Over the last few days, we have seen a few high-profile cancer deaths, the latest (at the time of publishing) being Tatjana Patitz succumbing to breast cancer at age 56. These are just high-profile deaths eleven days into 2023!
I’m not contributing all of the cancer deaths to the vaccine. One of my favourite actress Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer just one month ago, and she was not vaccinated. Juventus star Gianluca Vialli has battled cancer for over five years.
But there must be something happening, and we need to talk about it because the government authorities and the mass media are simply sweeping these stories under the rug!
Even pro-mRNA vaccine Cancer Expert Prof Angus Dalgleish has sounded the alarm.
And what about the pro-mRNA, renowned Belgium immunologist Dr Michel Goldman who wrote a case report about how his cancer rapidly progressed after the booster shot?
These are not your typical “anti-vax” doctors, but they promoted and championed the mRNA shots in the early stage of the Covid Pandemic.
Now, sceptics may argue that these are anecdotal evidence from two professors and some over-sensationalized screenshots that could happen in any given year.
Let’s look at Hard Data
Here’s what I did.
I went to the Australia Bureau of Statistics and downloaded the data from 2015-2021 and the provisional dataset of 2022 (Jan-Sep) and merged them. Then, I took the average number of cancer deaths from 2017-2019 as a baseline and compared it to 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Here are the monthly cumulative excess death from 2020 to 2022.
In 2020, before the COVID Vaccine Rollout, the cumulative number of cancer excess death hit over a thousand in November 2020.
In 2021, it hit a thousand in May 2021. (Vaccination campaigns started in Feb 2021)
In 2022, it hit a thousand in April 2022.
There is an acceleration in cancer deaths, and these numbers are not attributed to COVID-19. Here’s the number of COVID death in Australia.
What is truly scary is that Cancer Deaths are a “lagging indicator”; we do not have the data on Cancer Diagnosis, and right now, we have to depend on anecdotal evidence. People don’t die immediately of cancer after diagnosis, but you hear oncologists talking about it. Here’s Dr Ryan Cole talking about his encounter with the Chair of Oncology in a large hospital.
“I usually have an aggressive brain cancer in a young patient about every decade or so. I’ve seen five in the last month!”. These are cancer incidences, and they don’t appear in the Cancer Death stats; as I said, cancer deaths are a lagging indicator!
We need to be vigilant about this.
Whether you are vaxxed or non-vaxxed, cancer is accelerating at an alarming rate in the last two years.
Perhaps it is chemicals being sprayed in our skies, or the 5G towers. Or maybe the excessive usage of Apple Airpods in recent years? Who knows? Check out the radiation emitting from those Airpods.
Consider this, before the acceleration of cancer, it was estimated that 1 in 4 died of cancer (source: Eurostat, 2016).
So, if you live in a household of four, look around you and realize that chances are one of the household members will die of cancer.
So what can we do about it?
First, please do your research; this is not medical advice.
With Cancer, prevention is 100x better than cure!
Big Pharma loves Cancer because it is the most profitable therapeutic area, and they hate talking about cancer prevention. I explained how cancer drugs are priced in PharmaFiles #7.
Here are some of my personal favourite strategies to prevent Cancer.
It’s hard to explain everything in detail, but you can easily do some search to find out more.
Just be aware that if you visit any “Cancer association”, “Wikipedia”, or any other “Official Sites,” they will probably debunk it because Cancer is such a lucrative business for Big Pharma. They spend a lot of money to control the narrative, as I explained in PharmaFiles #8.
By far, my favourite cancer prevention tip: is intermittent fasting.
Watch this 2 mins clip about the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 2016.
And watch this excellent talk from Dr Valter Longo about fasting if you have 20 minutes.
A daily thirty minutes walk under the morning sun.
Natural Vitamin D and melatonin regulation boosts your immune system in many ways. A robust immune system kills/repairs any damaged cells before they turn cancerous. Melatonin is also a potent antioxidant.
If you take Vitamin Supplements, make sure they come from whole foods. There are a lot of synthetic vitamins on the market (approximately 95% of what you see on the shelves). Synthetic vitamin supplements are cancer-causing.
Here are some supplements with cancer-prevention properties. (Thank you to all the replies to my Twitter thread on this topic).
Turmeric (curcumin) and black pepper capsules
Blushwood berry extract
Black Seed Oil
Anthocyanin (Blueberry Extract)
Frankincense oil
Cat’s Claw
Vitamin B17 - Apricot seeds
Essiac Tea
Apple Cider Vinegar
Do I take all of these supplements daily? Of course not! It would look silly and not to mention expensive. It’s not a good idea to take too much of anything (for example, turmeric causes liver damage if over-consumed). Moderation is key.
I do supplement cycling. For example, I’ll take Blushwood Berry and Turmeric/Black Pepper for some time, switch to Black Seed Oil and Artemisinin, and then switch them back and forth.
But if you feel good taking Apple Cider Vinegar daily, then why not?
Be aware that supplements are highly unregulated compared to Pharmaceutical grade products. I avoid buying them in bulk because I never know if they come from a low-quality or lousy manufacturing batch. I’ve seen Pharma-grade products going “out of specs”, so I am pretty sure they often occur in vitamins and supplements.
Some recommendations from my Twitter Thread on Prescription products like Ivermectin, HCQ, and CBD Oil are not available off the counter. Here are a few more of these products.
@pastoratyyc This is not medical advice. Everyone should consult their health professional For solid tumors Fenbendazole Ivermectin Hydroxychloroquine Fenofibrate (melanoma) Low dose naltrexone D3 This is not medical advice, consult your Health provider, hospital, insurance compI am pretty sure I missed out on some things. Please comment below and share your stories!
Don't know if still case (and if applies to any other jurisdictions) that any cancer treatment in the US is illegal other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Such restrictions can't be ethical given amount of deceit behind cancer research/drugs. Oncologists don't tend to advise patients chemo/radiation have long-term effect of encouraging new tumour growth. Maybe they should say, "This is what I recommend. While there're strong risks, benefits will be worth it. However, I predicate this statement on the fact that it is based on what I know and am aware of. There may be other treatments that are safer, but I don't have knowledge of them." I'm not being facetious. I'm trying to point out that when people face a crisis, they are desperate to have hope, and possibly they are looking in the wrong places.
Decreased incidence of prostate cancer with selenium supplementation: results of a double-blind cancer prevention trial
prophylaxis for people with normal PSA: 75% risk reduction.
38% reduction in cancer incidence with 2000 IU vitamin D supplementation for normal BMI
60% reduction in African American men with vit-D deficiency
Overweight/obese condition increases cancer incidence by (sometimes) factors of 2 or 3.
Zinc: The Wonder Drug for the Treatment of Carcinomas
Cancer cells downregulate zinc, because zinc is cytotoxic to them. Author suggests using zinc + ionophore. He has a lot of in vitro data, and a case study. He can't get a trial funded. Looking at his "paper trail", he's been building this hypothesis for two decades.
Not medical advice. Just some things I read. Agree about things being "debunked" because cancer is so profitable. My plan: Vit-D ~ 50 ng/ml, selenium, quercetin + zinc, time-restricted eating (16:8), BMI=24.