon be exhilarated upon completion of their plan.
No bad feelings, I love British humor ... even if this "joke" is pitch-black 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Not made up. Planned for a generation.
Nice summary.
Governments didn't prosecute all those who should have been charged after World War II! Just look at those who were arrested and those who went free. But they escaped to other countries —yeah, right! That's bullsh*t, and most people know it!
I don’t claim to be a rocket scientist, but as an ex-nurse coerced at 69 to take the vax, and ending up with a cardiac injury I’ve been reading heaps and the timeline of development of this vaccine, they were told in 2015 that the TGA could not pass this because se it was gene therapy, and could only be released under EUA.
OMG - I hope you get over your injury ok. I think there are many people who are injured, know where the injury came from, and are stunned into silence. That’s the impression I’m getting anyway. Do your observations back that up or are they different?
In the begging it was like announcing you had leperosy. Was sent to the local A&E by my doctor, who had done a brilliant work up the day before Echocardiogram, bloods, ECG. Those test showed I was oscillating between SVT and AF. At the hospital , they found cardiac enzymes upper level of normal , ECG - I wasn’t told, but read on discharge that I’d been diagnosed with AF . The most dangerous version of arrhythmia. I also passed their neurological assessment, despite barely being able to stand up. All up it took two months to commence any kind of treatment. because of my age at the time I was effectively sent home to die. (2021) . Since then I have found it is easier to talk about. I go to a community centre to avoid becoming too isolated. People are becoming more receptive since most a heavily vaccinated 4-5 vaccines and have repeatedly caught COVID or being diagnosed with long COVID. I’ve never had it or tested positive to it, so I’m having some impact on the the choices some people are making. As for treatment I’ve accessed through other sources, I’m finding it’s not an injury that can be easily stabilised or managed. I believe from all the reading an research I’ve done that these heart injuries are more likely than not to be a progressive disease state. Along with a number of other vax injuries. People aren’t stunned into silence, they are being cancelled. I was de-platformed from a Google controlled ap called my neighbourhood for saying I was injured. Australia started as a penal colony, and during Covid we became one again. I’m in the city with the longest lockdown outside China The fear porn was 24/7. Hope that answers your questions
I'm an American, and I'm so sorry about your vaccine injury. I knew from my dad, who worked in the military, not to take vaccines. My parents never gave us kids any vaccines. I am the healthiest child who started kindergarten in 1968. All of my closest friends have an injury, although I warned them. It was only after 2020 that they told me I was right, and they wish they had listened to me. I learned from my dad, and none of them had a dad who knew what my dad understood.
I trained as a nurse starting 1971, I was one of those who believed what I was told. I never really questioned , had my flu shot every year, believed I could trust “ the science”. I did have my doubts about this vaccine despite that. A person I trust did try to warn me, but I felt bullied by our government to take it, I also hadn’t found reliable sources. I warn everyone I meet. If I had a child today nobody would be stocking my kid the last 4 years I’ve been on a massive catch up learning curve
Yes, we’re a penal colony once more it seems. Actually, my question was more along the lines of - do you think the jab injured don’t want to talk about it? There must be many nurses now injured.
My RN sister, jabbed 5 times, suffered several strokes last year at 62. We stopped talking the year before because she thought I was crazy when I brought up the literature I'd read about jab injuries. Just trying to be helpful you know.
Please look up Dr. Peter McCullough! He has a solution to the vaccine injuries! Please look him up and follow his easy protocols. I've witnessed the healing of a young gal who has moved to get married, and I have watched a neighbor’s health improve. She's been on his protocol for nearly one month. Dr. Peter McCullough! If there are other doctors I hope you find one or please follow what Dr. McCullough says!
Julie, please look up Dr. Peter McCullough for cures to your vaccine injury! Please, his protocols worked. I've watched it personally several times. I have a neighbor who is getting better, and I told a family at church for their youngest daughter. She's well today and moving to get married! Please look up Dr. Peter McCullough! There could be other doctors who know of cures, but I personally know of Dr. McCullough.
I intend to I’ve been following his posts and the wellness foundation. Will try ang get appropriate advice on his protocols. Dr Ana Milhacea and colleagues have an interesting approach to the LNP NANNOPARTICALS and research into how many other meds they are putting LNP’s into- lots me Lantus insulin dental anaesthetics. Liquid budesonide. LNP ‘ s are the dangerois part of the cocktail.
10 Years ago you were told to lie about a contaminated product that may cause harm.
No wonder you are retired, that sort of corruption would drive me insane.
He's a good man, maximum respect as he was one of the very few pioneers speaking out from the start
The covid cabal put a lot of effort into vaccines on everyone. Covid is going to kill a lot of people anyway but they couldn't wait. https://wentworthreport.com/covid-the-parallel-history/
Covid was nothing but a bad flu.
Why do so many people repeat this incorrect idea? The clinical manifestations of severe Covid-19 are distinctly different from influenza.
No. They were not.
The TV doctors lied to that effect.
In practise, not one symptom that was characteristic of the claimed illness wasn’t also observed in other acute respiratory illnesses.
Peer reviewed journal articles do not support a distinct new illness.
That’s because there wasn’t one.
It’s all lies, deliberately bad tests and endless PsyOps.
That’s shows how little you know! The COVID-19 vaccine killed millions around the world, and their next vaccines will only get worse.
It killed a lot of children, whatever it was!
Frightening isn’t it. That some people can so easily decide that injuring others is ok, just for money. I’ve got a question for you Aussie17. Do you suspect that the likes of the TGA knew before administration that the jabs are toxic? I’m guessing most politicians didn’t know.
the people who work in TGA mostly delegate their decisions and accountabilities upwards or sideways (ie other countries like US should get it right). Its a very “collectivist” thinking. there are some who have doubts but dont speak up and hope for the best to protect their career/finance.
That’s the problem. The ‘collectivist’ mindset seen everywhere. People don’t seem to want to make up their own mind about something. I guess that takes effort. They seem to feel safer in herd movements. Less responsibility. But look where that’s got us.
The TGA knew Astra Zeneca went through the GMO office in Canberra but Pfizer and Moderna didn’t. Under FOI enough information has been obtained to more than suggest at least some of our politicians knew. I’m pretty sure the information is on deaths au stack.
Yes. They knew it was a GMO, but did they know of the mechanisms of harm outlined by Mike Yeadon?
If they didn’t know before roll out, they surely did shortly afterwards.
Also, key point: if what happened in Australia was anything like the USA, the regulators had NO ROLE whatsoever in “emergency use authorization”. The FDA conducted no review. There were no criteria for EUA other than a political declaration of a Public Health Emergency was in force and “Countermeasures” were protected by the PREP Act. That meant none of them can ever be prosecuted. They bank the bribes, look the other way and know they’re safe from legal action.
Remember there was no pandemic or real public health emergency.
These jabs were designed with the sole purpose of injury, killing & reducing fertility in survivors.
Mistakes Were Not Made.
Please watch this video by Italian chemist. It's shocking proof that all regulatory bodies knew. vimeo.com/807279310
Will do. Thank you.
Where is the video?
How could they not
They knew, but like so much of this dystopian horror show, they also knew that excuses for their actions were built in ... the EMERGENCY was that bad that any and all decisions had to be taken by bold actors, in other words the “you don’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs” argument. They thereafter just denied that any eggs had been broken, in fact those broken eggs had nothing to do with our omelette. In fact, “Omelette? What omelette?”
As devious and dastardly as this was, these apparatchiks in government and the TGA categorically knew before the roll out that these jabs were experimental and the long term safety profile was literally unknown. They willingly ignored this, as the intent was the rollout of the jabs, not the halting of the pandemic. They KNEW that their statistics about cases and deaths were a massive exaggeration. They KNEW that the jabs weren’t effective, but they advertised as such anyway because their roll out was the point, jabbing everyone was the point, obfuscating and hand waving was the strategy. Hell, the TGA’s provisional approval may as well just have been “these jabs have been approved by the EMA and the FDA so we’re going to approve them on that basis because Pfizer and Moderna are just so trustworthy.”
Yep. I watched Event 201 in horror to what I was hearing. It was early 2020 and the people. At the event were discussing the side effects of the jabs and how they would handle peoples reactions to them, including, encouraging them to continue jabbing even though people would get sick. I couldn’t believe my ears. Why in God’s name, I thought to myself at the time, would governments implement these ‘experimental vaccines’ knowing, full well, that they were incredibly toxic. I was convinced I was witnessing a round table of criminally insane psychopaths describing how they planned to eliminate quite a large portion of the population. None of them flinched at what they were saying. Fun Fact- I sent this info (showing the meeting) to friends and family. And they still went off and got the jab. I think that’s what scared me the most. Not the Plan, but our stupidity in the face of a clear and present danger. I’ve never been the same since. I must have a case of PTSD!
I compiled a useful dossier of what I considered to be useful information and data pointing out the bollocks about the pandemic and would share this with family and friends as I found it ... it was obvious to those who chose to see that this was a ruse and a psy op. All of it. And yet none would listen or even engage. I was a “conspiracy theorist” even when documents in black-and-white proved otherwise ... one didn’t even have to get into details like Event 201 to know this ... and everyone got jabbed and boosted anyway. And some have been unwell ever since. Oh well.
Yes. Those of us who are awake are living in The Twilight Zone. What an eye opener it has been.
My sister told me her whole multi-jabbed family had been sick for months.
That’s such a good description of it- The Twilight Zone! Been going on for 3+ years now and still, almost every day I’m in disbelief about yet another aspect of the crazy.
Yep. It doesn’t get better. It gets worse as more info comes out.
And they knew it would, but that the USA sheep would continue with the jabbing and not complain because they're more scared of being called conspiracy believers than of suffering lasting medical injuries.
Right. We've all got that. It's the nationwide pandemic now.
You misspelled paid us so richly.
Do you think doctors new or were gullible there were sessions where doctors jabbed people as well.
Michael Yeadon and Karen Kingston are the most credible people on malfeasance of this subject.
Mike's rhetoric is interesting.
There is a book called "Black Elk Speaks" in which Black Elk describes the evils done to the Nations since the coming of the White Man.
His rhetoric likewise is as much in sorrow as in anger. Above all it is simple and clear.
I remember in mid-2021, Mike Yeadon created a series of podcasts, "Planet Lockdown", in which he spoke about how the COVID policies and handling made no sense scientifically or based on what we know about epidemics historically. Yeadon figured out it was all a lie quickly and suggested we were standing at the gates of hell. That everything happening seemed to be about controlling the masses (for some nefarious reason, presumably?). Immediately after listening to this series, I did an internet search on Yeadon, and the media was already hard at work portraying him as a feeble-minded has-been, a former scientist whose apparent state of mental decline had turned him into a pathetic tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist...
I saw that too and laughed.
I think we, who see the truth, need to be more supportive of each other…The common enemy is clearly people aiming for power & Domination,USING
dishonesty, Fear, corrupted “Science” and immorality to get it…
(eg- “our safe vaccine and plan will save you all” )!…..
(from the diseases/crisses fabricated by them)..
To be effective in our resistance is imperative !…This will require we find common ground in our reasoned arguments…. We each as individuals are not ALL KNOWING and thus may have different ideas or beliefs based on what we have seen,
learned , and concluded since
10/18/2019 (Event 21
Committee’s planned COVID pandemic and take over SCHEME )( (ie- their “Great Reset” !
Who said what, about details, at any particular time, during the recent 3 year verbal media battles (during conflicting & confusing data reveals) is not as important as recognizing the Common Enemy and their DISHONEST TACTICS of Lying, Psy-ops, fake info in their personal attacks
aimed to discredit their political opponents … US !…..
It is, they are the globally cooperative DOMINATION SEAKERS……( think Davos-men).
Unfortunately history and the future have had & will have such humans who are “in it for themselves”. …seeking power….. Their frontal lobe dopamine driven “I want more for me” is unfortunately NOT countered by a brain perception that: care for others through ethical cooperation is actually
what will support the existence of the human species so we don’t cancel ourselves out …… a real possibility !!!..
History is full of such power/ dominance seekers who often are cunning enough to scare or convince followers to believe them !!!!! Humans have come up with ideas on how to counter balance such behaviors… The best successful plan so far has been an agreement to have a system (Society) with Checks & Balances against particular over-Dominant persons or groups…….
Most importantly based on RESPECT FOR
C'mon. Groups of people, the stuff of corporations: business, religious, foundations and governments, have more rights and powers than a single being, and because groups of people are hard to oppose or punish, they can get away with murder for any reason. A Swiss verein is even more powerful than that.
And that certain group in Switzerland....
War crimes. But the war is being waged by our own governments against us. How to structure a resistance, much less a pushback? It seems the normal thoughts about accountability are just faded vague memories.
We need guillotine for these people.
Thank you for telling the truth! We need more honestly in America 🇺🇸 instead of deceiving lies.
I wish Mike created his own Substack or started a Rumble channel
I have now started using Substack. Thanks for providing part of the impetus.
Super excited, thank you. I lost track of you for months. I followed Raoult, Perrone, Henrion-Caude and Montagnier (when he was still among us) from my home country of France. The censorship has been bad and it is also quiet in Canada where I live.