The Normie Report
I am a ‘normie’. I hated it when certain friends kept saying to me that I need to ‘wake up’ and they kept calling me a ‘normie’. I’d think to myself, ‘no way I want to ‘wake up’ and be an anti-vaxxer
I received an email from a subscriber (Mikel Roda), who was previously considered a "normie." It's a compelling, albeit lengthy, read, and I'd like to share it with you. It makes for a pleasant read to start your weekend – feel free to share it with your "normie" friends too!
Happy Weekend!
The Normie Report
I am a ‘normie’. I hated it when certain friends kept saying to me that I need to ‘wake up’ and they kept calling me a ‘normie’. I’d think to myself, ‘no way I want to ‘wake up’ and be an anti-vaxxer like them’.
2020 was difficult. I’d chat with friends/family and try to work out what the heck was going on, but by the middle of 2021 it was pretty obvious that getting vaccinated and helping society was an obvious and ethical thing to do. Pretty much everyone at my work was lining up and we all wanted life to get back to normal, so I joined in too. I resented the people that wouldn’t just get a vaccine, and were kicking up all this fuss (at work) so much so that some of them were actually fired and lost their job. These were great people. I couldn’t understand why they would choose to lose their job and career instead of just getting a vaccine that would actually keep them from getting sick and dying from covid. This was how I felt at the time, but my entire perspective changed almost 180 degrees in 2022 when a good friend suddenly dropped dead while riding their pushbike home from work.
Personally, I had no major problems from the covid vaccine, but I sure saw several people at my work getting sick and then when my friend dropped dead, casually riding his bike home, the trauma that caused was just awful. He was married with two kids, super fit and somehow he just had a heart attack. His funeral was hugely traumatic, as his young wife and infant children were just so sad. I will never forget how sad that funeral was. The sounds coming from her body were terrifying and those poor kids had no idea what was going on. A friend at the funeral sort of said to me ‘told you those vaccines were dangerous’ and I have to say, I could have punched him in the face. How dare he say that, there.
The funeral really had an impact on me and I started to read a few things people had emailed me. Things I would have previously just ignored or deleted. An email came through about ‘died suddenly’ and heart attack stuff and that really was a moment I remember reading it and just thinking ‘why isnt this on the news!’. I read more and more of these sorts of things, started listening to podcasts on Joe Rogan I started to think ‘holy shit’ by about Christmas 2022. I guess I started to ‘wake up’ as these people were saying.
It was really confronting to start and question ‘the news’ and the govt health advice as potentially lying to me. I’d been a long-time subscriber to ‘The Age’ and had never thought that their content was anything other than well researched and trustworthy. That changed for me in 2022, particularly after the ‘Twitter Files’ dropped, where I could see clear as day that yes these vaccines were causing people a lot of problems. I couldn’t believe that ‘The Age’ and others news channels were not reporting it and it made me dig deeper and try and understand how this giant ball of information of ‘alternative media’ was just not covered at all in the mainstream press. It was all over Twitter, but barely a whimper in ‘the news’ and online through Facebook or LinkedIn. It did not take that long, perhaps a few weeks of questioning ‘the news’ and the governments ‘health advice’ and I became hugely alarmed. I still am.
Recently, some friends who used to label me as a 'normie' have now started claiming that I've been 'red-pilled,' a term I was unfamiliar with and still don't fully understand. However, what I do know is that I am deeply concerned, and I have lost trust in 'the news' entirely. In fact, I believe they purposefully deceive us and essentially serve as a promotional platform for their advertisers. A brief five-minute research session reveals that mega-corporations like Pfizer, with a staggering weekly revenue of around one billion dollars, wield considerable influence over both the media and governments. It's alarming to realize the extent of the financial and political power these pharmaceutical companies exert.
In 2022, a paradigm shift occurred for me, and my perspective on the world has fundamentally changed. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to the days when life was more pleasant, and I could watch 'the news,' trust the government, and share similar beliefs with my colleagues. However, that's no longer the case. Many of us at work are now alarmed, and this number continues to grow each day. People are expressing frustration over feeling coerced into getting the vaccines to maintain their jobs, leading to a sense of discontent with the government's approach.
There are more and more people getting pissed off, yet from my perspective (now) the whole thing is so dark, so interconnected and almost unstoppable, but I have hope in the goodness in humanity and in people and my intention for compiling this sort of ‘report’ is to help someone else to be brave. By brave, I mean, to question your version of reality. That was so difficult for me to do in 2022, to question ‘the news’ and contemplate that maybe our government is not what I thought it was. I feel a bit silly for not having seen it immediately when, in Australia, our government started telling me what I could do, like literally communist-like telling me I couldn’t go here, do this, visit my mum in another part of the country. I actually can’t believe I went along with ‘all that’ and knowing what I know now I am ashamed that I mocked people who wouldn’t wear a mask or get the vaccines, for in my mind (today) they are the real heroes who somehow saw through it all.
It is my hope that, through this ‘report’, people will start to smell the alarming stench of gov’t over-reach, govt/media lies, pharma fraud and that they are prepared to ask questions… open up a bit, reach out to friends who saw through the lies of 2020, 2021 and join with them in unity…for the people who saw through the lies want nothing more than solidarity and resistance against the obvious evil that is taking over our once democratic way of life.
Admitting you were wrong about the lockdowns, the masks, the injections ‘saving us’, is really quite a giant leap for most, but it is the primary step we need to take to help heal the divide. I remember how vulnerable I felt when I made that leap in 2022, it was horrible, but I am fortunate that I had a few friends around me that encouraged me and, today, I have plenty of people who can see all this stuff I am about to write about. So here goes.
The injections did not save Australia, or any other country, from covid. Look at the unvaccinated countries that had no problems with covid and please, be alert to who lied to us – and how that made us behave to friends, family and the community. I am ashamed with how I behaved and happy to admit it. I have apologised to certain friends and actually thanked them for trying to alert me back in 2021. I simply wasn’t ready at the time.
The populace, en masse, was brainwashed into believing ‘govt health advice’ that had no basis in scientific reality. There is an 70 to 80% probability that you are a member of the public that went along with the herd of lies. Most people did. I did. Knowing what I know now, the whole thing was a lie.
Now, today, is not a time to rest or plead ignorance, no. I truly feel there are a lot of people, like myself, that find the whole global situation traumatic and are choosing to live in denial as a coping mechanism, like ‘nope, no way that is happening’ because they are just too scared, too fearful to actually think about it, to process it and to ultimately accept it. There have been a lot of lies. It is a lot to ‘take onboard’, a lot to process. Be brave.
Note: This next bit will make many people want to stop reading, but hopefully you have the strength to soldier on.
Today is the day for more people (who realise they have been lied to) to acknowledge they were deceived, to put the boots on and join in the resistance to gov’t tyranny, for governments have immediate globalist plans for a sort of permanent enslavement via DigitalID and central bank digital currencies that will control every aspect of our life, including how we are allowed to spend our own money. I know! I know some people will read that and think ‘oh here we go, another conspiracy theorist’ but please I am begging people do not just turn off when you feel that twist in your guts, that pang in your chest, in your heart, that what I am saying somehow threatens your sense of security and reality. Please, the world is in such a dire situation right now and if you cannot feel that, then something might be wrong inside of yourself. DigitalID and what the central banks are working on with the tech companies really is as bad as you can imagine. Stay with me.
When there is a plethora of lies and evil, like there is/was, there are swarms of conversations that create a sickly mess that is confusing and overwhelming to filter through. This report is difficult to write, but I am trying to put it into as simple of terms as possible. I am walking away from my computer now to bow my head…say a prayer to God and I hope that I am empowered to say this as best I can… for you.
The situation is not that complex. Facts and fiction. The reality is, that the injections won't stop people catching the viruses and that thread of conversation is merely one in a sea of medical truths that were revealed by what I am calling ‘the silenced doctors’ (scientists) in 2020. Once you know, you know. In 2022 I started reading about this cardiologist in Texas called Peter McCullough and another bloke named Aseem Malhotra in the UK, as I was trying to work out how my healthy friend (at work) dropped dead from a heart attack while gently riding his bicycle home. Once I heard of these doctors I started to realise there are actually thousands of them and they have been protesting the ‘govt health advice’ since late 2020.
I remember after I got my first covid vaccine I thought ‘ok, I have done my bit’ and I thought it was all over. But then we needed to go and get a second dose…which I did, as I was committed to join with everyone else and end this pandemic. I still vaguely remember when the media (and govt) changed the narrative to 'you can still catch it, but won’t get chronically sick and die' if you take the new mRNA technology injections. I also remember people at work who had two or three doses getting covid and getting very sick and it made me wonder how much worse they would have been if they had not received all the vaccines and boosters. Today, in 2023, I don’t think about it like that anymore. Quite the opposite.
I remember when the advertising was ‘you have to get the injection to protect grandma’ and I remember thinking what sort of evil scum wouldn’t want to protect their elderly loved ones? I sort of despised people in 2021, the anti-vaxxers, who were somehow quite happy not to care about the elderly and just get a damn jab. How hard can it be! I don’t think about it like that today, no. Just the other day we were all reading about how the European Medical Association (EMA) admits that, in print, as do other gov’t regulatory groups, the mRNA injections do not stop transmission, and they never could. They knew this at the time of the injection rollout, as did thousands of the ‘silenced doctors’. Why isn’t it in the news?
The truth is actually what the ‘conspiracy theorists’ were saying in 2021, that the covid mRNA injections do not stop you; catching it, passing it on, getting ill, or dying. That is the truth.
I remember when the actual government mandates were 'get the injection and stop the spread in your community...... OR..... lose your job'. Thousands of people who resisted the injections lost their job. I know a teacher, a nurse and an ambulance driver who lost their job. The nurse was the most alarming to me. I remember her saying something like ‘I have seen people we have injected with the vaccine come back the same day looking really unwell, there is no way I am getting it.’ At the time I just couldn’t believe a story like hers was not on ‘the news’ and if it wasn’t on ‘the news’ then it must be wrong.
Knowing what I know now, I can’t believe I couldn’t see how awful it was. What happened to these poor people, nurses and teachers and firemen who lost their jobs? Did they have to move out of their homes and into a tent? I actually don’t know the answers to so many questions like this and it definitely wasn’t on the news. I know plenty of people who have died since 2021 and none of it is on the news either.
My mum kept saying to me in 2020 that the vaccines need to be tested for years and years because they can get it all wrong, it can cause birth defects years later and all sorts of other problems. She was concerned when the vaccine was rolled out, but she took it anyway because she thought she was about a 50% chance of dying if she caught covid. At the time I had no idea what was truthfully going on, I wish I did. My mum and other older friends were terrified. Some of them still are.
I remember back then how it seemed (or the media made it appear) like there was no possible way to treat this covid thing. It wasn’t like other viruses where rest, vitamins and anti-virals were recommended. It was just ‘stay at home and wait for the vaccine’. I did not know this at the time, but I do now, that in 2021 the governments changed the definition of what a vaccine is… when they realised the covid mRNA injections do not stop the infection, or transmission. How blatant is that! How was that not on the news!
I don’t want to go on and on about the vaccines and covid. What is happening in our world is deeper and more intricate than that. Once I realised the injections were dangerous and that the media had knowingly collaborated with the government and technology companies to completely eliminate any alternative viewpoints, everything started to make more sense. I don’t expect the news to ever actually report about any of this truthfully, knowing that they are owned by the very companies profiting off these lies.
I remember when the World Health Organisation declared the global pandemic and the Infection Fatality Rate of 3.4% in March 2020. That is a horrible number, it would mean 300 million people would die. It made me feel like there was an
Armageddon-like pandemic. However, knowing what I know now, these WHO people knew by mid 2020 it was nothing like that bad. They knew it was less than 0.5% by mid 2020 and that number kept trending downwards. There are many sources of information to read that the governments knew by mid 2020 that it wasn’t that bad. Why wasn’t it on the news?
This next bit is really disturbing. They started testing the vaccine on March 20th, (2020) less than a week after they declared a pandemic. The Department of Defense in the USA pushed $50million to Johnson & Johnson to begin the testing. It is almost like what came first, the vaccine of the viruses?
When they rolled out the vaccine in Australia in early 2021, ‘the silenced doctors’ knew it was dangerous, from Pfizers safety trial itself. Industry insiders know that pharmaceutical companies have teams of data experts trained in fudging numbers to make trials look favourable for their new product. Having a company like Pfizer with weekly incoming revenue of roughly $1, 000, 000, 000 dollars is incomprehensible to most people. This is big corporate money. One Billion dollars per week.
Pfizers ‘safety trial’, anyone could read it when it was finally made public after lawyers took the pharma company to court...The company (Pfizer) got help from the FDA (govt) to hold back that safety data for 75 years. That is like the government said to the company 'we can see your drug is killing people but we will help you keep that information out of the public for 75 years'..... is what happened. Apparently, some lawyers, Aaron Siri and others and a bunch of doctors and scientists worked really hard through early 2021 to get that information released in USA court, via Freedom Of Information (FOI) requests. The ‘safety trial’ information was out in May 2021.
At the time, apparently thousands of ‘the silenced doctors’ and millions of individuals in the ‘freedom movement’ started sending the unredacted Pfizer ‘safety trial’ data around to people, warning them...... and people, amazingly, even though they could read it themselves were like 'oh its fine'. I sort of remember myself, that people at my work were saying ‘you need to wake up’, and ‘have you read the Pfizers safety trial’ and I remember thinking they were slightly mad and that if there was anything of interest it would be on the news, in The Age newspaper and definitely on the ABC. I was so naïve.
The news…In my head I always thought we live in a democracy where the mainstream media questions, probes and debates government decisions on behalf of the people and the public. I thought that was happening in 2020 and 2021, I truly did. It is quite clear that, in fact, what was happening is the media was a sort of trumpet for government and supporting everything they said. The dissident voices were not evident. In fact, the non-conforming journalists, writers, doctors, academics, individuals and organisations were actually de-platformed off the internet via, what my computer nerdy friend calls ‘technocratic brushstrokes’. This de-platforming and censoring was, at the time, heavily supported by the government. It still is. Perhaps even more so.
I did not know this at the time, but it makes sense now. Doctors in some countries (like Australia) were warned (by Ahpra) that they would be de-registered if they created ‘vaccine hesitancy’. Apparently Ahpra are a government regulatory authority and they sent a letter to every single practitioner in Australia in March 2021 warning them. You can read that letter online somewhere it is called their ‘position statement’. It really upsets me that so many doctors just went along with it, but also I’d love to know all the doctors who didn’t. Apparently a bunch of them, in Australia started a movement called the ‘Australian Medical practitioners Society’ (AMPS). I did speak to a doctor in 2023 who said he was de-registered in 2021 and has been working as a painter, painting houses since. How crazy is it to think there are doctors, nurses, ambulance, and other medical professionals who lost their jobs over this and the news never reported on it.
I think most of us, by now, know that millions of people were removed from social media platforms. Most of us know that the technology companies are pretty awful, unethical, mine our data, sell our data, create addictive platforms, promote division, addiction and that causes mental problems like anxiety and depression in many people.
Normal people are wilfully ignorant, or in denial. I was one of them. How did I get away from that? It is a question I ask myself often. I think it is some sort of a spiritual awakening, a collective in society, an uprising and I am very grateful to now feel part of that. I want to use it to help rebuild and heal society and I am sure many others feel the same way.
The masks don’t work..... Yeah, I used to wear mine everywhere! You do some research into it and realise that, yes, the doctors had studied this for decades. They, top shelf respiratory illness scientists and virologists were pointing to the data from decades of studies....that masks don’t work to stop transmission of airborne diseases. The doctors who were saying that in 2020/21 were shot down in the media and de-platformed off social media. Yet they were telling the truth.
Sadly, there are hundreds of topics in this quagmire of lies, that it is too thick and too boggy to know where to begin in the long journey to justice in what many are calling ‘the greatest crime ever committed.’
Some, who now are distrustful of the government, the ‘official numbers’ and the regulatory systems are also deeply concerned about the pointy end of the judicial system in many countries. Is justice even achievable or do we need to dismantle the systems and rebuild them? Many people in the sort of ‘resistance’, the ‘freedom movement’, whatever you want to call it, the ‘antivaxxers’, the conspiracy theorists…many are deeply concerned about why the paedophile list in Australia and the Jeffrey Epstein list in the USA is not being made public and investigated. Apparently there are some really influential people on those lists. The whole thing is dark. It is evil.
Talking about our poor innocent children, I won’t go into why the pharmaceutical companies needed to have their covid vaccines injected into children, to further enable their liability shields. It is also, too dark. Not to mention the Gov’t decisions during covid that damaged a generation of children through missed education in the peak of their developmental years. Mental health problems sky-rocketed in prevalence.
In hindsight you would think a lay person in health advice would know that a scared and fearful public is prone to sickness. The masks indoctrinated the public into the fearful mode, promoting weakness and ill health. On top of all that, the govt health advice stripped the public of their basic routines, further exacerbating the stresses, like a perfect concoction to aid a sick and weak community. How could they get it so wrong? Locking healthy people in their homes, isolating people from their families and friends is also well known to accelerate health problems both physical and mental. The script writes itself, but one wonders who wrote that script? The World Health Organisation seem to be central in all of it and apparently they have a big meeting in May 2024 to get all the UN countries, all 195 of them, to sign on to a global treaty for the next pandemic, where they again will direct countries to do as they say. Surely that raises alarm bells to most people? Does me! They, the WHO, stuffed covid right up and I don’t trust them anymore.
In a strange way, the Western governments have shown the public that democracy is ultimately a charade.
I remember thinking, when I was a ‘normie’, that there is no way that the government would do that to us? That there was no way they would deliberately cause us harm. Clearly they did though. Sorry if I sound so depressing. Looking back, it seems like our government basically said ‘do as we say or else’! Where is the democracy in that? Did we vote on it? No. Will we get to vote on these new technology currencies? These new mass surveillance technologies? No. 'Do as we say, or else' should be their new mantra....and everyone who complied basically pledged a vote for communism and a new globalist autocracy that is sweeping the planet. That is how I see it now. I am ashamed that I complied.
What will happen next, when there is a second wave of compliance testing? Forcing people to do things they don’t want to do? What will that look like? Will I do it? I fear there will be very little choice. But the more people who say NO, the more chance we have to avoid it, or at least delay the inevitable.
So, we get to 2023 and anyone can see it all now......but people in 'camp normal' just don't want to know about it, can't pucker up the strength to see the extent of the lies, censorship and victimisation of millions of people, and they show next to zero compassion for the vaccine injured and the grieving people who watched their loved ones drop dead after the mRNA injections. Perhaps if one of my friends didn’t drop dead suddenly I would still not see all this stuff. Be brave.
In 2021, we didn’t have covid in Australia really. They rolled out the injections and quite quickly the hospitals were overwhelmed with admissions, and they were not covid admissions. The hospitals were not overwhelmed with covid. You can see that data too, in South Australia, they had to fight the courts to get this information.....took a year or more!
What does it say?
It says a lot of people were having heart issues in 2021 and going to hospital. Before 'covid' hit there! Many people in South Australia had those problems after being jabbed, there were ambulances being called out all the time, and cardiologists saying 'never seen anything like it'. Same was happening in other parts of Australia, and the world.
You can hear WA premier saying they have hospitals overwhelmed in 2021, not covid
Recently, the WA data was finally released via FOI requests from lawyers. It too says BAD!
And no, none of it is in 'the news', so all the 'normal' people don't think it is real. Modern people, whether we like it or not, are a by-product of what we read on facebook/instagram/linkedin and 'the news'....their 'trusted source of information. All of which is heavily censored by….wait for it….the pharmaceutical companies that have literally sat down with big tech and gov’t to ensure what information you can/cannot see on those platforms. Does Twitter offer a refuge of freedom of speech? To a degree, yes, but in some ways no. Elon Musk knows that companies that have an income of $1, 000, 000, 000 per week are companies he needs to be aligned with, especially if he wants to sell Twitter and make it a public company.
Millions of brilliant minds have been censored, silenced and ultimately removed from these social media platforms, including Twitter. In 2020/21 most of ‘the silenced doctors’ and their science peers were removed for covid talk, vaccine scepticism and questioning the govt health advice on masks, lockdowns and mRNA technology. By the end of 2021 that censorship started to spread to topics like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), the eating of insects in the food supply, questioning climate change and the CO2 narrative, election fraud, war crimes and a plethora of other subjects. It seems covid was just a testing ground for online censorship. It has been exponential since, with a sort of communist-like level of censorship sweeping in to most countries.
The eating insects thing is so weird!
Normal people don't seem to care about the 15% excess death increase in Australia through 2022.....not covid excess deaths, no......just an extra 500 Aussies dying every week.....a plane load of extra Aussie deaths every week and nothing much in the 'news'..... Similar ‘excess deaths’ are occurring in the UK and many other western countries.
Was there any discussion on the Astrazenneca vaccine being banned in Australia? I took two doses of it. I remember reading about what an altruistic company they were by giving their vaccines away for no profit. Truth is they made millions of dollars from their benevolence and the vaccines I took were far too dangerous (they cause blood clotting) and were banned. Not in the news!
There were studies and proof of the damage to teenage hearts from the mRNA tech by mid 2022. Not in the news!
The reason many countries refused the injections was entirely due to the lack of liability of the manufacturers and these African countries had seen many problems from medical experiments previously. Incidentally those ‘unvaccinated countries’ didn’t seem to have many problems with covid.
It is futile for 'normal' people to keep burying their heads in the sand and pretending it did not happen. It did. Pretending it did not happen might be a good ploy for your own individual autonomy and mental health, but what about all of the people who are aware of the evil in it all? People that have taken this on, by the horns, and fought for our freedoms, and been aware of it for 3 years.....the whole way through this charade.
The attack on our democracy and freedom is far from over, in fact it has only just begun and if we do not unite against DigitalID and the incoming Central Bank Digital Currencies, then the next generation is doomed into a digital dystopia that would make George Orwell turn in his grave.
There are many things not discussed in this report. In fact, while writing it I realised I am ‘red-pilled’ and what that actually means. As stated, the quagmire of lies is too thick and deep to know where to begin. Subjects like ‘early treatment protocols’, the lies about ivermectin and other re-purposed medications that showed efficacy….the Nuremberg Code….the Great Barrington Declaration…the banning of #naturalimmunity…. The Zelenko Protocol… March 2021 letter to the EMA….Dr Kary Mullis and the PCR Test…Event 201…Agenda 2030…The Abandonment of Long Held Pandemic Response Protocols…The Milgram Experiment….World Economic Forum…Bilderberg Group: Committee 300….Climate Lockdowns…Gender Agenda….World Health Organisations ‘Global Treaty’ ….Collapse of the US$....De-centralised currencies…Swing to Right Wing Political Ideology….Spiritual War….Excess Death…Fertility Rates… …Mainstream Media Extinction….Revelations
In hindsight, it amazes me that these doctors wrote to EMA in March 2021 with their concerns. They are heroes.
People can read more about what the World Health Organisation want to do going forwards. (we need to stop it)
How do we fix this mess?
I am choosing to stand upright, with purpose, and aligned with other like-minded souls, and I see our future 'shoreline of wonder' is warm and loving. Accepting that there is an assault on our democracy is a big pill for many to swallow, but I hope my ramblings have helped somehow. I choose to remain anonymous because some friends at work would totally hang shit on me if they knew it was me! I just want more people to realise there is a major problem in our world and we need to unite and join together to shine a collective light onto these shadows of darkness, to expose the evil and bring it to justice.
I want to close with some lovely words, for the people who feel like the ‘black sheep’. But before that I just wanted to point people to Dr Mike Yeadon’s telegram channel here, and the other channel that has been hugely helpful is this website,
Words from Bert Hellinger
The so-called black sheep of the family are, in fact, hunters born of paths of liberation into the family tree.
The members of a tree who do not conform to the norms or traditions of the family system, those who since childhood have constantly sought to revolutionise beliefs, going against the paths marked by family traditions, those criticised, judged and even rejected, these are usually called to free the tree of repetitive stories that frustrate entire generations.
The black sheep, those who do not adapt, those who cry rebelliously, play a basic role within each family system, they repair, pick up and create new and unfold branches in the family tree.
Thanks to these members, our trees renew their roots. Its rebellion is fertile soil, its madness is water that nourishes, its stubbornness is new air, its passion is fire that re-ignites the light of the heart of the ancestors.
Uncountable repressed desires, unfulfilled dreams, the frustrated talents of our ancestors are manifested in the rebelliousness of these black sheep seeking fulfilment. The genealogical tree, by inertia will want to continue to maintain the castrating and toxic course of its trunk, which makes the task of our sheep a difficult and conflicting work.
However, who would bring new flowers to our tree if it were not for them? Who would create new branches? Without them, the unfulfilled dreams of those who support the tree generations ago would die buried beneath their own roots.
Let no one cause you to doubt, take care of your rarity as the most precious flower of your tree.
You are the dream of all your ancestors.
- Mikel Roda
Mikel (his pen name) email:
if anyone wants to chat with him! He’s happy to hear from more people!
Poor soul, doesn't know how bad things really are.
Pharma doesn't own government. The same people who own the money supply own Pharma. And the government. And academia. And the police. And the military. And secret services. And the justice system. And Big Tech. And Big Food. And the media.
They own everything, including the most visible faces who the recently awakened look up as heroes. McCullough. Malone. Malhotra. Campbell. All of them. None will tell you virology and all vaccines are pseudoscience . No virus ever has been proven to exist. Isolation methods are a fraud. Transmission never proven. Lies behind lies behind lies.