I am part of the citizen team from the Lunas Pilipinas Coalition that is involved in this. You can also follow on my substack. supersally.substack.com The next hearing will be in the 2nd week of December, probably the 12th December. .

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thanks, pinned your post!

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Thank you, signed in as well, best of luck to you, and to us all!

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Aussie17

We will see how far this investigation goes, before the cartel sends some operators over there to bribe, threaten or kill them or family members..

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I’m staying hopeful but medical mafia

will try something to silence

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That swine Dueterte or whatever his name is had frequently threatened his population into taking the killshot. According to him, ivermectin was only used on pigs.

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I don't buy those numbers. My feeling is that many more people have died in PH.

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Yes, you are almost certainly right. They stopped counting 2021 deaths in March of 2022 - when it usually takes 12 months for completion of late registrations! Our team is also aware that the Government has a past history of stopping the count of deaths after a natural disaster when they got too high for comfort (ie. Yolanda typhoon event).

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

Surely total deaths, that is; all cause mortality will be the give away as it is everywhere?

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

This will be one to watch indeed. I wonder how soon the pressure will start to get that predetermined result that it was climate change. Probably should have read @SuperSally888 stack first. Seems the predetermined finding is already on the table, "Missed appointments", you would have to be a complete moron to buy into that root cause. 250m missed appointments in a two year period were the cause. Who are they trying to kid.

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Exactly. We are preparing a response position paper, based on forensic analyses of vital statistics data! Fun stuff!

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Young people do not usually do cancer screenings etc. I never did. I started around 40 or so. Many deaths are in young people so the missed appointments is absolute BS!

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It will be interesting to see them try and blame climate change.

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and yet AusGovCO, you know that mob on the hill calling itself AUSTRALIAN GOVERN-MENT, voted to NOT have any investigation into the shocking amount of EXCESS Deaths here in Australia;

nothing to see in Australia apparently where all 'health experts' agree, the leading cause of death in Australia is now 'unknown causes'.....

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It's because the gov is involve in the crime against humanity. Just look at how many of them we present in cabinet.

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It's pretty obvious the vaccines are the only common denominator. But because the government foolishly pushed this agenda they will NEVER admit to any wrong. It takes between 8 to 14 years to develop a vaccine. Not 6 months, unless you forego much needed biological testing.

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Ralph you are spot on, while I was going through the school of nursing in the mid 1990's my text books said 10,20, 30 years medicines are tested before they are given to the general public just in case they would harm anyone, no one never heard of six months. Drs. were paid off to inject the masses.

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If their “formal investigation” is anything like a “formal investigation” in the US, then it’s all just theater to appease the masses and will end up accomplishing absolutely nothing.

RE: Paul vs Fauci

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Dog and pony show...

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262,000 "excess" deaths? Someone needs to be tried and hung for this... How is this not a crime?

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I agree, hangings are necessary if we are ever to regain even the slightest trust that our "health officials" are not simply gangsters in the employ of Pfizer and Moderna:


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Everyone involved in this (I mean everyone) needs to brought to justice. No forgiving no forgetting. Yes the engineer that made sure the trains arrived on time to the camps were just as guilty as the guard who dropped the canisters Zyklon B into the showers.

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I agree. It's not just Pfauci, Collins, Bourla, and Bancel who must be tried and hanged, but _everyone_ who mandated it as well, including county "health officials", employers, university administrators, military officers, etc.

They are counting on safety in numbers, but they should not. It is the worst crime in human history.

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Uh oh… looks like someone might need a little “Democracy”!

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I guess they STILL don't know that the cause is the vaccines. Hundreds of studies, tons of evidence has been shown to prove that the excess deaths are caused by the bio-weapon vaccines

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Ang jab ay responsable.

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"shocked" .... try NZ and Australia, where the authorities and medical mit-wits are simply "baffled."

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