The Evolving COVID Narrative: Emerging Evidence, U-Turns, and Resignations!
and will Pfizer continue to delay bad data?
I apologize for the lack of updates. I needed to take a break from the entire medical fiasco and gain some fresh perspective. One of the reasons I created this substack was for self-reflection. It's important to occasionally revisit my previous thoughts and assess if they have evolved in light of new facts. I'm more than willing to admit when I'm wrong.
Unfortunately, things have only been accelerating in the wrong direction! So, what has happened in the last six weeks?
The deaths of four Singapore Airlines pilots within a span of two weeks (between May 11th and May 26th, 2023) is truly astonishing. Two of them passed away due to cancer.
Singapore Airlines holds a special place in my heart. While I was stationed in Singapore, I regularly traveled with Singapore Air as it was the only "home" airline for those working in the country. It was one of the perks of being in the pharmaceutical industry, affording me the opportunity to accumulate close to a million miles annually with Singapore Airlines. However, I made the decision to stop flying in recent years due to the implementation of "vaccine passports" by many countries.
Let me share something that has been troubling me for a while. In 2019, I was still employed by one of the manufacturers of COVID vaccines. During the middle of that year, while our department was working on the travel budget for 2020, we received a directive from higher-ups to cut our travel budgets by 60-80%. Having worked in the pharmaceutical industry for nearly 20 years, this was the first time such a thing had occurred. I can't help but wonder about the timing of this significant travel budget reduction, just before the entire world went into lockdown. It seems like someone already had knowledge of what was going to happen.
If you've read my tweets, you would know that I don't subscribe to the idea of "depopulation plans," as executing such a plan on a global scale would be incredibly complex. I believe that this entire situation is more a result of "collective human stupidity/greed" rather than a secret group of ultra intelligent globalists sitting in a dark room plotting to reduce the world's population. Nonetheless, that's just my perspective. It may not fully align, but not everything in life has to perfectly fit together.
Moving on, the deaths of four Singapore Airlines pilots are deeply saddening. A close friend of mine, who works as a commercial airline pilot, has shared firsthand information with me, indicating a massive cover-up.
We now know that the FAA recently made some changes to the regulations concerning EKG standards. In short, the reason behind these changes is that many pilots who have been vaccinated are not passing the EKG tests. So, did the FAA modify the EKG standards in order to grant pilots clearance to fly? If you're interested in understanding the scientific details, Dr. Scott Jensen provides a clear explanation here.
This situation reminds me of when the Singapore Government abruptly altered the definition of "stillbirth" in June 2022. It raises the question of why they would change the definition without also revising the historical data associated with it. [SOURCE]
Anyway, let’s move on. Over the past two months, several noteworthy developments have taken place.
Firstly, the Cleveland Clinic Study has undergone peer review and been published. It reveals that individuals who are vaccinated have a higher likelihood of contracting COVID. It's worth noting that when this study was initially released as a pre-print last year, those in favor of mRNA vaccines criticized it for lacking peer review.
Here are the findings of the study:
One dose: 2.07 times more likely to test positive for COVID
Two doses: 2.50 times more likely to test positive for COVID
Three doses: 3.1 times more likely to test positive for COVID
More than three doses: 3.53 times more likely to test positive for COVID
If we compare this study with the Real World Evidence from the final week of the New South Wales COVID Report (which ceased publication for reasons unknown!!), we can observe certain similarities, such as a correlation between increased vaccination rates and higher hospitalization rates.
In May, another peer-reviewed study was released, suggesting that multiple shots of mRNA vaccines may offer reduced protection against COVID-19 and pose potential risks of autoimmune diseases, myocarditis, and cancer.
This paper holds significant importance due to the reputation of its lead author, who is a prominent figure in the field of biology and biochemistry. As one of the most cited professors in biology, his expertise and credibility add weight to the findings presented in the study.
So, more vaccinations = more covid infections, cancer and autoimmune diseases. Is that all?
Unfortunately, no, so please bear with me a little bit more.
A couple of months ago, Kevin McKernan sequenced the COVID vials and found DNA contaminants in the vials. I wrote about it here.
Kevin’s findings shook many people, even the pro-MRNA doctors (I mean the stable ones, not the military/pharma-paid propagandists). Here’s an example:
This particular doctor believes that these DNA contaminations caused death from myocarditis. I can respect that; at least he acknowledges it is possible.
The question is, are these DNA contaminants widespread? As I said, Kevin made his work transparent and reproducible. So far, at least three independent labs worldwide have replicated the findings.
Thanks to Josh Guetzkow’s investigation, we now know that Pfizer used a new manufacturing method because they needed to manufacture vast quantities of vaccines quickly. In fact, in the initial Pfizer trial, only 250 participants were given doses based on the new manufacturing method. That process was eventually used to manufacture vaccines for the rest of the world! Imagine that!
And what’s happening to Jamie Foxx?
One of the things I learnt in my corporate life is that “good news often travels faster than bad news”. For example, if you are expecting a promotion, your boss usually can’t wait to break the news to you. They will tell you off the record as soon as they know about it. However, when you ask for a salary increase and if it doesn’t get approved, your boss will delay the news as long as possible.
What has this got to do with Jamie Foxx? Well, let me say that if the vaccinations had nothing to do with Jamie’s hospitalization, I am pretty sure that it would have been all over the news on day one. But now, it has been two months (he was admitted into the hospital on April 12th), and the only information we received was an indirect statement from a “representative” claiming that it has nothing to do with the vax. Of course, the representative would say that to protect Jamie’s career. Otherwise, he would be out of a job.
Jamie himself has yet to make a statement, and Peter McCullough had a private conversation with him and urged him to come out and warn the public. Hopefully, Jamie does the right thing instead of doing a “Damar Hamlin” by announcing that he had “Commotio Cordis” after three months. You don’t need three months for that diagnosis.
More U-Turns and Resignations!
We see continued instances of U-turns and resignations. For example, Richard Dawkins, who previously made remarks mocking unvaccinated individuals for metaphorically "releasing rattlesnakes in supermarkets," has now expressed uncertainty about his previous stance on vaccination. He states that his "conventional wisdom on vaccination... is now not entirely clear that [it] was right." This change in position demonstrates a shift in his perspective on the matter.
Furthermore, Mark Zuckerberg, who has faced criticism for ongoing censorship on Facebook, has acknowledged that the information surrounding COVID-19 has become more debatable and has proven to be true in certain cases.
Let's add them to our U-Turn Tracker⟨™⟩.
Again, I want to emphasise that the U-Turn Tracker⟨™⟩ is not meant to embarrass anyone on the list. When I was working in Pharma, one of the Key Success Factors in measuring how narrative changes was to maintain a list of Key Opinion Leaders (the general public calls them "influencers" or "social media influencers"). But Key Opinion Leaders are an objective metric that we use in Pharma. You can read about how we influence and groom Key Opinion Leaders in PharmaFiles #3.
Richard Dawkins
Mark Zuckerberg
*may not be u-turns, but they just came out publicly.
I am sure there are many more that I missed - please fill free to share if you are aware of any! I may have to create a dedicated page for U-Turns and Resignations!
More Resignations
In addition to the U-turns, there have been several resignations occurring, with some speculating that these individuals are stepping down preemptively to avoid scrutiny. One recent example is the sudden resignation of Brett Sutton, the Chief Health Officer of Victoria, Australia.
It is worth noting that Melbourne, Victoria experienced one of the longest lockdowns in the world. Some emerging evidence suggests that excess deaths may have been caused by the lockdown measures implemented, as well as mandatory vaccinations.
So, will Pfizer continue to fudge the data?
Pfizer's subclinical myocarditis study is due for completion in two weeks. Remember FDA suddenly delayed this study's deadline by six months. It was expected to end in 2022. Remember what I said about "good news often travels faster than bad news"?
Until then, signing off for now.
I have not paid any money to read this post that, quite clearly, would have taken hours and hours to write and compile....but I feel it is my duty to critique this post, in hope that people will read my comment and maybe (holds breath) swindle 2 or 3 of your readers over to my substack where I too post quality content, for free, in a hope of saving humanity from the inevitable demise.
my critique is as follows;
- you really should intersperse your content with either funny cat memes, or some other comic visuals to keep the readers placated with humour to amplify your content and its ability to sink in.
- the big words you used weren't big enough to make me stop reading. I enjoy the feeling of discombobulation when reading. To really hook me as a reader, I need words that I completely don't understand embedded throughout the text for this makes me feel like I am some sort of psuedo-academic and assists me in my civilian life when having discussions in public, or online, to think of myself as far superior to others. So, make your words bigger and more confusing next time.
note: If you succeed at this, I will have to open a new window and have a dictionary running at the same time.
- you write too much fact and research and lack in the sort of sensationalist click bait headlines I am more accustomed to and it is for this reason that my 2 minute 23 second attention span was disempowered reading your article.
- finally, your post lacked repetition. Some of the core points you only said once. I prefer reading things that repeat the key phrases at least 5 times, for when I am finished reading the article I can almost remember what that one core point is.
So, in conclusion, work harder next time and I may just pay money and subscribe if you can make your posts more to my liking,
Dont beat yourself up though, be smart and work out how pharma can create a new medication that will enable you to laugh at my criticism above. If you can't find that, I can recommend several relaxation techniques, and breathing exercises but you will have to subscribe to my 'paid' substack to read them.
Elon Gates,
Nice read Aussie.
Your 20% travel budget cut in 2019 struck a chord with me.
Early in 2019 the corporate that I worked at in the healthcare industry did something eerily similar. They held a closed meeting at company headquarters with C-Suite globally flown in on 36 hours’ notice. All attendees were made to sign an NDA and not disclose the details of that meeting. Shortly after, the company went through a series of cost efficiency exercises including terminating non-billable staff, reconciling software products used for internal operational processes & VP approval required for any business travel. I think they were anticipating a big market crash in 2020, which was absorbed by COVID & the stimmy check printing…
Perhaps your pharma employer was expecting the same economic/market turbulence?
As a counter balance, I would read the below Kisseneger inspired policy & realize nothing is beyond the realms of the possible…