As expected, there are lots of data drops this week. As more data comes in, the battle of narratives will intensify. At this moment, we have already passed the point of no return.
Those who have chosen to vaccinate multiple times would have already done so. Those who are unvaccinated will remain unvaccinated. There is no chance for someone who is unvaccinated after two years of coercion to decide to vaccinate today.
The reason is that the hard data is only dropping on one side. Everything else is just the other side creating a narrative for them to sleep well at night (and to delay prosecution) after getting quadruple vaxxed.
The world no longer wants vaccinations, as you can see below. The remaining ones planning to take it are just bonkers (Australian slang for crazy.)
The Battle of Narratives
As more data drops in the coming weeks and months, we transition into the next phase, where governments try to explain why they were getting record deaths in 2022. We are not simply talking about record deaths; for most countries, it will be the highest increase of deaths ever recorded.
The problem with most data is that they need to be matched with vaccinations, and most countries are not doing that. The countries that released vaccination data by death (i.e. ONS UK) are simply fudging the data through various means.
I will watch closely how the Singapore government explains the 58% increase in Perinatal Infant deaths (babies dying less than seven days of age). It appears to be the first Real World Evidence of infants dying who are born to vaccinated parents.
Meanwhile, what is a week without another major U-Turn???
Alan Dershowitz appears to make a U-Turn in the clip below.

Lawyers are interesting people (to phrase it nicely). They can argue both ways. For example, one could say that Alan Dershowitz was explaining the US Constitutional law.
But then again, you’d need some personal convictions to write a book on “The Case For Vaccine Mandates”.
Fortunately, not all lawyers speak from both sides of their mouths. For example, we have Matthias Chang, a prominent lawyer from Malaysia who used to work as the political secretary of the Ex-Prime Minister Dr Mahathir in the early 2000s. Matthias has been on the right side of history since Day 1 and deserves some recognition.

He made criminal allegations against Malaysia’s Director General of Health, also the Chairman of the World Health Organization (WHO) Standing Committee on Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response.
Matthias is no stranger to taking on corrupted giants. In 2015, he took on Prime Minister Najib Razak in the 1MDB Scandal. As a result, he was sent to jail and went on a hunger strike.
Fast forward to the year 2022, Prime Minister Najib Razak was sent to jail.
Updated Aussie17’s U-Turn Tracker⟨™⟩
Anyway, let's update our U-Turn Tracker⟨™⟩ and add Alan Dershowitz to the list. I want to emphasise here that the U-Turn Tracker⟨™⟩ is not meant to embarrass anyone on the list. When I was working in Pharma, one of the Key Success Factors in measuring how narrative changes was to maintain a list of Key Opinion Leaders (the general public calls them "influencers" or "social media influencers"). But Key Opinion Leaders are an objective metric that we use in Pharma. You can read about how we influence and groom Key Opinion Leaders in PharmaFiles #3.
Alan Dershowitz
*may not be u-turns but they just came out publicly.
Except for Dr Aseem Malhotra, everyone on the list made their U-Turns between December 2022 and February 2023. On top of that, you see some celebrities like Woody Harrelson and Bill Maher talking openly against the narrative. Maybe some Hollywood TV Producers got vaccine injured and allowed this to happen?

Signing off for now,
Ahhh yes...Dr Carl & the Australian Propaganda Board's youth national radio station. Ask Dr Carl a question, on Triple J! Yay.
"The clotshot is really, really safe. Warp Speed Science is how I got my Phd" 🤔 Really?
The Australian Broadcasting Company is a captured institution, conquered by marxist revisionists. It spews BigPharma lies into the ears of Australian youth, poisoning both body & soul.
If Dr Carl does his job 🤑🤑🤑 many young Aussies will be short lived, gay, sterile mules, jussst like the NWO wants.
5th shot, Carl, ay? Your clock is ticking. Go to Hell.
Excellent summary!