Out of Spec. I said it back when these Plasmids were found.

OOS is the way to fight the vaccines, the industry, and its proponents.

Disregard whatever effects plasmids can do, the simple irrefutable fact is the product is out of spec, and therefore must not be distributed. Concentrate all efforts on that simple truth, and go for the easy win. Other wins may follow, I am hoping like dominoes.

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Looks like your comment drew in the trolls. That says your comment is most likely correct - and is quite threatening to the Cartel. Interesting straightforward approach. I think Aussie said much the same thing. Maybe we should just focus on that clear message? The trolls (indirectly) say yes.

I wonder how many plasmids the 10-mouse booster has? Is it still manufactured using Process 2?

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Never feed the trolls.

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OOS indeed. That means very poor quality control at best. Back in October 2021 if not earlier, it was discovered that examining the contents of the vials under a microscope revealed foreign matter of largely unknown origin. That alone is more than enough to halt the entire "vaccine" program immediately pending investigation, if not shut it down permanently. If this was ANY other product it would have been taken off the market immediately.

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Not sure if OOS is the way forward? It's a reductive way of explaining it, but hasn't the emergency use / countermeasure given the cabal the green light / indemnity in that respect? If I understand Sasha's work.

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OOS is one way. its all country dependent. not sure about the countermeasures since its DoD/ USA specific. all countries have their own set of laws. 20 years ago, I had a colleague, a pharma country manager who worked in Riyadh. he was given 24 hours to leave the country by the royal family before they bury his body in the dessert - law of the land!

We had to send a private jet to take him and his family out.

world is very complex with many moving parts.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Country specific, great point. I used to think it was as lucky as you'd get living in Australia, no chance of getting buried in a dessert. Well....until I nearly ended up in a covid detention camp.... 'tis a crazy planet, that for sure.

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There is no Covid- all tests are fraud Dr. Saeed Qureshi explains here www.bioanalyticx.com

there is no Contagion study this site www.VirusTruth.NET

ALL SHOTS harmful from sudden infant death to Autism to Alzheimers to Cancer! No just these CON SHOTS

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stop spamming the comments section with the "No Virus" theory.

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Dr. Qureshi raises some good concerns. Still, it should be kept in mind that he is well known to have schizoaffective disorder. He's usually okay when he stays on his meds.

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I have no firm position on "no virus" issue but comments like yours lend no credibility to "your side".

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My only side is the side for The Children

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aussie17

... the children we inject with multiple poisons to protect them against many imaginary or invented pathogens? If children are your priority, you would do well to delve deeper into the no-virus issue, but I'll stop there out of respect for the author of this substack whose focus is not on this issue.

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i dont mind the discussions on “no virus”. The other guy was spamming the same response on *every* thread and putting up an external link.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aussie17

One wonders what % of the vials have this DNA in it..... what % of the public received that and what % of them showed a DNA transcription into their own genome. Sounds like a dystopian horror movie, government mandating an injection that actually modifies peoples DNA!? It also sounds like a consistent narrative from many of us for 3 years.

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It is a Horror Show.

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www.VirusTruth.NET this Mr Phillip created a fraud test - there is no virus no pandemic no contagion ! read Dr. Tom Cowans book Contagion Myth.

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stop spamming the comments section with the "No Virus" theory.

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People with advanced degrees are only now coming to the conclusion we came to in early 2020: the people running the system shouldn't be trusted. Just like those 3 skyscrapers that imploded at free-fall speed in 2001---it ws right in your face, but only one or two of the so-called educated people saw it.

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Fantastic, thanks for sharing this.

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stop spamming the comments section with the "No Virus" theory.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thank you for this link. It is stunning.

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more stunning There IS NO VIRUS- www.VirusTruth.NET/?ref=Cowan

read the Contagion Myth for details !

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stop spamming the comments section with the "No Virus" theory.

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I think this is a great testimony. I love the southern accents and a bunch of SC legislators playing dumber than they actually are. Why the white coat though? What is this theater? He is not in a lab.

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He's wearing the white coat on purpose, Sasha; to garner respect. Yes, it is theater. I'm not a big white coat wearer because it scares the hell out of the children I am going to be doing open heart surgery on. But if I ever get the chance to testify before Congress about my early discoveries of the IFR, why lockdowns could never work, my proof that we reached herd immunity to the Wuhan strain without a single person vaccinated or to present evidence that the virus was released deliberately and by whom, I will be wearing my white coat and I hope you'll be right there beside me, testifying as to your discoveries too.

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i am happy to testify at any opportunity I get. I simply abhor any theatrics.

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I'm with you normally, Sasha. However , as good as we can feel about winning the intellectual and moral battles hands down, the sad truth is, we are losing badly, the war. They are moving ahead with their plans as if they did not- excuse the expression- get their asses handed to them. There is absolutely no shame on their part. If you or I had been so thoroughly humiliated by being proven wrong over and over again, we would don a disguise and catch the first plane out of here and stay hidden for a few years at least. But that's our sensitivity speaking.

The people who created the nothing burger called Covid-19 don't care that we just mopped the floor with them. They're not going to let that get in their way. So if a little theatrics is necessary for Senators to take notice of the horrible things I am prepared to say about the organizers of this evil crime, so be it, even though I, like you, abhor the practice. But these are extraordinary times and extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

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No theatrics are necessary. And we are not losing, we are winning, we have won, hands down with anyone who is not outright a moron. and wearing a white coat while saying "vax is good for older people" does nothing, it's pathetic actually.

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I hope you're right. Again, I agree with you re the white coat. If you're referring to what Dr. Buckhault said, yes, he made some mistakes in his testimony such as, "the Covid vaccine did a pretty good job of keeping people from dying" and "(the Covid vaccines) stopped infection but that only lasted for about a month." No and No. In fact, I proved the vaccines were not blocking infection exactly one month and one day after they were released (on January 15, 2021).

My reason for saying we're losing is, we've uncovered all this obviously purposeful criminal activity from fraudulent trials to stochastic murder and yet not a single person has been questioned under oath in the Senate except for Fauci (who lied) and the hacks who wrote the Proximal Origins Opinion piece which, itself, was a big lie. Talk about pathetic! Did you see that testimony? Ralph Baric has been giving taxpayer-funded technical secrets to Zheng Shi Li for years Why has he never been called in? The only thing they've done, save for the two I mentioned, is bring in doctors from the non-Narrative side who were wrong on most of it at the beginning. Why don't they bring in you or Dr. Mike Yeadon or any other of my betters? No, they're just going about their merry was as they have for 50+ years with these fake "pandemics", not holding a single person accountable.

I could list 500 people who need to be brought in for questioning and I did in my book. As far as I'm concerned, we lose if no one pays the price for what they did.

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He came straight from the lab and didn't have time to change. 😉👉

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Aussie17

Thank you.

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Great testimony, although he's way too gracious with that Hanlon's razor, imo

Kevin McKernan has been talking about this for about 8 months now (+ how Pfizer used different testing methods for RNA & DNA, the EUA and the FDA wasn't too bothered by it) and he even testified about this at June 16th FDA meeting... has there been *any follow-up? We all know the answer. So Henlon's razor my ass

Philip also repeats the original sales pitch about modRNA being gone in hours/days... how about the Cell paper that found modRNA in germinal centers (and *rarely outside of GC) 60 days after 💉... is that ok just because it was (mostly) contained to GC?

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I agree with you. He’s been way too charitable but maybe that’s his way of getting this out without being shut down as an antivaxxer. In any case the powers that be could have stopped the rollout with the elderly but they forced it onto young mothers, children and babies and now the harm is being passed down the generations.

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Once he started speaking out inconvenient truth, they're gonna try and shut him down as an antivaxxer whatever he says or does. Been there myself and seen it way too many times. They even call the vax injured antivax 🤦‍♀️... I mean they literally went and let themselves (or their children) be injected with an experimental product, ffs..doesn't get much more provaxx than that. Do the fanatics care? No. So you might as well call a spade a spade.

Also... this take about how we could have/ should have only injected the old people... NO, many elderly have died after the shots, these shots were/are not safe for anybody. Yes, it's worse pushing it on pregnant women and kids bc of the risks for future gens but I believe we need to call out the dangers of these shots for any age group

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Dr. Buckhault is not aware of what has gone on behind the scenes. Sheftall's Razor applies here: "Never attribute to stupidity what can easily be attributed to malice." and, no, I don't have it backwards.

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I have always found Hanlon's razor based on ... nothing, except treating everyone as idiots. People in power are not idiots, otherwise they wouldn't be in powerful positions. And they might even be less likely to have good morals too.

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So please spread the word about Sheftall's Razor. It is more true than Hanlon's any day of the week.

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Damnit I went to google Sheftall’s Razor !

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Haha. I'm not there yet.

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Please stop wasting the time of those with some level of basic research and clinical integrity - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1986720/pdf/nihms27563.pdf

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I'd be interested to know the number of sv40 promoter sequences in the vials tested. Has this been done already?

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No way. This man’s either on some shady payroll of them or maybe he’s just brainwashed like many are. For him to say there was no nefariousness, cmon that’s beyond ridiculous.

Maybe too many ppl are finally waking up to this depopulation, and they put one of their own in there, to shuttle the blame on a sequencing error. And things are gonna go on as usual, them injecting ppl with this hideous new and improved experimental vaccine. This has got a lot of holes in it.

Just cause he’s got long hair and is wearing a pendant doesn’t make him a rebel.

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You could have stopped call them "experimental vaccines" after the billionth dose, but after over five billion?

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So this Mr Phillip is responsible for developing the fraud test? and creating this fake pandemic

labeling everyone with an illness they do not have- All Covid tests and virus tests INVALID bec no reference sample ! which is needed for any test to be validt.- Look up Theronos their CEO is in jail for creating fraud blood test ! Co vid Does not Exist! Flu LIKE symptoms are the body Detoxing poisons! No contagion! www.VirusTruth.NET Read Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan and VirusMania by Dr. Samantha Bailey! All about CV Test Fraud www.Bioanalyticx.com

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stop spamming the comments section with the "No Virus" theory.

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