Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by Aussie17

It's trench warfare, the first few thousand have already been shot. Now so many heroes are pouring over the top we are making progress. The Great Freeset is winning people...

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Estimates of jab deaths range from 500,000 to a few million, easily. Injuries uncountable, lets say 100 million worldwide and counting. Dont forget to count the babies who are not going to be born because their would be mothers are dead or sterile.

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I've read there are 22 million dead from the shots worldwide. "Secrets of the UN": https://rumble.com/v29dvdc-secrets-of-the-united-nations-2023-calin-georgescu-documentary-video.html

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Thanks for posting. Saw a short clip from this interview and now I can watch it whole.

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Yes. Tragically, yes

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023

I like that analogy but first wave were killed by "friendly fire", and the opposite trenches are empty.

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Freestet vs Reset. Yes.

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I would love to meet him and shake his hand.

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This was very moving; it's sad to watch people ignore him.

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Here is my tweet to him... https://twitter.com/THRitchie728/status/1707414960333103546

I hope that the people of Japan will overcome this along with the rest of us on planet Earth. The enemy is very ignorant that this assault will be their own undoing. Their arrogance will not save them and they will soon drown in the same pool as we are. They are not any different from us and the awakening to this fact will make them shudder when they too will start to drop in numbers.

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The enemy never got vaccinated--read Real Raw News. https://realrawnews.substack.com/

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Time to take a dart gun or a blow dart gun and get them up to date.

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Bloody brilliant! Yes, indeed!

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Will saline jab injure them?

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Well the employees of the manufacturer had a completely different “ vaccine “ can’t remember if it was just Pfizer or Murderna too

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It was Pfizer. They admitted it during testimony in front of the Australian Parliament.

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he can reach more people around the globe & avoid censorship as of 09/28/2023/THU:



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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Aussie17


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Great admiration indeed. The six virus-origin questions are Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. In my latest article, I expound on each of these questions and ask how many of these questions have been definitively answered almost four years into the “official” pandemic.

Maybe one or two - maybe or “partially.” The “When” question has definitely not been answered and is still off limits to official investigators and the MSM truth-seekers. This scientist knows first hand "What" can't be said or "Who" can't be identified as a villain.


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To be accurate, the "when" is 6,000 years ago, when a race of unpleasant hybrids was created by clever geneticists in ancient Sumer. (https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2023/09/09/reptilian-agenda/)

But the concrete details were hammered out by 2010: https://open.substack.com/pub/dianabarahona/p/before-july-2020-the-president-of?r=wn91x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I don’t like twit/ x but I followed him in support

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It's so surreal the grievous damage the world governments are causing and it doesn't seem like they will ever stop.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Aussie17

The lonely are the only free. But first we will open our eyes. And try to make others see. But we can't as we was formerly blind. There is no salvation other then though truth and death alone. As we came into this world of pain and knowlegde. We will leave this place alone. This world and its worshippers will kill us. Because we are not out of this world.

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agreed. all about ascending Jacobs ladder


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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

God is not a God of disorder but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Many believe they can put order in her. But order are not the same as peace. Order and chaos is as night and day. As good and evil. We have to become the third state of being. Peace. The only way we can stop evils rule outside ourself is to become that evil. To embrace the full knowlegde or potential of all things evil. And then we can become orderly by free will. That is what love is. Us being the monster we really are who by its own control do no evil for nothing walks in the shadows.

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Only those not looking or the wilfully blind cannot see the truth now. The power structures still hammer away at the lie however and there will be no accountability. If you want justice I’d suggest you go get it yourself. There will be none forthcoming.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Aussie17

"... Doctor Danger..." : where you just take your eyes off your child for A SECOND & The Federal Government & ATAGI has kidnapped it, cut off its tiny, little dick, given it 72 needles, turned it into a drooling autistic spastic with a hot pink electric buttplug up its "back-pussy", doin' tricks for Channel 9...


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He's a hero risking his career and reputation to tell the truth and force real scientific and medical debate

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