PharmaFiles #8
An Illustration of How Big Pharma Controls Narratives Because of the "Speed of Science™".
At a European Union Parliamentary COVID-19 committee hearing on Oct 10, 2022, MEP Rob Roos asked Pfizer's President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, "Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share this data with the committee?"
Ms Small responded, "Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No, uh, these, um, you know – we had to move at the speed of science™ to understand what is taking place in the market."
The video clip below
In this chapter of PharmaFiles, I will reveal what *really* is the Speed of Science™ using another example.
Many of my friends are surprised when they realize I eat 4-5 eggs daily. They'll ask me, "Aren't you afraid of Cholesterol?". At the same time, they also get confused because I worked in Pharma, and I know quite a bit about diseases, especially around cardiometabolic conditions, because during a point in my career, I was managing a Cardiometabolic portfolio. My customers were mainly cardiologists(i.e. Heart doctors), renal specialists(i.e. kidney doctors) and General Practitioners, so I interacted with many doctors in this area.
The thing is that, in recent years, many people have adopted the Ketogenic Diet or Carnivore Diet and have gotten excellent results. Just a brief explanation, the Ketogenic Diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet. People on Ketogenic Diet take very high-fat diets - like bacon, steak, cheese, avocados and eggs. The Carnivore Diet is similar, where they only take meat.
It is very paradoxical for some people because they automatically think, "What about Cholesterol?".
So, let me explain to you what happens behind the scenes of Big Pharma, and this understanding will clear up much of the confusion around Cholesterol.
The most important thing is to define what BLOCKBUSTER Drug is.
Like BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES, a BLOCKBUSTER Drug is defined as a drug that pulls in Revenue of at least 1 Billion Dollars a year!
When a drug does 2 Billion dollars a year, in Pharma, we call it a "Double Blockbuster drug". If it does 3 Billion dollars a year, we call it a "Triple Blockbuster Drug".
Generally, the more money a drug makes, the more marketing budget they have to control the narratives. This is because the mass media (anything from TV stations to newspapers to radio stations) rely a lot on Pharmaceutical advertisement revenues.
Now in 2006, Pfizer's drug Lipitor made almost 13 Billion dollars. That is a 13X Blockbuster drug during that year, and this is only a single year. In contrast, the highest-grossing Hollywood film, Avengers: Endgame, only made $2.8 Billion.
Typically, 20-30% of a drug's revenue goes into Marketing - such as buying advertisements and getting Celebrities and journalists to write about how bad Cholesterol is. With peak sales of 13 Billion, they had a massive war chest at their disposal to buy off everyone, which created a narrative that "Cholesterol is bad".
So what is Lipitor? Lipitor is a drug that belongs to a class called "Statins", aimed at reducing Cholesterol, no wonder they wanted the who world to fear Cholesterol.
When a drug loses its patent, the sales typically drop 50-70% because many generic drug manufacturers, particularly from India and China, start making generic versions of the drug. They sell the drugs at very low prices - 10-20 % of the original Lipitor because the cost of manufacturing the pill is meagre.
Lipitor's patent expired in 2012, and you can see that the Sales of Lipitor immediately dropped following the patent expiry.
When the sales drop, the Marketing money shapes the narrative drops as well!
Before 2013, much money went into shaping the narrative that Cholesterol is bad, and many studies were designed to show that Cholesterol causes heart disease!
When Lipitor's patent expired, the money to build narratives dried up! Suddenly, there was a shift in public knowledge. Cholesterol is no longer evil; people have discovered it doesn't link to heart disease. After 2013, you began hearing about diets like Keto diets because the narrative stranglehold on bad Cholesterol was released because there is no more money to be made!
In case you would like to hear it from a scientific point of view, here is a video of Dr. Aseem Malhotra in his talk about Statins, titled “Too Much Medicine & The Great Statin Con”
Once you understand how money shapes narratives, it will be clear what shapes the narratives in our Post-Covid world.
So what is the highest-selling drug in 2022?
Yes! The experimental COVID mRNA vaccine is projected to make $32 billion, and its sister Paxlovid is in line to generate $22 billion. This does the entire business for COVID over $54 billion for the year 2022 alone!
That's a combined 54X blockbuster, and it is something unseen in the history of Big Pharma. This is why every government authority and media personality is falling in line to drive the narrative.
To get a sense of how much 54 Billion is. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe starting with Iron Man 1 to Avengers Endgame, made only 28 Billion in 10 years. Pfizer's COVID franchise will be pulling almost twice that amount in ONE year alone!