Leaked Pfizer Memo
Project Veritas released a leaked document today that confirms Jordon Walker indeed works in Pfizer, so there is no question there now. I said it when the video was released, the conversation had too many nuances that you cannot make it up from the outside.
I also mentioned all employees would get a one-pager memo with all kinds of wording, and they expect this memo to get leaked.
You can read the rest of my commentaries here.
Pfizer on Red Alert!
Recall that the recent Rasmussen Poll reported that at least 1 in 4 Americans (28%) believe that they know someone who died from the vaccines, and 49% believe that the vaccine is causing significant harm.
Understand that these are the same people working at Pfizer. Pfizer has approximately 80,000 employees. Based on this poll, around 20,000 Pfizer employees know someone who died from the vaccines, and about 40,000 Pfizer employees believe that the vaccine is causing significant harm. There will be more because if you work within the company, there will be a lot of water cooler chats happening, and these people know something is wrong.
There will be a lot of internal communications to prevent people from speculating on Pfizer. They will hold town hall meetings to reassure employees that the vaccines are safe and effective. The problem is that with side effects and deaths increasing, the momentum will keep going against the internal (and external) narratives.
CDC data (as of 6th February) shows that only 15.7% of eligible Americans took their booster dose, meaning more than eight out of ten Americans are not in a hurry to get the booster. Maybe they are having doubts?
An Alert to Pharma Insiders
Pharma Insiders, especially those working at Pfizer, need to take extra precautions if they intend to leak internal documents. Pfizer is on Red Alert right now and actively monitors employee activities.
They must understand that Data Loss Prevention (or DLP) has kicked up several notches.
What is Data Loss Prevention?
When I worked in Big Pharma, we occasionally got a "DLP Alert" from the Data Loss Prevention or Cybersecurity Team.
This alert happens whenever an employee shows inconsistent computer usage behaviour. For example, if they suddenly download a massive number of files from the in-house file servers or send many documents to an external email. There are many triggers, but it is mainly designed to catch inconsistent behaviours.
When something like this happens, the supervisor of that particular employee is called in to evaluate the files and emails they copy or send out. Yes, every single file and email is recorded, including the location, date and time. I have attended many of these meetings where an employee did something that couldn't be explained, and they were fired on the spot.
I am not an IT person, but here are some triggers that I'm aware of
Every email is tracked, including the senders and the recipients. For example, if they are sending to a monitored email like Project Veritas.
Every document is tracked, and keywords are searched within those documents - if they contain sensitive Keywords of such as financial information, mRNA adverse events etc.
Every printout done on company printers - for example, the leaked Memo looks like a printout captured with a camera. I hope they didn’t use the company printers to print it.
Every time someone copies files into an external hard drive or copies them to external cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Files.
One way to circumvent these DLP measures is to use a personal phone to capture the images from the computer screen.
If you are a Pharma Insider or know someone who is a potential Pharma Insider, please be aware of these in-house monitoring systems. Please help me share this with your friends (or anyone intending to blow the whistle on anything)
Will there be more Pharma Insiders / whistleblowers?
If excess deaths and adverse events continue to increase, we are bound to get more leakages from Pharma Insiders. Most are still willfully blind because it protects their job security and prestige. But, there will be a time when choosing ignorance becomes overbearing, especially if someone loses their close ones because of vaccine injury.
I aim to encourage and educate more people because I believe the entire Pharma Industrial Complex / Healthcare will collapse. With more people educated on the curent pharmaceutical and healthcare system, we have a chance to create something better in the future.
Celebrating small successes
So meanwhile, I would like to celebrate little successes with everyone. Since I started this substack just over a month ago (on Jan 4th), it has grown to over 1,500+ subscribers. And I especially want to thank the 33 paid subscribers; they helped me pay some bills since I have stopped working for a more than two years. I also want to thank those who took the time to write me a personal message and those who shared my content! It brightens up my day!
Signing off for now,
I think that your posts (and twits) are extremely interesting! I cannot do anything on the paying side because I have no pension and I am taking care of 55 children in a monastic school in Nepal :) Only in socks they cost a fortune! :) :) :)
Every doctor, I question the motives, I question the medication, I question the side effects. I no longer trust ANY Australian doctor or nurse. I must SEE the label of every vial they wish to admininister. I have SEEN the original ATAGI letter. These filthy swine think they're fkn magicians, nope, y'all just whoes for BigPharma. Iatrogenic Genocide is practiced in Oz. Beware.