The German Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, has finally admitted mRNA vaccine injuries this week. This is a significant development because, so far, all major economies have denied or brushed off vaccine deaths and injuries.
In Japan, for example, on the same day that Karl Lauterbach admitted vaccine injuries, Japanese MP Hirofumi Yanagase spoke out about vaccine damage claiming that there have been over 2,000 recorded deaths recorded after vaccination, but the Government admitted only one.
Here are some of the Highlights of Karl Lauterbach’s interview.
He admits there are severe disabilities, some of which will be permanent.
“First of all, what’s happened to these people is absolutely dismaying, and every single case is one too many. I honestly feel very sorry for these people. There are severe disabilities, and some of them will be permanent”
He claims severe adverse events happen in less than 1 in 10,000 vaccinations.
But I should also point out, just so I don’t leave a false impression: severe vaccine injuries happen in less than 1 in 10,000 vaccinations, according to the Paul Ehrlich Institute or the European licensing authorities
This statement is untrue. According to data from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, or PEI (that’s what they call the Ministry of Health in Germany), it is almost 3 in 10,000 vaccinations, and it is widely known that adverse events are highly underreported (estimated to be by a factor of 4 times).
Even if we take Karl Lauterbach’s conservative estimate of 1 in 10,000, people who have double jabbed and boosted (3 vaccinations) have a chance of 1 in 3333 severe adverse events. Don’t forget that vaccines have been recalled for less than 1 in 10,000. The closest comparison would be the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 that was recalled because of the increased risk of 1 additional Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) per 100,000 people. [SOURCE]
On top of that, German Health Insurance companies are reporting 1 out of 50 vaccinated people are unable to work due to side effects [SOURCE]. This is way more than 1 in 3333.
Eventually, the truth will come out. It is impossible to hide it if people do not attend work. It has a ripple effect on every layer of society. This is a shit-hitting-the-fan moment!
The interviewer asked him why he claimed the vaccine was entirely safe in the summer of 2021. He admitted that it was an exaggeration in a misguided tweet.
Interviewer: Why did you, Mr Lauterbach, still claim in the summer of 2021 that the vaccines had no side effects?
Karl: Well, that was an exaggeration that I once made in a misguided tweet. But it wasn’t fundamentally my position. I had already commented very, very often on the side effects of vaccinations.
The tweet that he was referring to was this:
His stance before his u-turn was more than a simple tweet. He once told a group of unvaccinated health workers: “Your contribution in the past two years has been worthless.”
The interviewer then mentions the first lawsuits are pending against BioNTech. They talked about the liabilities of BioNTech vs Governments. BioNTech is protected mainly from liabilities under the framework of the EU Agreements. As I said, we are in “Lawsuit season”, and there will be many concurrent lawsuits. One of the lawsuits is against the President of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who made secret deals with Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla. [SOURCE]
Finally, Karl Lauterbach emphasized that he didn’t negotiate the contracts but inherited them. So he throws his predecessors under the bus and crafts a personal defence. He knows something bad is about to happen.
First of all, I didn’t negotiate the contracts; as far as my office is concerned, I inherited them, and I believe that it was due to the situation at that time that people wanted to get the vaccines as quickly as possible, and so the state assumed liability. Maybe that was the right thing to do, because it’s better for the state to be liable than to have to go through long settlements or lawsuits with companies.
Karl Lauterbach’s admission will pave the way for other countries to admit vaccine injuries. It is a catch-22 situation for most because they coerced their citizens to take a harmful vaccine, and it is a matter of time before the walls will close in for these people. There will be justice. This is not simply a bank collapsing and people losing their savings and deposit. An estimated 13 million have died from vaccinations and 9 million from the man-made virus, as I mentioned in this week’s Pharmafiles update.
Signing off for now!
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